List of Caribbean drums
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This is a list of drums used in the Caribbean music area, including the islands of the Caribbean Sea, as well as the musics of Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Bahamas, and Bermuda. It only includes drums that are indigenous to the local music area or are a vital and long-standing part of local culture. It does not include drums that are, for example, a part of Western style orchestras, nor does it include trap sets and other common drums used in popular music recordings of many genres across the world. Drums can be classified and described using a number of criteria, including the production of sound and the shape of the instrument. The presence of a cloth, fabric or skin head, the number of heads, and the constituent materials are also used to distinguish between different kinds of drums. Similar drums within a culture may be divided based on their manner of use, performance methods and rhythms, intended context, audience or performer, or details of the instruments' manufacture, such as its precise size or the technique used to lace the head onto the body of the drum.[1][2]
Drum | Tradition | Description | Other names |
agida[3] | Suriname | Afro-Surinamese bass drum that sets the beat for folk music, played with a stick, of the set with apinti and tumao | - |
apinti[3] | Suriname | Principal Afro-Surinamese drum of the set with agida and tumao, tenor drum, decorated with carvings | - |
arobapá[4] | Cuba | Drum used in Afro-Cuban Abakuá societies, small enkomo drum of the biankomeko ensemble, along with the kuchiyeremá and biapá, and the taller bonkó enchemiyá | - |
baboula[5][6] | Grenada | Open-bottomed, goatskin-headed, made from barrels or tree trunks, smaller partner of the baboula, used in the belair dance | - |
balsié[7] | Dominican Republic | Small double-headed drum, used in merengue only in the south of the country | - |
bamboula[8] | Virgin Islands | Played by two drummers, one using two sticks and the other hands and feel, used in genre of the same name (bamboula) | - |
bari[9][10][11] | Bonaire and Curaçao | Single-headed, made from a wooden barrel, often from the herring industry, with a skin frame, played two-handed | - |
barriles[12] | Puerto Rico | Barrel drums, covered with lightly-stretched skins, consists of large buleador drums and smaller subidor drums, used in bomba | buleador, primo, repicador, subidor |
bas a dé fas, tambou[13] | Guadeloupe | Bass drum, double-headed, played with sticks, used in Carnival, specifically mizik a mas Byé Fò | - |
bas a yon fas, tambou[14][13] | Guadeloupe | Bass barrel drum, one-headed, laced, and played with sticks, used in Carnival, specifically mizik a mas a Sen Jan | - |
bas, tambou di[14][15] | Martinique and Guadeloupe | Small frame drum played with both striking and rubbing, used in quadrilles, ladja and gwo ka | boula, tambou di base |
bas, tambou | See foulé, tambou | - | - |
bas, tambou | See bas a yon fas, tambou | - | - |
base, tambou di | See bas, tambou di | - | - |
base-bum | See steelpan | - | - |
base-kettle | See steelpan | - | - |
bass drum[16] | Antigua and Barbuda | Bass drum, accompaniment to stilt dancers and Christmas music | - |
bass drum[17] | Barbados | Doubled headed drum that keeps the ground rhythm and is slung across the drummers' shoulder, used in tuk bands | - |
bass drum[5] | Grenada | Double-headed bass drum, played with a hard stick in one hand for the lower head, and a soft mallet in the other hand for the upper head, used to accompany quadrilles | - |
bass drum[18][19][20][21] | Jamaica | Bass drum, carried with a strap and leader of marching bands, played with a covered stick in Nyabinghi ceremonies, used in marching bands, and Rastafarian and Maroon music | - |
