List of comic strips A-L
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Parent article: List of comic strips; Siblings: A-L • M-Z; See also List of webcomics
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[edit] 0-9
- 9 Chickweed Lane (1993- ) by Brooke McEldowney (USA)
- 91:an (1932- ) by Rudolf Petersson and others (Sweden)
[edit] A
- Abbie an' Slats (1937-1971) originally by Al Capp Reuben and Raeburn van Buren (USA)
- Abie the Agent (1914-1940) by Harry Hershfield (USA)
- Abstract Notion (2002- ) by Anthony Robson (UK)
- The Academia Waltz (1978-1979) by Berke Breathed (USA)
- According to Guinness (1975-1990) by Norris McWirther and Ross McWirther (USA)
- A Couple of Guys by Dave Brousseau (1996 to Present)
- Ad Libs (1958-1975) by Jim Whiting and Larry Hurb, and later Len Bruh and Joe Daley (USA)
- Adam@home (1984- ) by Brian Basset (USA)
- The Adventures of Patsy (1935-1954) by Mel Graff, and later Frank Reilly, Charles Raab, Rich Hall, and Bill Dyer (USA)
- The Adventures of Stinky & Sticky (2006- ) by Jon Cantin]
- Agatha Crumm (1977-1996) originally by Bill Hoest, and later John Reiner, and Bunny Hoest (USA)
- Aggie Mack (1946-1965) by Hal Rasmussen and Roy L. Fox (USA)
- Agnes (1999- ) by Tony Cochran (USA)
- Airhawk (1964-1980) by Alan Foley and later B. Foley
- Airhawk Adventures (1981-1995) by B. Foley and later J. Dixon
- Akwas (1964-1972) by Mike Roy (USA)
- Alec, the Great (1931-1969) by Edwina
- Alex (1987- ) by Charles Peattie and Russell Taylor (UK)
- Alex in Wonderland by Bob Cordray
- Alexander Smart, Esq. (1930-1943) by A. C. Fera and later Doc Winner
- All in a Lifetime (1936-1961) by Frank H. Beck
- All in Sport (1952-1970) by Chet Adams (USA)
- All in the Family (1980-1995) by Bill Murray
- Alley Oop (1932- ) originally by V. T. Hamlin (USA)
- An Altar Boy Named Speck (1953-1973) by Tut LeBlanc and later Margaret Ahern
- Always Belittlin' (1930-1940) by Percy Crosby (USA)
- The Amazing Spider-Man (1977- ) by Stan Lee and John Romita, Jr. (USA)
- The Ambassador (1933-1934) by Otto Soglow
- A. Mutt (1904) by Bud Fisher, renamed Mutt and Jeff (USA)
- Amy (1962-1991) originally by Harry Mace (USA)
- And Her Name Was Maud (1904-1932) by Frederick Burr Opper (USA)
- Andy Capp (1957- ) by Reg Smythe (UK)
- Angel (1954-1963) by Mel Casson
- The Angriest Dog in the World (1983-1992) by David Lynch (USA)
- Angus Og (?-1986) by Ewen Bain (Scotland)
- Animal Antics (1947-1961) by Ed Nofziger (USA)
- Animal Crackers (1968- ) by Rog Bollen and later Fred Wagner (USA)
- Animalogic (1967-1978) by Ed Nofziger (USA)
- Annie (see Little Orphan Annie)
- Apartment 3-G (1961- ) originally by Nicholas P. Dallis and Alex Kotzky (USA)
- Aphrodite (1985-1995) by various creators
- A. Piker Clerk (1904) by Clare Briggs (USA)
- Apple Pie (1972-1995) by Gus Wood and R. David Boyd
- Archie (1947- ) originally by Bob Montana (USA)
- Arlo and Janis (1985- ) by Jimmy Johnson (USA)
- Arnie (1973-1995) by Arnie Stockholm and later Muir
- Arnold (1983-1987) by Kevin McCormick (USA)
- Art's Gallery (1965-1977) by Art Finley (USA)
- Arty Facts (1983-1995) by Ray Fisher
- As You Were (1972-1995) by Jim Baker (USA)
- Ask Shagg (1981-1995) by Peter Guren (USA)
- Assignment: Top Secret (1981-1993) by Bill Barry and later Fred Hall
- Asterix and Obelix (1977) by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo (USA reprint of French album stories edited into comic strip form).
