List of Star Wars aquatic vehicles
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The following is a list of fictional Star Wars aquatic vehicles.
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[edit] Amphibion
The Amphibion was an aquatic assault vehicle used by the New Republic. They were used by the New Republic to defend Mon Calamari against the reborn Emperor Palpatine's deadly World Devastators. The Amphibion was designed by SendriMotors Limited for aquatic combat and troop transport. As a surface hover craft, the Amphibion used several small, quiet hover engines mounted between armoured plates along its bottom and sides to create an air cushion that lifted it a few centimetres above the surface. These engines could also propel the Amphibion up to 100 km per hour over either water or land. The Amphibion was capable of carrying 20 troops along with their equipment. The crew were 2 pilots and a rear gunner manning the craft's only weapon: an anti-personnel gun turret. The only other weapons onboard were what the troops brought with them. Partial armour gave the troops some limited protection but heavy laser blasts could easily tear through them.
[edit] AT-AT Swimmer
The AT-AT Swimmer or the Aquatic Terrain Armoured Transport is a fictitious war vehicle used by the Galactic Empire designed to be the aquatic equivalent of the land based AT-AT walker. It operates in deep sea operations alongside TIE Fighter Boats and Aquatic Assault Stormtroopers and can be found in Imperial aquatic military bases. The AT-AT Swimmer can also be deployed by the Y-85 Titan dropship. It has a moving head capable of providing firing arcs in all directions and armour capable of withstanding blaster fire and the pressures of the ocean depths. Its main body is broader than that of the AT-AT to accommodate the 4 additional repulsorlift engines that keep it afloat. These 4 repulsorlift engines produce a powerful field strong enough to repel any object on the craft's ventral section but it can be penetrated by strong swimmers where it is non-existent.
[edit] Gungan Sub (Bongo)
The Gungan Sub, or Bongo, is a submersible transport used by the Gungans to carry either passengers or cargo. The Gungan Sub is triangle shaped with flexible electromagnetic fins at the back to steer the craft through the lakes and oceans of Naboo. It has 3 cockpit bubbles. Its forward cockpit bubble carries only the pilot and passengers while the other two can be used to carry cargo. The Gungan Sub's basic skeleton is organic thus giving it a distinctive organic look. The Gungan Sub is 15 meters long and its cargo capacity is 800 kg. The Gungan Sub first appeared in The Phantom Menace where it transported Obi Wan Kenobi, Qui Gon Jinn and Jar Jar Binks through the lakes of Naboo from Otoh Gunga to Theed, the capital city.
[edit] Manta droid subfighters
The Manta droid subfighters are the aquatic equivalent of the Droid Starfighters. They were developed after the Trade Federation suffered serious military losses in Naboo and other water covered worlds. The Republic legislation that limited the Trade Federation from constructing new battle droids was only a temporary setback for the project because Trade Federation officials just moved them away from the Republic or bribed or murdered anyone that tried to investigate. These droids had a sleek torpedo shaped body capped in front with a large wedge-shaped diving plane. This plane was armed with laser cannons and, on more specialised craft, torpedo launchers. Though it was a powerful and maneuverable craft it suffered several design limitations because of the isolation of their Xi-Charrian designers from the rest of their Haor Chall religious order. To compensate the Trade Federation, the Xi Charrians provided a large aquatic transport vessel to carry battle droids and hydrodynamic adaptor kits for battle droid operated MVR-3 Speeders.
[edit] Quarren Crab Cannon
The Quarren Crab Cannon was fielded by the Quarren Isolation League. The League fielded many artillery pieces during their battle with the Mon Calamari and the Republic forces, the biggest of which was the Crab Cannon. This gigantic walker, with its crab-like legs, could climb even vertical underwater cliffs. A manned control centre was situated on top of the vehicle, while defensive laser cannons were placed around the central weapon.
To fire its main gun, the walker had to stand still on horizontal ground, due to the immense recoil from firing the destructive, yellow beam. This beam was powerful enough to cut through the hull of Acclamator-class Assault Ships, causing their reactors to burst and destroy the ship. Several Acclamators were destroyed this way during the Battle of Mon Calamari.
It is unclear whether there were more than one of these walkers, but it is known is that Jedi Master Kit Fisto destroyed a Crab Cannon with the help of a cavalry of Mon Calamari Knights.
[edit] TIE Fighter Boat
The TIE Fighter Boat is an aquatic version of the TIE Fighters and is also sometimes referred to as TIE Sub Fighter. It is designed and manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems.This TIE fighter has been modified to perform operations in aquatic worlds. They are attached to the Aquatic Assault Troopers and operate as aquatic fighter crafts and patrol boats. They also work together with the Aquatic Terrain Armored Transport Swimmers and Aquatic Assault Toopers in aquatic missions. Its weapons are a heavy blaster cannon and a concussion missile and have one pilot/gunner. There are not many TIE Fighter Boats because they can only operate underwater.
[edit] Trade Federation Gunboat
Trade Federation Gunboat | |
Affiliation | Trade Federation |
Arsenal | Heavy Laser Cannons, Energy Bomb Launchers |
During the Battle of Naboo, several Trade Federation vehicles found themselves in the spotlight. Among these is the Trade Federation Gunboat, deployed to Naboo to patrol the waterways and swamps of the planet. The armored vehicle boasts an anti aircraft laser turret, capable of eliminating heavy air cover in all 360 degrees. In addition to this powerful weapon, the gunboat also features a heavy energy bomb launcher, with a payload of 10 shells. These weapons, coupled with the armored hull makes it one of the most powerful surface weapons in the Trade Federation arsenal.
[edit] Trade Federation Sub-Carrier
The Trade Federation Sub-Carrier is an underwater vehicle that was used to transport Mini-Subs piloted by individual Battle droids. The mini-subs would exit through tubes located on the underside of the carrier-vessel. This was a dangerous manoeuvre, as Republic SCUBA Troopers often ambushed mini-subs on their way out, and there was no way of turning back once a sub was racing through the launch-tube.
The Sub-Carrier resembled a Droid starfighter in shape, but dwarfed such craft in sheer size and volume. Each carrier was so big, entire skirmishes could be fought on the topside deck.
[edit] Wavewalker
The Wavewalker was an Imperial aquatic assault vehicle. This 14 metre long vehicle was designed to glide over the surface of any body of water . Also known as the Waveskimmer, this vehicle was supported by two sturdy legs which angled down from either side of the cockpit. These flat boom-like spars terminated in a pontoon that allowed the Wavewalker to float on the water's surface. They also featured servometers that could ensure the craft's pilot could position the pontoons in the same plane as the cockpit and that could react to the craft's acceleration lifting it off the surface to gain speed. The Wavewalkers could also carry troops and cargo and its weapons were 2 concussion missiles, 2 medium blaster cannons and 2 light blaster cannons. A single pilot controlled the wavewalker. The Wavewalkers were constructed within the reborn Palpatine's deadly World Devastators and were deployed directly into Mon Calamari to combat the New Republic.
[edit] References
Vehicles of Star Wars | |
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Star Wars air vehicles | Star Wars aquatic vehicles | Star Wars capital ships | Star Wars ground vehicles | Star Wars starfighters Star Wars support craft | List of minor vehicles |