bass drum[22] | Indo-Trinidadian | Used in Muslim Hosay (Hosein) rituals, now widespread among Afro-Trinidadians and others | - |
bass tumbadora[23] | Cuba | Largest barrel-shaped hand drum of the tumbadora family | true conga |
batá drums[24] | Cuba | Family of three cylindrical drums: iyá, itótele and okónkolo | - |
batta[25] | Guyana | Afro-Guyanese bass drum, used in folk music traditions | - |
bélé[14][26][15] | Martinique | Single-headed, open-bottomed barrel with a goatskin head, used in bélé, kalenda, and danmyé | - |
bélé, tambou[27] | Dominica | Single-headed barrel drum, covered at one end by goatskin and played barehanded, accompanies bélé | - |
belly | See steelpan | - | - |
bemba[22] | Trinidad and Tobago | Cylindrical drums with double skins, smallest of the set with congo and oumalay drums | bembe |
bembe | See bemba | - | - |
biankomeko[4] | Cuba | Afro-Cuban Abakuá drum ensemble, consisting of four drums: bonkó enchemiyá and enkomo: biapá, arobapá, and kuchiyeremá | - |
biapá[4] | Cuba | Small enkomo drum of the biankomeko ensemble, along with the biapá, arobapá, and kuchiyeremá, and the taller bonkó enchemiyá | - |
Big Drum[28] | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Saint Kitts and Nevis | Traditionally made of tree trunks, now often of rum kegs | - |
bigi doon | See gaan doon | - | - |
bomba[29] | Puerto Rico | Bass drum, used in genre of the same name (bomba) | - |
bongo[30][29][23][25] | Cuba, Puerto Rico and across the area, especially Guyana | Drums of unequal size played in a pair, of Afro-Cuban origin | - |
bonkó enchemiyá[4] | Cuba | Largest drum of the biankomeko ensemble, along with the enkomo: biapá, arobapá, and kuchiyeremá | bonko enchemi |
bonko enchemi | See bonkó enchemiyá | - | - |
boom | See kettle | - | - |
boom | See kittle | - | - |
boom boom | See keg | - | - |
boula[26][14][13][15] | Guadeloupe | Hand drum, similar to tambou bèlè and played transversally and single-handed, produces lower sounds and the basic rhythms of the music, used in gwo ka, Carnival, wrestling matches and wakes | - |
boula[6][5] | Carriacou | Hand drum, formerly made of barrels, now more often rum casks; narrower and lower-tuned cousin of the kata, used in the Big Drum tradition | tambou dibas |
boula[31] | Haiti | Cowskin hand drum, used in rada along with segon and manman drums | - |
boula[22] | Trinidad and Tobago | Double-headed barrel drum, played open handed, drum heads attached with hoops, accompanies kalenda stick fighting | - |
buleador[12] | Puerto Rico | Larger, barrel-shaped hand drums, covered with tight animal skin, used in bomba | primo, repicador |
cachimbo[32] | Cuba | Smallest yuka drum, along with caja and mula | - |
caja[32] | Cuba | Largest yuka drum, along with caja and mula | - |
chan, tambou[14] | Guadeloupe | Small and high pitched drums, played with sticks, used in Carnival, specifically mizik a mas a Sen Jan | - |
conga[26][30][30][33] | Originally Cuban, now found throughout the Caribbean, especially Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and Haiti | Tall, narrow and single-headed, played by congueros, traditionally wood, now often fiberglass, animal-skin heads can be tuned; also used in popular genres from salsa to ripsaw | tumbadora, tumba, requinto, quinto, ricardo, niño, supertumba, super quinto, tres golpes, salidor, true conga |
congo[22][25] | Trinidad and Tobago | Cylindrical drums with double skins, middle-sized drum of the set with bembe and oumalay drums; since introduced to Guyana | - |
congo[7] | Dominican Republic | Cylindrical folk drums | - |
conguito[7] | Dominican Republic | Cylindrical folk drums with a low bass tone, smaller version of the conguito | - |
cut drum | See kata | - | - |
