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This are the nineteen episodes that were produced for the Legend of Light anime series. The titles for the episode differ from version to version. For example: the in the French version the title of the first episode is "Cynthia" which is the name given to Hikari in the French version, but when it comes to the Italian version the name of the first episode is "La speranza della ginnastica ritmica" (The hope of rhythmic gymnastics).
[edit] Episode List: English Version
- I want to run after it...My new gymnastics.
- Do not cut the ribbon! Communicate...the love.
- Is it alright to like you?
- Season of affections, I want to sing a love song.
- Opening ceremony! I want your support.
- Resurrection of the Queen! There is only one target.
- If you fly towards your goal.
- The continuing summer road to tomorrow.
- Maria appears! Who is the one who is chasing?
- I want to see it further.
- I no longer yearn for yesterday's smile.
- Retrive the dream that has been forgotten.
- Heart-pumping moment at the baths!? The school trip which #creates a stir in the heart.
- Till we understand.
- The same dream, the two rivals.
- Unable to transcend! The passport to glory.
- Please stop time, overcome this moment!
- Overcome the shaking desire.
- Please give me the strength to witness my dream.
[edit] Episode List: Original Japanese Version, and Air dates
# |
Episodes |
Originally Aired |
1 |
追いかけてみたい… 私の新体操 |
05-03-1986 |
2 |
切れないでリボン! 恋に…とどけ |
05-10-1986 |
3 |
好きになってもいいですか |
05-17-1986 |
4 |
片想いの季節・ラブソングが歌いたい |
05-24-1986 |
5 |
全中大会開幕! 私をささえていてほしい |
06-31-1986 |
6 |
よみがえれ女王! ターゲットはひとり |
06-07-1986 |
7 |
あこがれに向かって飛べたら |
06-14-1986 |
8 |
明日へと続く夏色の道 |
06-21-1986 |
9 |
マリア登場! 誰かをいつも追いかけて |
06-28-1986 |
10 |
もっと遠くを見つめたい |
07-05-1986 |
11 |
昨日の笑顔は もうほしくない |
07-12-1986 |
12 |
置き忘れた夢を 取り戻せ |
08-19-1986 |
13 |
お風呂でドッキリ!? 胸さわぎの修学旅行 |
08-02-1986 |
14 |
いつかわかりあえる時まで |
08-16-1986 |
15 |
見る夢も同じ・二人はライバル |
08-23-1986 |
16 |
渡せない! 栄光へのパスポート |
09-30-1986 |
17 |
ゆれる想いを受けとめて |
09-06-1986 |
18 |
時間よとまれ・この一瞬にかける! |
09-13-1986 |
19 |
夢みる力をわたしにください |
09-20-1986 |
[edit] Episode List: French Version
# |
Episodes |
Translation |
1 |
Cynthia |
Cynthia |
2 |
Le ruban du destin |
The ribbon of the destiny |
3 |
Willy je t'aime |
Willy I love you |
4 |
La maladie d'amour |
The disease of love |
5 |
Les premiers championnats de Cynthia |
First championships of Cynthia |
6 |
La victoire de Déborah |
The Victory of Déborah |
7 |
Cynthia n'en fait qu'à sa tête |
Cynthia makes any only at its head |
8 |
Le tournoi de Corbeille |
The tournament of Basket |
9 |
Une championne bulgare |
A Bulgarian champion |
10 |
Aller toujours plus loin |
To go always further |
11 |
Le monde est une jungle |
The world is a jungle |
12 |
Le premier concert |
The first concert |
13 |
L'excursion |
The excursion |
14 |
Une mère anxieuse |
An anxious mother |
15 |
Le face à face |
The face to face |
16 |
En route vers la victoire |
On the road towards victory |
17 |
L'important c'est de participer |
The importance of participating |
18 |
Confessions |
Confessions |
19 |
Ne jamais abandonner son rêve |
Never give up on your dream |
[edit] Episode List: Italian Version
- La speranza della ginnastica ritmica
- Il nastro del destino
- Willy ti voglio bene
- Mal d'amore
- La prima gara nazionale
- La vittoria di Debbie
- La massima aspirazione
- Una speranza per il futuro
- Una campionessa bulgara
- Sempre nuovi traguardi
- La vita è lotta
- Il sogno si realizza
- Una gita scolastica
- Una mamma in ansia
- Le due rivali
- Verso la gloria
- Il momento decisivo
- Confessioni
- Mai abbandonare il sogno
[edit] Episode List: German Version
- Fahrkarte zur Meisterschaft
- Nervenkrieg
- Der erste Sieg
- Trainingslager
- Blinde Liebe
- Finale
- Es wird ernst
- Wieder zu Hause
- Dianas Abschied
- Unter falschem Namen
- Der Plattenvertrag
- Reingelegt
- Klassenreise
- Gefährlicher Sport
- Das Liebesgeständnis
- Das Sprungbrett
- Sieg oder Niederlage
- Die Aussprache
- Der Triumph
[edit] Episode List: Spanish Version
# |
Episodes |
Translation |
1 |
Aspirantes para gimnasia rítmica |
The Enthusiast for Rhythmic Gymnastics |
2 |
No te vayas, cinta del amor |
Do not go, ribbon of love |
3 |
¿No te importa que me gustes? |
It does not matter that I like you? |
4 |
La época del amor no correspondido |
The time of the love noncorresponded |
5 |
Empieza la competición nacional |
The national competicion begins |
6 |
La victoria de Liliana |
The victory of Liliana |
7 |
La máxima aspiración |
The maximun aspiration |
8 |
Una esperanza para el futuro |
One hope for the future |
9 |
María, una nueva estrella de Bulgaria |
María, a star from Bulgaria |
10 |
Mirando hacia el futuro |
Looking towards the future |
11 |
No interesa la sonrisa de ayer |
It does not matter the smile of yesturday |
12 |
Recupera los sueños olvidados |
Recover the forgotten dreams |
13 |
Una excursión escolar |
A scholar excursion |
14 |
Esperanza de comprensión |
Hope of Understading |
15 |
Dos rivales con el mismo sueño |
Two rivals with the same dream |
16 |
El pasaporte a la gloria |
The passport to glory |
17 |
El momento decisivo |
The decesive moment |
18 |
El corazón agitado |
The agitated heart |
19 |
Convertir un sueño en realidad |
Making a dream come true |