- At the Zü (1995-1998) by Ron Ruelle (USA)
- Aunt Tenna by Bil Keane Reuben (USA)
- The Avridge Farm by Jeff Wilson (Canada)
[edit] B
- Babe 'n' Horace (1939-1970) by Edgar E. Martin and later Les Carroll (USA)
- Baby Blues (1990- ) by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott Reuben (USA)
- Baby Mine (1930-1939)
- Back Home (1986-1995) by Hormer Box
- Bachelor Party (2002-2003) by Adam Miller (USA)
- Backbench (-) by Graham Harrop (Canada)
- Baldo (2000- ) by Hector Cantú and Carlos Castellanos (USA)
- Ballard Street (1991- ) by Jerry Van Amerongen
- Barnaby (1942-1962) originally by Crockett Johnson (USA)
- Barnacle & His Friends (1983-1992) by Alex Moore
- Barney Baxter (1935-1950) by Frank Miller (USA)
- Barney Google and Snuffy Smith (1919- ) and (1934- ) respectively, Billy De Beck for both, and later Fred Lasswell Reuben for Snuffy (USA)
- Baron Bean (1916-1919) by George Herriman (USA)
- Basil (comic strip)Basil (1974-1980) by Gerry Lants (Australia)
- Bat Masterson (1959-1970) by Ed Herron and Nostrand
- Batman (1989-1991) by Max Allan Collins and Marshall Rogers (USA)
- Batman and Robin (1943-1974) originally by Bob Kane (USA)
- B.C. (1958- ) by Johnny Hart Reuben (USA)
- Bear Creek Folks by C.M. Payne (USA)
- Beau Peep (1978-) by Roger Kettle and Andrew Christine (UK)
- Beelzebub Jones (1937-1945) by Hugh McClelland (UK)
- Beetle Bailey (1950- ) by Mort Walker Reuben (USA)
- Believe It Or Not! (1918-) by Robert Ripley
- Belinda (1934?-1959), first titled Belinda Blue-Eyes, by Steve Dowling (UK)
- Belles and Wedding Bells (1930-1943) by Cliff Sterrett (USA)
- Belvedere (1962-1995) by Nat Greenwood and George Crenshaw (USA)
- Ben (-) by Daniel Shelton (Canada)
- Ben Bowyang (1933-1979) originally by Alex Gurney (Australia)
- Ben Casey (1962-1966) by Neal Adams (USA)
- Ben Wicks (1967-1987) by Ben Wicks (Canada)
- Benny (1929-1939) by J. Carver Pusey
- Bent Offerings (1988-) by Don Addis (USA)
- Berry's World (1969-1995) by Jim Berry (USA)
- The Berrys (1943-1974) by Carl Grubert
- The Better Half (1959-1980) originally by Bob Barnes (USA)
- Betty (1924-1943) by Charles Voight (USA)
- Betty Boop (1930-?, 1984-1988) originally by Max Fleischer, and later Grim Natwick (USA)
- Between Friends (1994- ) by Sandra Bell-Lundy (Canada)
- Beyond Mars (1952-1955) by Jack Williamson and Lee Elias (USA)
- Beyond the Black Stump by Sean Leahy (Australia)
- Big Ben Bolt (1950-1977) by John Cullen Murphy (USA)
- Big George (1960-1979) by Virgil Partch (USA)
- Big Nate (1991- ) by Lincoln Pierce (USA)
- The Big Picture (1995-2004) by Lennie Peterson (USA)
- Big Sister (1928-1971) by Les Forgrave and later Bob Naylor
- Bigg's Business (1972-1994) by Bob Zahn
- Billy the Bee by Harry Smith (UK)
- Billy's Boots (1970-1986) by John Gilliatt and Mike Western (UK)
- Birdseye Centre (1927-1946) by Jimmy Frise (Canada)
- Bizarro (1986- ) by Dan Piraro (USA)
- Bliss by Stephen Hersh (USA)
- Blondie (1930- ) originally by Chic Young Reuben (USA)
- Bloom County (1980-1989) by Berke Breathed (USA)
- The Blue Beetle (1940) by Charles Nicholas (Jack Kirby) (USA)
- Bo (1940-1955) by Frank H. Beck
- Bobby (1938-1985) by Jerry Iger (USA)
- Bobby Thatcher (1927-1937) by George Storm (USA)
- Bob the Angry Flower (1992- ) by Stephen Notley (Canada)
- Bogor (1974?-1995?) by Burton Silver (New Zealand)
- Boner's Ark (1968-2000) by Mort Walker and later Frank B. Johnson Reuben (USA)
- Bonnie (1956-1965) by Joe Campbell