cutter[22] | Trinidad and Tobago | Single-headed barrel drum, played open handed, drum heads attached with hoops, accompanies kalenda stick fighting | - |
débonda, tambou[14] | Guadeloupe and Martinique | Double-headed barrel drum, used in chouval bwa and Carnival music | doumbedoum |
dholak[22] | Indo-Caribbean | Double-headed drum | - |
djass[34] | French Guiana | Drum struck with a stick wrapped in cloth (djass tiki), used in aléké | - |
djembe[26] | Guadeloupe | Skin-covered hand drum, goblet-shaped and played bare-handed, used in gwo ka moderne | - |
doumbedoum | See dèbonda, tambou | - | - |
dup[5] | Grenada | Bass drum made from a cardboard barrel, used in parang | - |
ekué[35] | Cuba | Friction drum used in Abakuá ceremonies | - |
enkomo[4] | Cuba | Small drums of the biankomeko ensemble, of three types: biapá, arobapá, and kuchiyeremá | - |
foulé, tambou[14] | French Guiana | Large drum, used in Creole instrumental ensembles and kaseko | - |
French reel[36] | Montserrat | Goatskin frame drum, played with the back of the hand, front of the fingers and the palm, used in the jumbie dance | jumbie drum (also the tambourine-like babala), woowoo |
funde[19][20][21] | Jamaica | Cylindrical drum, one-headed, held between players' legs and performed by tapping with the hand or fingers, used in Nyabinghi ceremonies | fundeh |
funde[25] | Guyana | Afro-Guyanese cylindrical drum | - |
fundeh | See funde | - | - |
gaan doon[14][34] | French Guiana | Large bass drum that leads dances, used by the Alukuó Maroons | - |
gombey[37][38] | Bermuda | Afro-Bermudan drum, related to the Bahamian goombay, used in the genre of the same name (gombey) | - |
gonde[31] | Haiti | Cowskin hand drum, played with a hand and a bow, in a set with katabo and tambou manman | - |
goombay[39][33] | Bahamas and Turks and Caicos | Goatskin-headed drum traditionally made from improvised materials (especially discarded barrels), goatskin is tuned by heating it with a candle, used in the Bahamian genre of the same name (goombay) | - |
gragé, tambou[14] | French Guiana | Frame drum, used in Creole dance accompaniment for a dance of the same name (gragé) | - |
groska | See gwo ka | - | - |
gumbe | See gumbay | - | - |
gumbe[40][41] | French Guiana and Jamaica | Maroon-derived square-framed drum, introduced to Sierra Leone | gumbay |
gumbay | See gumbe | - | - |
gwo ka[26][13][15] | Guadeloupe | Family of hand drums, used in lewoz and other traditions | also used synonymously with ka |
harp[19] | Jamaica | Generic term for drums used in ceremonies called grounations; these include the bass drum, funde and kété | - |
ich, tambou[42] | Saint Lucia | Smaller drum used in Kélé rituals, literally child drum | - |
itótele[24] | Cuba | Intermediate-sized batá cylindrical drum, made of wood and covered with skin, along with the iyá and okónkolo; wax-like substance called ida or fardela is used to produce a duller sound | - |
iyá[24] | Cuba | Largest batá cylindrical drum, made of wood and covered with skin, along with the itótele and okónkolo; wax-like substance called ida or fardela is used to produce a duller sound, wrapped with bells and belts (chaguoro) | - |
jumbie drum | See French reel | - | - |
ka[13][15] | Guadeloupe | Single-headed drums, used in Carnival, specifically mizik a mas a Kongo | also used synonymously with gwo ka |
ka[42] | Saint Lucia | Barrel drum, hollow, with a goatskin head, used in various folk forms, including chanté siay, jwé dansé and jwé gém | - |
ka | See tambou | - | - |
kanmougé, tambou[14] | French Guiana | Open-bottomed and single-headed drum, played transversally and carved from a single fragment of wood, used in Creole dance accompaniment for kanmougé and mayouri dances | - |
kata[6][5] | Carriacou | Hand drum, formerly made of barrels, now more often rum casks; wider and higher-tuned cousin of the kata, used in the Big Drum tradition | cut drum |
