List of alumni of Trinity College, Cambridge
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This is a selective list of notable alumni of Trinity College, Cambridge sorted into chronological order:
- George Gascoigne 1525-1577 Poet, dramatist - 'Jocasta', 'The Glasse of Government'
- John Dee 1527-1608 Alchemist, geographer, mathematician
- Sir Edward Coke 1552-1634 Lawyer, politician; Chief Justice of the King's Bench
- Sir Francis Bacon 1561-1626 Lawyer, philosopher; Lord Chancellor
- Sir Henry Spelman 1562-1641 Antiquary - 'Reliquiae Spelmannianae'
- Sir John Coke 1563-1644 politician
- Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex 1566-1601 Soldier, courtier to Elizabeth I; executed for rebellion
- John Winthrop 1587/8-1649 Founder and first Governor of Massachusetts
- Giles Fletcher 1588-1623 Poet - 'Christ's Victory' and 'Triumph'
- George Herbert 1593-1633 Poet
- Thomas Randolph 1605-1635 Poet, dramatist
- Nathaniel Eaton 1609-1674 First schoolmaster at Harvard
- Sir John Suckling 1609-1642 Poet, dramatist
- John Pell 1610-1685 Mathematician
- Abraham Cowley 1618-1667 Poet, dramatist - The Mistress
- Andrew Marvell 1621-1678 Poet -'Horatian Ode', 'The Rehearsal Transpros'd'; MP (Hull)
- George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham 1628-1687 Wit, politician, dramatist - 'The Rehearsal'; member of the 'Cabal'
- John Ray 1627-1705 Naturalist; created the principles of plant classification
- John Dryden 1631-1700 Poet Laureate -'Absalom and Achitophel'; Translator of Virgil
- Francis Willughby 1635-1672 Naturalist
- Sir Isaac Newton 1642-1727 Mathematician, physicist; MP (Cambridge University)
- George Jeffreys, 1st Baron Jeffreys 1645-1689 Judge - 'Bloody Assizes'; Lord Chancellor
- Nathaniel Lee 1649-1692 Dramatist - The Rival Queens
- Charles Montagu, 1st Duke of Manchester (1656-1722) Whig statesman
- Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax 1661-1715 Founded Bank of England, 1694; Chancellor of Exchequer
- Charles Seymour, 6th Duke of Somerset 1662-1748 Politician and Whig Grandee
- George Montague-Dunk, 2nd Earl of Halifax 1716-1771 Secretary of State
- John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich 1718-1792 First Lord of the Admiralty; is claimed to have invented the 'sandwich'
- Richard Cumberland 1732-1811 Playwright - The Brothers, The West Indian
- Thomas Nelson 1738-1789 Signatory of the American Declaration of Independence
- Thomas Erskine, 1st Baron Erskine 1750-1823 Lord Chancellor, jurist
- George Crabbe 1754-1832 Poet; did not matriculate
- Richard Porson 1759-1808 Classical scholar
- Spencer Perceval 1762-1812 Prime Minister 1809-1812 (Tory); assassinated
- Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey 1764-1845 Prime Minister 1830-1834 (Whig); Great Reform Act (1832)
- Francis Russell, 5th Duke of Bedford 1765-1802 Whig aristocrat
- James Scarlett, 1st Baron Abinger 1769-1844 Judge, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer
- John Copley, 1st Baron Lyndhurst 1772-1863 Lawyer; Lord Chancellor 1827-1830; 1834-1835; 1841-1846
- William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne 1779-1848 Prime Minister 1834, 1835-1841 (Whig)
- Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne 1780-1863 Whig statesman
- Charles Pepys, 1st Earl of Cottenham 1781-1851 lawyer, Lord Chancellor 1846-1850
- John Charles Spencer, 3rd Earl Spencer 1782-1845 Known as Lord Althorp; Chancellor of the Exchequer
