List of Old Testament Pseudepigrapha
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This is a list of pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament/Tanakh, i.e. Books in the style of the OT/Tanakh which are not accepted by Jews or Christians today. (See Apocrypha for books rejected by Jews but accepted by some Christians but not others.) Some of these works may have Christian authors, but books which are in the style of the New Testament are excluded (see New Testament Apocrypha) -- to be included in this list the book should be predominantly Jewish in character.
- Apocalypse of Abraham
- Apocalypse of Adam
- Apocalypse of Daniel
- Apocalypse of Elijah
- Apocalypse of Ezekiel
- Apocalypse of Sedrach
- Apocalypse of Zephaniah
- Book of Noah
- Eldad and Modad
- Greek Apocalypse of Ezra
- History of Joseph
- History of the Rechabites
- Jannes and Jambres
- Joseph and Aseneth
- Jubilees
- Ladder of Jacob
- Letter of Aristeas
- Life of Adam and Eve
- Martyrdom and Ascension of Isaiah
- Odes of Solomon
- Prayer of Jacob
- Prayer of Joseph
- Psalms of Solomon
- Questions of Ezra
- Revelation of Ezra
- Sibylline Oracles
- Testament of Abraham
- Testament of Adam
- Testament of Isaac
- Testament of Jacob
- Testament of Job
- Testament of Moses
- Testament of Solomon
- Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs
- The Lives of the Prophets
- Treatise of Shem
- Vision of Ezra
- Adam Octipartite
- Apocalypse of the Seven Heavens
- Apocryphon of the Ten Tribes
- Enochic Book of Giants
- Book of Assaf
- Cave of Treasures
- 5 Ezra
- 6 Ezra
- Words of Gaz the Seer
- Coptic Apocryphon of Jeremiah
- Apocryphon of Jacob and Joseph
- 6 Maccabees
- 7 Maccabees
- 8 Maccabees
- Apocryphon of Melchizedek
- Assumption of Moses
- Ascension of Moses
- Sword of Moses
- Epistle of Rehoboam
- Signs of the Judgement
- Visions of Heaven and Hell
- Manual of Discipline
- Sheva Zutarti