katabo[31] | Haiti | Cowskin hand drum, played with two sticks, in a set with gonde and tambou manman | - |
kbandu[43] | Jamaica | Large, low-pitched, plays a 4/4 rhythm, covered with a goat skin always made from a ram, used in Kumina | - |
keg[8] | Virgin Islands | Double-headed bass drum, used in masquerades and fife and drum ensembles | boom boom |
kété[18][19][20][21] | Jamaica | Small skinny cylindrical drum, improvised, used in Nyabinghi celebrations, played with bare hands, also used in dub poetry | akete |
kettle[36] | Montserrat | Goatskin deep-barreled drum, used in Carnival and other celebrations | boom |
kettle drum[16] | Antigua and Barbuda | Kettle drum, accompaniment to stilt dancers and Christmas music | - |
kettle drum[37][38] | Bermuda | Central use in Bermudan traditions, derived from British kettle drum, especially common in gombey | - |
kettle drum[8] | Virgin Islands | Snare drum, used in fife and drum ensembles | - |
kittle[25] | Guyana | Kettle drum, used in masquerades | boom |
koupé, tambou[14] | French Guiana | Small drum, used in Creole instrumental ensembles and kaseko | - |
kromanti[20] | Jamaica | Cylindrical drum, used by the Maroons of Moore Town | - |
kuchiyeremá[4] | Cuba | Small enkomo drum of the biankomeko ensemble, along with the arobapá and biapá, and the taller bonkó enchemiyá | - |
lapo kabwit[27] | Dominica | Any kind of Dominican folk drum | - |
lélé, tambou[27] | Dominica | Cylindrical drum, small and wooden with goatskin at one end, strapped across the shoulder and played with two sticks, used in chanté mas | - |
maké | See markeur | - | - |
makuta | See yuka | - | - |
makyé | See markeur | - | - |
manman, tambou[42] | Saint Lucia | Larger drum used in Kélé rituals, literally mother drum | - |
mamnan, tambou[31] | Haiti | Hand drum used in many Afro-Haitian musics, used in rada, petwo and other folk traditions | - |
markeur[26][14][13][15] | Guadeloupe | Hand drum, small, high-pitched, played upright and one-handed, and held between the legs, interacts with dancers by responding to movement, used in gwo ka, Carnival, wrestling matches and wakes | makyé, marqueur, maké |
marqueur | See markeur | - | - |
matrimonial | See wacharaca | - | - |
mayohavau[44] | Puerto Rico | Slit drum, originally of Taino origin; not a true drum as it is an idiophone and not a membranophone | - |
mula[32] | Cuba | Intermediate-sized yuka drum, along with caja and cachimbo | - |
ngoma | See yuka | - | - |
niño[23] | Cuba | Smallest drum of the conga family | - |
okónkolo[24] | Cuba | Smallest batá cylindrical drum, made of wood and covered with skin, along with the itótele and iyá | - |
oumalay[22] | Trinidad and Tobago | Cylindrical drums with double skins, middle-sized drum of the set with bembe and congo drums | - |
omele | See oumalay | - | - |
palo major[7] | Dominican Republic | Larger folk long drum used singly in ensembles called palos, made from a tree trunk | - |
palo menor[7] | Dominican Republic | Smaller folk long drum used singly in ensembles called palos, made from a tree trunk | - |
pandereta[23] | Puerto Rico | Handheld frame drum, used in plena | pandero |
pandero | See pandereta | - | - |
pandero[7] | Dominican Republic | Small rural folk frame drum | - |
petwo[45] | Haiti | Drum headed with cowskin, attached with cords | - |
pikin doon[14][34] | French Guiana | Medium-sized drum that supports dancers, played in pairs, with one played solo, and both played bare-handed, used among the Alukuó Maroons | - |
playing cast[43] | Jamaica | Small, high-pitched, plays complex, syncopated rhythms, covered with a goat skin always made from a ewe, used in Kumina | - |
playin kya | See playing cast | - | - |
