List of Zimbabwe-related topics
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This page aims to list articles on Wikipedia that are related to Zimbabwe. This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on Related changes in the sidebar.
The list is not necessarily complete or up to date; if you see an article that should be here but is not (or one that should not be here but is), please do update the page accordingly.
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[edit] 0-9
[edit] A
- Abel Muzorewa
- Africa University
- African Great Lakes
- Alick Macheso -Pioneer of a genre called sungura.
- Angola
- Arthur Mutambara academic, MDC member
[edit] B
- Beitbridge Bulawayo Railway
- Bindura University of Science Education
- Border Gezi politician
- Border Gezi Youth
- Botswana
- British South Africa Company
- Bulawayo second largest city
[edit] C
- Canaan Banana
- Catholic University in Zimbabwe
- Central Intelligence Organisation
- Cecil Rhodes
- Charles Mungoshi
- Chenjerai Hunzvi - War Veterans leader
- Chenjerai Hove
- Chinhoyi University of Technology
- Chivaramakura - “tough land” - a refugee farm
- Charles Charamba - Gospel music guru
- Chris Mhlanga - Mbira maker and perfomer
- Chris Mutsvangwa Mugabe aide; former Ambassador to China
- Colcom
- Communications in Zimbabwe
- Constitution of Zimbabwe
- Constituencies of Zimbabwe
[edit] D
- Dairibord
- Data Control & Systems
- Dambudzo Marechera
- David Chifunyise - University of Zimbabwe graduate who the sings title song of the popular studio 263 (county code for Zimbabwe)
- Dorothy Masuka-Zimbabwe born, but best known for work in the South African jazz scene.
- Dumisani Maraire-Shona mbira player who died in 1999.
[edit] E
- Econet Wireless
- Economy of Zimbabwe
- Edgar Tekere
- Elias Fund Nonprofit created to help children in Zimbabwe
- Emmerson Mnangagwa - Speaker of parliament
- Enoch Dumbutshena
- Ephat Mujuru-Another mbira player.
[edit] F
- Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
- Fradreck Mujuru-Mbira maker and perfomer
- Free Zim Youth FZY
[edit] G
- Gabriel Chaibva of the MDC
- Garikayi Tirikoti-Mbira maker and performer since age 7.
- Gay rights in Zimbabwe
- Geography of Zimbabwe
- Gold
- Gold mining
- Great Zimbabwe
- Gweru
[edit] H
- Harare the capital
- Hippo Valley Estates
- History of Zimbabwe
[edit] I
- Ian Smith
- International Organisation for Migration - Geneva based
- The Interpreter, a 2005 film featuring a fictional African head of state, apparently based on Robert Mugabe, seeking to avoid being sent to the International Criminal Court by the UN Security Council for crimes against humanity.
- Islam in Zimbabwe
[edit] J
- Jonathan Moyo - mercurial Independent, previously ZANU-PF Information minister
- Jonathan Wutawunashe-Influential head of a Gospel music group.
- Joshua Nkomo - ZAPU leader
- Josiah Tongogara - Independence war hero
- Joyce Mujuru - Vice President
[edit] K
[edit] L
- Land reform in Zimbabwe
- Limpopo River
- List of cities in Zimbabwe
- List of cities and towns in Zimbabwe 7 Cities in Zimbabwe
- List of Zimbabwean companies
- List of Zimbabweans
- List of national parks of Zimbabwe
- Lobengula
- Look East Policy
- Lord Soames
- Loveness Makaure of the MDC
- Lupane State University
[edit] M
- Malawi
- Manicaland Province
- Margaret Dongo - Independent
- Mashonaland
- Mashonaland Central
- Mashonaland East
- Mashonaland West
- Masvingo
- Masvingo Province
- Masvingo State University
- Matabele
- Matabeleland
- Matabeleland North
- Matabeleland South
- Mbira
- Meikles
- Metallurgy
- Midlands Province
- Midlands State University
- Military of Zimbabwe
- Mining
- Moffat Treaty
- Morgan Tsvangirai - MDC faction leader
- Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)
- Mozambique
- Music of Zimbabwe
- Mutare
- Mzilikazi
[edit] N
- Namibia
- Nathan Shamuyarira of ZANU PF
- National Railways of Zimbabwe
- National University of Science and Technology (NUST)
- Ndabaningi Sithole
- Ndebele people (Zimbabwe)
- Nelson Chamisa of the MDC
- Net*One
- Northern Ndebele language
- Northern Rhodesia
- Nozipa Maraire
- Nyasaland
[edit] O
- Oliver "Tuku" Mtukudzi-Does popular and traditional music, formerly of "Black Spirits."
- Operation Murambatsvina
[edit] P
- Pishai Muchauraya of the MDC
- Place names in Zimbabwe
- Politics of Zimbabwe
- Politics_of_Zimbabwe
[edit] Q
[edit] R
- Regions of Zimbabwe
- Rhodesia
- Robert Mugabe - Controversial current leader.
- Roy Bennett - White MDC politician
- Rudd Concession
[edit] S
- Salisbury
- The Boy Scouts Association of Zimbabwe
- Shona language
- Simon Muzenda - ex-Vice president
- Solomon Mutswairo
- Solusi University
- South Africa
- Southern Africa
- Southern Rhodesia
- Stella Chiweshe-Dubbed "Queen of Mbira"
- Sungura
[edit] T
- Tanganda Tea
- Tanzania
- Theological College of Zimbabwe TCZ
- Thomas Mapfumo-Well-known Zimbabwean musician for the chimurenga genre.
- Transport in Zimbabwe
- Transportation in Zimbabwe
- Tsitsi Dangarembga
[edit] U
- University of Zimbabwe
- University Without Walls
[edit] V
- Valley Dam - irrigation project
- The Voice - Zanu PF newspaper
[edit] W
- Welshman Ncube - Opposition politician
- Women's University in Africa
[edit] X
[edit] Y
[edit] Z
- Zaire
- Zambezi River
- Zanu PF Politburo
- Zezuru
- Zhing-zhongs - Chinese goods of presumably low quality
- Zimbabwe
- Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army ZANLA
- Zimbabwe African National Union ZANU
- Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front ZANU-PF
- Zimbabwe (disambiguation)
- Zimbabwe Open University
- Zimbabwe parliamentary elections, 2005
[edit] See also
- Lists of country-related topics - similar lists for other countries