- Boob McNutt (1915-1934) by Rube Goldberg Reuben (USA)
- The Boondocks (1997- ) by Aaron McGruder (USA)
- Boots (1935-1968) by Edgar Martin and later Les Carroll (USA)
- Boots and Her Buddies (1924-1969) by Edgar Martin (USA)
- The Born Loser (1965- ) originally by Art Sansom (USA)
- Borovnica(1992) by Darko Macan
- The Bosleys (1970-1980) by John Stees
- Bound to Win (1926-1940) by George Storm and Edwin Alger, Jr. (USA)
- Boy and Girl (1956-1974) John Henry Rouson
- Bozo (1945-1955) by F. X. Reardon
- Braggo the Monk by Gus Mager (USA)
- Brenda Breeze (1940-1962) by Rolfe
- Brenda Starr (1940- ) originally by Dale Messick (USA)
- Brevity (2005- ) by Guy Endore-Kaiser and Rodd Perry (USA)
- Brewster Rockit: Space Guy! (2004- ) by Tim Rickard (USA)
- Brick Bradford (1933-1987) originally by William Ritt and Clarence Gray (USA)
- The Brilliant mind of Edison Lee (2006- ) by John Hambrock (USA)
- Bringing Up Father (1913-2000) originally by George McManus (also known as Maggie and Jiggs) (USA)
- Bristow (1962- ) by Frank Dickens (UK)
- Broncho Bill (1932-1950) by Harry F. O'Neill (USA)
- Broom Hilda (1970- ) by Russell Myers (USA)
- The Broons (1936- ) by Dudley D. Watkins (Scotland)
- Brother Juniper (1953-86) by Fr. Justin "Fred" McCarthy, OFM, and Len Reno
- Brother Sebastian by Chauncey (Chon) Day (USA)
- Brother Simon and Lucas (1976-1988) by Pedro R. Moreno
- Bruce Gentry (1945-1951) by Ray Bailey
- "Bruce the Moose (1966-1974) by author unknown- appeared as frequent comic in children's magazines - Highlights..needs refinement..
- Bruno the Bandit, (1998- ) by Ian MacDonald - webcomic
- Buck Nix (1908-) by Sidney Smith (USA)
- Buck Rogers (1929-1967) originally by Dick Calkins and Philip Nolan; (1979-1983) originally by Gray Morrow and Jim Lawrence (USA)
- Buck Ryan (1937-1962) by Jack Monk (UK)
- Buckles (1996- ) by David Gilbert (USA)
- Bughouse Fables (1924-1935) by Billy DeBeck, and later Paul Fung and Jay Irving (USA)
- Bugs Bunny (1944-1990) originally by Leon Schlesinger (USA)
- The Bungle Family (1918-1945) first titled Home Sweet Home by Harry Tuthill (USA)
- Bunky (1936-1947) by Billy DeBeck and later Fred Lasswell (USA)
- Business Daze (1955-1969) by various creators (USA)
- Buster Brown (1902-1920) by Richard F. Outcault (USA)
- Buttercup Festival (2000-2005) by Elliott G. Garbauskas - webcomic
- Buz Sawyer (1943-1989) originally by Roy Crane Reuben (USA)
[edit] C
- Caesar (1950-1964) by W. Timyn
- Calvin and Hobbes (1985-1995) by Bill Watterson Reuben (USA)
- Candorville by Darrin Bell (USA)
- Candy (1944-1971) by Harry Sahle and later Tom Dorr
- Can You Believe I'm Single? (2002 - ) by Lucas Thompson (Canada)
- The Candy Man (1981- ) by Bill Murray
- Cap Stubbs and Tippie (1918-1966) by Edwina Dumm (USA)
- Cappy Dick (1961-1987) by Cappy Dick and later Robert Cleveland
- The Captain and the Kids (1924-1978) see Katzenjammer Kids
- Captain Easy (1929-1988) originally by Roy Crane Reuben (USA)
- Captain Kate (1967-1971) by Jerry Skelly and Hale Skelly (USA)
- Captain RibMan by John Sprengelmeyer and Rich Davis - webcomic
- The Captain's Gig (1977-1979) by Virgil Franklin Partch ("VIP") (USA)
- Carmichael (1958-1985) by Dave Eastman
- Carnival (1939-1980) by J. A. Patterson, and Dick Turner
- Carol Day (1956-1967) by David Wright (UK)
- Casey Ruggles (1949-1954) by Warren Tufts (USA)
- Catfish (1973-1994) by Gary Peterman and Rog Bollen, and later Tom Cone and Fred Wagner
- "Cathy" (1954-1960) by Fritz Wilkinson (USA)