podya[3] | Suriname | Small, skin-covered bass drum, common among the rural Afro-Surinamese | - |
prenting | See kromanti | - | - |
primo | See subidor | - | - |
pump[17] | Barbados | Long drum, made from a hollow tree trunk with goat or sheep skin on either end | - |
pump[10] | St Maarten | Goatskin frame drum, sometimes played in pairs or larger groups, usually using both hands | - |
quinto[23] | Cuba | Smallest barrel-shaped hand drum of the tumbadora family, plays the most intricate rhythms of the group, not always characterized as a tumbadora or conga drum | - |
rada[45] | Haiti | Drum headed with cowskin, attached with wooden pegs | - |
ralé[31] | Haiti | Goatskin drum, used alongside tambou manman, used in petwo and YaYa TiKongo rhythms | - |
repeater | See kété | - | - |
repicador | See subidor | - | - |
requinto drum[46] | Puerto Rico | Small conical hand drum, improvises over the other drum rhythms, used in plena | - |
ricardo | See conga | - | - |
ripsaw drum[33] | Turks and Caicos and Bahamas (Cat Island only) | Goat- or cow-skin drum, heated to produce a pitch | - |
Saba drum[10] | Saba | Made from kegs or barrels, and attached to a skin frame secured by wood, rope and pegs | - |
salidor | See conga | - | - |
scratch band barrel drum[8] | Virgin Islands | Double-headed barrel drum, used in scratch bands | - |
segon[31] | Haiti | Cowskin hand drum, used in rada along with boula and manman drums | - |
segundo | See conga | - | - |
side drum | See snare drum | - | - |
skratji[47][48] | Suriname | Large Afro-Surinamese drum with a cymbal on top, used in kaseko | - |
snare drum[37][38] | Bermuda | Central use in Bermudan traditions, generally played in pairs, used in gombey | - |
snare drum[17] | Barbados | Doubled headed side snare drum, used in tuk bands | kettle |
snare drum[18][20] | Jamaica | Snare drum, carried with a strap, used in marching bands and Maroon music | side drum |
snare drum[48] | Suriname | Snare drum, used in kaseko | - |
steelpan[22] | Trindad and Tobago originally, now widespread | Made from tempered metal drums, tuned chromatically; not a true drum in that it is an idiophone, not a membranophone | steeldrum, tock-tock, belly, base kettle, base bum |
subidor[49][12] | Puerto Rico | Smaller, barrel-shaped hand drums, covered with tight animal skin, used in bomba | primo, repicador |
super quinto | See conga | - | - |
supertumba | See conga | - | - |
tambora[10][50][7] | Dominican Republic originally, now also common on St Maarten | Double-headed barrel drum of African origin | - |
tambou[5] | Grenada | Open-bottomed, goatskin-headed, made from barrels or tree trunks, larger partner of the baboula, accompanies the belair dance | - |
tambou[15][31] | Haiti, Martinique and Guadeloupe | Generic term for drums | tanbou |
tambour[44] | Puerto Rico | Long drum, made from a hollowed-out tree trunk and topped with animal skin | - |
tambú[51][10] | Curaçao | Long drum, made from a hollow log, used in tambú | tambu |
tanbou | See tambou | - | - |
tassa[22] | Indo-Trinidadian, now commonplace | Kettle drum with a goatskin head, used in the Muslim Hosay (Hosein) ritual | - |
tenbal, tambou[42] | Saint Lucia | Snare drum, used in cockfights, séwinal, merry-go-rounds, other celebrations | - |
tenor drum[18] | Jamaica | Carried with a strap, used in marching bands | - |
tibwa[42] | Saint Lucia | Wooden sticks, played against the rim of a ka, or against a bamboo tube or a log sitting on a stand | - |
timbales[23] | Cuba and elsewhere | A drum-set based on the European timpani, and consisting of two metal-frame tunable drums, cowbell, cymbal(s) and sometimes woodblocks, used in salsa music, mambo, danzon and charanga | - |
tock-tock | See steelpan | - | - |
toombah[16] | Antigua and Barbuda | Small drum, decorated with shells and tin | tumtum |