- Nicholas Conyngham Tindal 1776-1786 Celebrated lawyer and judge
- Henry Goulburn 1784-1856 Chancellor of the Exchequer
- Adam Sedgwick 1785-1873 Geologist
- George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron 1788-1824 Poet - `She Walks in Beauty', Don Juan
- Charles Babbage 1791-1871 Mathematician; Built the forerunner of modern computers
- Constantine Henry Phipps, 1st Marquess of Normanby 1797-1863 Politician
- James Yorke Scarlett 1799-1871 British general and hero of the Crimean War
- Thomas Macaulay 1800-1859 Historian, essayist
- William Fox Talbot 1800-1877 Inventor of photography
- Sir George Airy 1801-1895 Astronomer, geophysicist
- William Smith O'Brien 1803-1864 Irish Nationalist
- Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton 1803-1873 Novelist - The Last Days of Pompeii; politician
- James Challis 1803-1882 Astronomer; twice observed Neptune without noting it, before its discovery
- Frederick Maurice 1805-1872 Theologian, writer, Christian Socialist
- Augustus De Morgan 1806-1871 Mathematician; symbolic logic
- Richard Chenevix Trench 1807-1888 Poet, Archbishop of Dublin; Theorist of English Language
- James Spedding 1808-1881 Scholar; editor of Bacon's Works
- Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Baron Houghton 1809-1885 Politician, man of letters
- Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson 1809-1892 Poet - Maud, In Memoriam
- Edward FitzGerald 1809-1883 Poet - Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám
- William M. Thackeray 1811-1863 Novelist - Vanity Fair, Henry Esmond (dropped out after second year)
- Tom Taylor 1817-1880 Scottish dramatist; editor of Punch
- Thomas Francis Wade 1818-1895 Diplomat; invented Wade-Giles Chinese transliteration
- John Manners, 7th Duke of Rutland (also known as Lord John Manners) 1818-1906 Conservative statesman
- Charles Astor Bristed 1820-1874 American author and scholar
- Arthur Cayley 1821-1895 Mathematician; non-Euclidean geometry, invented matrices
- Sir Francis Galton 1822-1911 Scientist; meteorology, heredity
- Brooke Westcott 1825-1901 Canon of Westminster, Bishop of Durham
- Edward Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby 1826-1893 Foreign Secretary
- William Waddington 1826-1894 French Prime Minister 1879; archaeologist
- Sir William Vernon Harcourt 1827-1904 Liberal statesman; home secretary, Chancellor of the Exchequer
- Hugh Childers 1827-1896 Australian statesman, then British Chancellor of the Exchequer
- Joseph Barber Lightfoot 1828-1889 Bishop of Durham; theologian
- Edward White Benson 1829-1896 Archbishop of Canterbury, 1883-1896
- James Clerk Maxwell 1831-1879 Physicist; electromagnetism
- H. de Winton and J. C. Thring, created the first formal set of rules for Association football (The Cambridge Rules)
- Bishop Hale, first Bishop of Perth and, later, Bishop of Brisbane, social and educational pioneer
- Spencer Cavendish, 8th Duke of Devonshire (also known as Marquess of Hartington) 1833-1908; politician
- John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton 1834-1902 Historian
- Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman 1836-1908 Prime Minister 1905-1908 (Liberal)
- Sir Michael Foster 1836-1907 Physiologist; MP (London University)
- Henry Sidgwick 1838-1900 Philosopher, major proponent of women's colleges
- Sir George Otto Trevelyan 1838-1928 Historian; MP; Father of G. M. Trevelyan
- T. J. Cobden Sanderson 1840-1922 Bookbinder; Arts and Crafts Movement pioneer.
