List of Brazilian scientists
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This is a list of Brazilian scientists.
- Adib Jatene, heart surgeon
- Adolfo Lutz, physician and pioneer of public health
- Alberto Santos-Dumont, aviator and inventor.
- Antônio Rebouças Filho, pioneer engineer and urbanist
- André Rebouças (1838-1898), pioneer engineer, brother of Antônio Rebouças Filho.
- Aristides Leão, physician and physiologist, discovered Leão's depression, a phenomenon of the nervous tissue
- Aurélio Buarque de Hollanda, historiographer and linguist
- Carlos Chagas, physician and biomedical scientist, discovered Chagas Disease.
- Carlos Chagas Filho, physician and physiologist, former president of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Son of Carlos Chagas.
- Celso Furtado, noted economist and ideologue of economy of developing nations
- César Lattes, experimental physicist, co-discoverer of meson-pi, a kind of atomic particle
- Eduardo Krieger, physician and physiologist, current president of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences
- Ely Xavier, young researcher, won the national Cientistas de Amanhã prize in 2006 for your study on lead-exposed children
- Ennio Candotti, physicist and scientific leader
- Euryclides Zerbini, heart surgeon, pioneer of first heart transplant in Brazil
- Evandro Chagas, physician and biomedical scientist specialized in tropical medicine. Son of Carlos Chagas.
- Florestan Fernandes (1920-1995), father of Brazilian sociology
- Gilberto Freyre (1900-1987), historiographer and sociologist
- Henrique da Rocha Lima,
- Hércules Florence, pioneer of photography
- Isaias Raw, physician, biochemist and scientific leader
- Ivan Izquierdo, physician and neuroscientist, discovered neural mechanisms of memory
- Jacob Palis, mathematician of international fame
- Jorge Stolfi, computer scientist, nowadays professor at UNICAMP
- Johanna Döbereiner (1924-2000), biologist of international fame, discoverer of the nitrogen fixation role of soil bacteria
- José Aristodemo Pinotti, physician and gynecologist, former president of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics
- José Goldemberg, physicist, former Minister of Science & Technology and Dean of the University of São Paulo
- José Leite Lopes, theoretical physicist
- José Lutzenberger (1926-2002), ecologist and zoologist
- José Reis, biologist, greatest Brazilian science writer
- Luiz Hildebrando Pereira da Silva, physician, infectologist and immunologist
- Manuel de Abreu, physician, inventor of abreugraphy (mass radiography of the lungs for screening tuberculosis)
- Marcelo Gleiser, physicist, writer and professor of physics and astronomy at the Dartmouth College since 1991
- Marcos Pontes, first Brazilian astronaut, Expedition 13
- Mário Schenberg, one of the most noted theoretical physicists in the world
- Maurício Rocha e Silva, physician and pharmacologist, discovered bradykinin, an active cardiovascular peptide
- Mayana Zatz, biologist and geneticist
- Miguel Nicolelis, neuroscientist, one of Scientific American's best scientists of 2004
- Milton Santos (1926-2001), geographer
- Newton da Costa (1929), mathematician and logician, recognised for his works in paraconsistent logic
- Nise da Silveira (1905-1999), psychiatrist and mental health reformer
- Oswaldo Cruz, physician and public health champion, eliminated yellow fever, bubonic plague and smallpox in Rio de Janeiro at the turn of the 20th century
- Paulo Emilio Vanzolini, zoologist
- Paulo Nogueira Neto, ecologist, zoologist and scientific leader
- Roberto Landell de Moura, pioneer of telephony
- Rogério César de Cerqueira Leite, physicist and scientific leader and writer
- Sérgio Henrique Ferreira, physician and pharmacologist, discovered the active principle of a new drug against hypertension
- Sonia Ambrosio de Nelson, journalist and sociologist.
- Vital Brazil, physician and scientist, discoverer of the antivenom for snakes and other venomous animals
- Warwick Estevam Kerr, geneticist, researcher on the biology and genetics of bees
- Wilson Teixeira Beraldo, co-discoverer of bradykinin
- Murylo Batista, famous immunologist, infectologist, and dermatologist
[edit] Foreign scientists and engineers who lived or live in Brazil
- Carl August Wilhelm Schwacke, German botanist
- Charles Frederick Hartt, Canadian-American geologist and paleontologist
- Claude Lévi-Strauss, French anthropologist
- Daniele Mundici, Italian mathematician
- Émil Goeldi, Swiss naturalist
- Emmanuel Liais, French astronomer and naturalist
- Erasmo Recami, Italian physicist
- Friedrich Sellow, German botanist
- Fritz Müller, German naturalist
- Fritz Köberle, Austrian physician and pathologist
- Giorgio Mortara, Italian Demographer and Statistician
- Grigori Ivanovitch Langsdorff, German/Russian naturalist
- Giuseppe Occhialini, Italian physicist
- Gleb Wataghin, Ukrainian/Italian physicist
- Helmut Sick, German zoologist
- Hermann von Ihering, German naturalist
- Heinz Ebert, German geologist
- Louis Couty, French physiologist and pharmacologist
- Lucien Lison, Belgian anatomist
- Ludwig Riedel, German botanist
- Miguel Rolando Covian, Argentinian physiologist
- Orville Adalbert Derby, American geologist
- Richard Feynman, American physicist
- David Bohm American physicist
- Luigi Fantappiè Italian mathematician
- Dr Peter Szatmari Hungarian geologist