tres golpes | See conga | - | - |
tres por dos[23] | Cuba | Medium-sized barrel-shaped hand drum of the tumbadora family | - |
true conga | See bass tumbadora | - | - |
tumba[23] | Cuba | Largest variety of the conga family | - |
tumbadora[23] | Cuba | Cuban conga drum, barrel-shaped hand drum | bass tumbadora, true conga, tres por dos, quinto |
tumao[3] | Suriname | Intermediate drum of the set, with agida and apinti, played with one hand | - |
tumtum | See toombah | - | - |
tumtum[17] | Barbados | Hollowed-out tree trunk with skins at either end | - |
tun[14] | French Guiana | Small drum, used among the Alukuó Maroons | - |
wacharaca[10] | Curaçao | Metal disks attached to a wooden board | matrimonial |
twavay, tambou[27] | Dominica | Small barrel frame drum, headed with goatskin; a cord with an attached bead is placed on the drumskin to add a buzzing quality to the sound, used to accompany work songs | - |
woowoo | See French reel | - | - |
yuka[32] | Cuba | Class of three folk drums: caja, mula, and cachimbo | makuta, ngoma, tambor de yuka |
[edit] References
- ^ Catherine Schmidt-Jones. Classifying Musical Instruments: Membranophones. Connexions. Retrieved on January 22, 2007.
- ^ 534m Membranophones. SIL. Retrieved on January 4, 2007.
- ^ a b c d Melville J. Herskovits. Suriname folk-lore. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ a b c d e f Abakuá Drums in Havana. Folk Cuba. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ a b c d e f McDaniel, Lorna (1999). "Grenada", Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Routledge, pp 865-872. ISBN 0-8153-1865-0.
- ^ a b c Tombstone - Big Drum - Saraca. Paradise Inn. Retrieved on September 10, 2005.
- ^ a b c d e f g Sydney Hutchinson (2006). Dominican Music Overview. Retrieved on March 6, 2007.
- ^ a b c d (1999) "Virgin Islands", Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume Two: South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Routledge. ISBN 0-8153-1865-0.
- ^ Culture: A Rich and Diverse Heritage. Bonaire. Retrieved on November 11, 2006.
- ^ a b c d e f Bilby, Kenneth. "Netherlands Antilles and Aruba", New Grove Encyclopedia of Music.
- ^ Sheehy, Daniel E. (1999). "Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles", Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume Two: South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Routledge, 927-931. ISBN 0-8153-1865-0.
- ^ a b c Nili Belkind. Bomba. National Geographic World Music. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ a b c d e f Guilbault, Jocelyne (1999). "Guadeloupe", Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume Two: South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Routledge, pp 873-880. ISBN 0-8153-1865-0.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n French West Indies. New Grove Dictionary of Music. Retrieved on September 27, 2005.
- ^ a b c d e f g Berrian, Brenda F. (2000). Awakening Spaces: French Caribbean Popular Songs, Music, and Culture. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0226044564.
- ^ a b c McDaniel, Lorna (1999). "Antigua and Barbuda", Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume Two: South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Routledge, pp 798 - 800. ISBN 0-8153-1865-0.
- ^ a b c d Millington, Janice (1999). "Barbados", Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume Two: South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Routledge, 813-821. ISBN 0-8153-1865-0.
- ^ a b c d Drums Keep the Beat!. Jamaica Gleaner News (November 13). Retrieved on March 4, 2007.
- ^ a b c d Princes and Dreadlocks. Caribbean Religion. Retrieved on March 4, 2007.
- ^ a b c d e Dickerson, Ronald Eric (1999). Musical Play Across Ethnic Boundaries in Western Jamaica (pdf). Retrieved on March 4, 2007.