- Sir Richard Jebb 1841-1905 Greek scholar
- King Edward VII 1841-1910 Reigned 1901-1910
- Sir Frederick Pollock 1845-1937 Jurist
- Henry Hyndman 1842-1921 English writer and politician
- Edmund Gosse 1845-1928 Poet, critic - On Viol and Flute
- Arthur Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour 1848-1930 Prime Minister 1902-1905 (Conservative)
- Frederick W. Maitland 1850-1906 Legal historian
- Albert Grey, 4th Earl Grey 1851-1917 Governor-General of Canada 1904-1911
- Sir Charles Villiers Stanford 1852-1924 Composer, organist
- Sir James Frazer 1854-1941 Anthropologist; writer - The Golden Bough
- A. N. Whitehead 1861-1947 Philosopher, mathematician
- John Haden Badley 1865-1967 Educationalist, Founder (1893) and Headmaster (1893-1935) Bedales School
- George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon 1866-1923 Egyptologist; funded the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb
- Freeman Freeman-Thomas, 1st Marquess of Willingdon 1866-1941 Administrator; Viceroy of India
- Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley 1867-1947 Prime Minister 1923-24, 1924-29, 1935-37 (Conservative)
- Robert Erskine Childers 1870-1922 Writer, Irish Nationalist - The Riddle of The Sands
- Ralph Vaughan Williams 1872-1958 Composer - Sea Symphony, Pilgrim's Progress
- Prince Ranjitsinhji 1872-1933 Cricketer; Indian Prince
- G. E. Moore 1873-1958 Philosopher
- Bertrand Russell 1872-1970 Philosopher
- Aleister Crowley 1875-1947 Writer and 'Magician'; "the wickedest man alive"
- Mohammed Iqbal 1875-1938 Islamic poet and philosopher
- Geoffrey Winthrop Young 1876-1958) Noted Mountaineer & Author
- Charles Rolls 1877-1910 Co-founder of Rolls-Royce; aviator
- Sir James Jeans 1877-1946 Astronomer, mathematician; stellar evolution
- G. H. Hardy 1877-1947 Mathematician; A Mathematician's Apology
- Warwick Deeping 1877-1950 Novelist
- Lytton Strachey 1880-1932 Biographer - Eminent Victorians; Bloomsbury Group
- Leonard Woolf 1880-1969 Writer; husband of Virginia; Bloomsbury Group
- Clive Bell 1881-1964 Art and literary critic; husband of Vanessa
- Alfred Radcliffe-Brown 1881-1955 Social anthropologist
- A. A. Milne 1882-1956 Writer - Winnie-the-Pooh
- Sir Arthur Eddington 1882-1944 Astronomer
- Baron Kishichiro Okura 1882-1963 Japanese playboy and motor racing enthusiast
- John Edensor Littlewood 1885-1977 Mathematician; Fourier Series, Zeta Function
- St. John Philby 1885-1960 Explorer of Arabia; father of Kim
- Thomas Eckersley 1886-1959 Theoretical physicist and expert on radio waves
- Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor 1886-1975 Physicist, mathematician; Fluid dynamics, crystals
- C. D. Broad 1887-1971 Philosopher
- Srinivasa Ramanujan 1887-1920 Mathematician; analytic number theory, elliptic integrals
- Sydney Chapman 1888-1970 Mathematician, geophysicist; kinetic theory, geomagnetism
- Ludwig Wittgenstein 1889-1951 Philosopher
- Jawaharlal Nehru 1889-1964 First Prime Minister of India, 1949-1964
- Edward Hallet Carr 1892-1982 writer and international relations theorist
- Maxwell Woosnam 1892-1965 Olympic and Wimbledon lawn tennis champion and England national football team captain.
- Charles Hawker 1894-1938 Australian politician
- King George VI 1895-1952 Reigned 1936-1952
- Edward Arthur Milne 1896-1950 Mathematician
- Vladimir Nabokov 1899-1977 Russian and English novelist - Lolita
- W.A.H. Rushton 1901-1980 Physiologist, one time president of the Society for Psychical Research
- Christopher Hinton, Baron Hinton of Bankside 1901-1983 Nuclear engineer; constructed Calder Hall, the first large scale reactor
- George 'Gubby' Allen 1902-1989 Cricketer - captained England; played in Bodyline series
- Frank Plumpton Ramsey 1903-1930 Philosopher, mathematician, economist
- Otto Frisch 1904-1979 Nuclear physicist; first used the term 'nuclear fission'
- Erskine Hamilton Childers 1905-1974 President of the Irish Republic, 1973-74
- Sir Stuart Milner-Barry, 1906-1995, chess player, World War II codebreaker and civil servant
- John Lehmann 1907-1987 Poet, man of letters; inaugurated "The London Magazine"
- Anthony Blunt 1907-1983 Soviet spy; art historian
- William George Penney 1909-1991 Nuclear physicist
- Sir Peter Scott 1909-1989 Artist, ornithologist; Olympic sailor (1936)
- Nicholas Monsarrat 1910-1979 Novelist - The Cruel Sea
- Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild 1910-1990 Zoologist, suspected Soviet sympathizer
- Guy Burgess 1910-1963 Soviet spy and traitor
- Kim Philby 1911-1988 Double agent; communist
- Enoch Powell 1912-1998 Statesman; Minister of Health, 1960-3
- Michael Greenberg 1914- Foreign Affairs Economist U.S. Foreign Economic Administration; Soviet spy
- Robin Woods 1914-1997 Dean of Windsor and Bishop of Worcester
- Frederick James Erroll, 1st Baron Erroll of Hale 1914-2000 British Minister
- Michael Whitney Straight 1916-2004 US magazine publisher, presidential speechwriter, Soviet spy
- William Thomas Tutte 1917-2002 Bletchley Park codebreaker
- George Jellicoe, 2nd Earl Jellicoe 1918-2007 Statesman
- William Whitelaw, 1st Viscount Whitelaw 1918-1999 Statesman; Home Secretary, 1979-83
- John Robinson 1919-1983 Theologian; Bishop of Woolwich, Dean of Trinity
- Alexander Ramsay of Mar 1919-2001 great grandson of Queen Victoria
- Hermann Bondi 1919-2005 Mathematician and cosmologist
- Anthony Nutting 1920-1999 Politician and diplomat; Arabist
- Thomas Gold 1920-2004 Astrophysicist
- John Maynard Smith 1920-2004 Evolutionary biologist and geneticist
- John Donaldson, Baron Donaldson of Lymington 1920–2005 Master of the Rolls
- John Stott born 1921 Evangelical Church Leader
- Raymond Williams 1921-1988 Marxist critic, novelist - The Country and the City
- Freeman Dyson born 1923 Physicist, proponent of the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, Templeton Prize winner
- Anthony & Peter Shaffer born 1926 (Anthony died 2001) Dramatists
- Dennis William Sciama 1926-1999 Physicist; Played a major role in developing British physics after the Second World War.
- Sir Michael Atiyah born 1929 Mathematician, Fields Medal and Abel Prize winner
- Douglas Hurd born 1930 Conservative politician, Home Secretary, Foreign Secretary
- John Polkinghorne born 1930 Physicist, religious thinker, Templeton Prize winner
- Ian Fells Energy adviser and broadcaster
- Anand Panyarachun born 1932 Prime Minister of Thailand, 1991-1992 and again in 1992
- Christopher Alexander born 1936, architect, author of The Timeless Way of Building and father of the design patterns movement
- John Tusa born 1936, managing director of BBC World Service
- Ian Hacking born 1936 Canadian philosopher
- Jared Diamond born 1937 leading US physiologist and biogeographer, Pulitzer Prize winner
- Stephen Frears born 1941 Film director
- Simon Blackburn born 1944 Philosopher
- Rajiv Gandhi 1944-1989 Prime Minister of India, 1984-1989
- Jonathan King born 1944 Pop impresario
- Vilayanur Ramachandran born 1947 Psychologist, Neuroscientist
- HRH The Prince of Wales born 1948
- Antony Gormley born 1950 Sculptor, best known for Angel of the North 1968-71
- Andy Taylor born 1951 Co-manager, Iron Maiden and co-founder of Sanctuary Records
- Rod Smallwood born 195? Co-manager, Iron Maiden and co-founder of Sanctuary Records
- Lee Hsien Loong born 1952 Prime Minister of Singapore, 2004-present
- Lawrence Lessig born 1961 leading US cyberlaw expert, founder of the Creative Commons movement, and free software advocate
- Vanessa Feltz born 1962, journalist and broadcaster
- Timothy Gowers born 1963 Mathematician, Fields Medal winner
- Nicholas Patrick born 1964 NASA astronaut
- India Knight, born 1965, author and journalist
- Rahul Gandhi born 1970 Indian politician, son of Rajiv Gandhi