- ^ a b c Jason Kahn. Drumming, the Backbone of African and Reggae Music. The Dread Library. Retrieved on March 4, 2007.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i McDaniel, Lorna (1999). "Trinidad and Tobago", Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume Two: South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Routledge, 952-967. ISBN 0-8153-1865-0.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i Instruments. Music of Puerto Rico. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ a b c d Mark Corrales. The Bata Drums. Latin American Folk Institute. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ a b c d e Al Craighton (2001). African Heritage in Guyana. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ a b c d e f Charles de Ledesma and Gene Scaramuzzo (2000). "Dance Funk Creole Style", in Broughton, Simon and Mark Ellingham with James McConnachie and Orla Duane (Eds.): Rough Guide to World Music, Vol. 2. Rough Guides Ltd.. ISBN 1-85828-636-0.
- ^ a b c d Guilbault, Jocelyne (1999). "Dominica", Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume Two: South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Routledge, pp 840-844. ISBN 0-8153-1865-0.
- ^ The Arts and Literature. Cultural Profiles Project. Retrieved on September 27, 2005.
- ^ a b Manuel, Peter (1988). Popular Musics of the Non-Western World: An Introductory Survey. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 39-42. ISBN 0195053427.
- ^ a b c Manuel, Peter (1988). Popular Musics of the Non-Western World: An Introductory Survey. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 24-36. ISBN 0195053427.
- ^ a b c d e f g Gaston Jean-Baptiste. Tanbou. Haitian Drums. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ a b c d Tambor de Yuka. Folk Cuba. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ a b c David Bowen. [ That Sweet Sound: Ripsaw Music and Our Musical Heritage]. Turks and Caicos Tourist Board. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ a b c Music of French Guiana. Skwiki. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ John A. Donahue. Applying Experimental Archaeology to Ethnomusicology: Recreating an Ancient Maya Friction Drum through Various Lines of Evidence. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ a b Mesener, John (1999). "Montserrat", Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume Two: South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Routledge, 922-926. ISBN 0-8153-1865-0.
- ^ a b c Bermuda: In Depth. Frommers. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ a b c Irene Smalls. Roots of an African American Christmas Roots of an African-American Christmas. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ Art/Music/Dance. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ Glossary. Creativity and Resistance: Maroon Cultures in the Americas. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ Bilby, Kenneth (1983). Kumina: A Congo Based Tradition in the New World. Brussels: Les Cahiers du CEDAF 4: Linguistique. cited in Dickerson, Ronald Eric (1999). Musical Play Across Ethnic Boundaries in Western Jamaica (pdf). Retrieved on March 4, 2007.
- ^ a b c d e Guilbault, Jocelyne (1999). "Saint Lucia", Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume Two: South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Routledge. ISBN 0-8153-1865-0.
- ^ a b National Library of Jamaica. Kumina. History Notes. Retrieved on March 4, 2007.
- ^ a b Puerto Rican Instruments. Puerto Rico Guide. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ a b Steward, Sue (2000). "Compass Points", in Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham, JamesMcConnachie and Orla Duane (Eds.): World Music, Vol. 2: Latin & North America, Caribbean, India, Asia and Pacific. Rough Guides, pp 421-429. ISBN 1858286360.
- ^ Puerto Rican Bomba and Plena. Smithsonian Global Sound. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ Manuel, Peter (1995). Caribbean Currents: Caribbean Music from Rumba to Reggae. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. ISBN 1-56639-338-8.
- ^ a b Rein Spoorman. Kaseko. World Music Central. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ Music. Puerto Rico's Culture. Retrieved on March 10, 2007.
- ^ Manuel, Peter (1988). Popular Musics of the Non-Western World: An Introductory Survey. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 42-46. ISBN 0195053427.
- ^ Curacao's Culture. Curacao Culture and Folklore. Retrieved on December 3, 2005.