- Cathy (1976-) by Cathy Guisewite Reuben (USA)
- Cats with Hands (1999- ) by Joe Martin (USA)
- Cattivik (1970- ) originally by Bonvi (Franco Bonvicini) (Italy)
- C'est La Vie by Jennifer Babcock
- Channel Chuckles (1954-1977) by Bil Keane Reuben (USA); (1988- ) by various artists
- Chantecler Peck (1911) creator unknown (USA)
- Charlie (1980- ) by Charlie Rodrigues
- Charlie Chan (1938-42) by Alfred Andriola (USA)
- Cheerful Cherub (1924, 1933-1969) by Rebecca McCann
- Chelsea Boys (1998- ) by Glen Hanson and Allan Neuwirth (USA)
- Chicken Wings (2001- ) by Michael Strasser (USA) and Stefan Strasser (A)
- Ching Chow (1927-1971) by Sidney Smith, and later Stanley Link and Will Henry; (1975-1980) by Rocco Lotito, Will Levinson and Henri Arnold
- The Chosen Family (1988-2004) by Noreen Stevens (Canada)
- Chris Crusty (1931-1940) by Charlie Plumb and Bill Counselman
- Chris Welkin - Planeteer (1952-1964) by Art Sansom and Russ Winterbotham
- Cicero's Cat by Al Smith
- The Circus of P.T. Bimbo (1975-1980) by Howie Schneider (USA)
- Cisco Kid (1951-1967) by Jose Luis Salinas and Rod Reed
- Citizen Dog (1995-2001) by Mark O'Hare (USA)
- Citizen Smith (1967-1984) by Dave Gerard
- The City (1990-) by Derf (John Backderf) (USA)
- Clare in the Community (2001?- ) by Harry Venning (UK)
- Clarence (1924-1948) by Crawford Young, and later Cady, Frank Fogarty, and Weare Holbrook
- Clear Blue Water (2004- ) by Karen Montague-Reyes (USA)
- The Cloggies by Bill Tidy (UK)
- Close to Home (1992- ) by John McPherson (USA)
- College Roomies from Hell!!! (1999-) by Maritza Campos
- Colonel Pottersby and the Duchess (1935-1963) by Chic Young
- Colonel Up and Mr. Down (1934-?) by Walter Goetz (UK)
- Comedy Corner (1961-1970)
- Comics@MaiNada.Net, (2005) by inEvo, first webcomics 2.0 to allow online drawing
- Comics for Kids
- Conan the Barbarian (1978-1981), originally by Roy Thomas and John Buscema, (USA)
- Conchy (1970-1977) by James Childress (USA)
- Condorito (1949- ) by Pepo (René Ríos) (Chile)
- Connie (1927-1944) by Frank Godwin
- Cornered (1996- ) by Mike Baldwin (Canada)
- Count Screwloose of Tooloose (1929-1934) by Milt Gross (USA)
- Cousin Juniper (1945-1954) by Gus Edson
- Crankshaft (1987- ) by Tom Batiuk and Chuck Ayers (USA)
- Crawford and Morgan aka Crawford (1976-1978) by Chuck Jones (USA)
- Crazy Capers (1968-1980) by various artists, including Frank Sematones
- Crock (1975- ) by Bill Rechin and later Brant Parker and Don Wilder (USA)
- Crosstown (1935-1953) by Roland Coe
- Curbside (1991- ) by Robert Kirby (USA)
- Curly Kayoe (1946-1960) by Sam Leff
- Curtis (1988-) by Ray Billingsley (USA)
- Cuties (1942-1970) by E. Simms Campbell
[edit] D
- The Dailys (1948-1957) by Stanley Link
- Dan Dare (1950- ) created by Frank Hampson (UK)
- Dan Dunn (1933-1943) by Norman Marsh (USA)
- Dark Shadows (1971-1972) by Ken Bald (Credited as 'K. Bruce' due to contractual obligation) (USA)
- Dave's Delicatessen (1931-?) by Milt Gross (USA)
- David Crane (1956-1972) by Win Mortimer and later Creig Flessel
- Davy Crockett, Frontiersman (1955-1972) by Jim McArdle
- Davy Jones (1961-1970) by Al McWilliams and Sam Leff
- Day Shift (1953-1964) by Frank Adams
- DeadMelvin and Butch (1997-2005) by the Zanderman (USA) - webcomic
- Deems (1951-1980) by Tom Oka
- Dennis the Menace (1951- ) originally by David Law (UK)
- Dennis the Menace (1951- ) by Hank Ketcham Reuben (USA)
- Desperate Desmond (1910-1914), later titled Dauntless Durham of the U.S.A. by Harry Hershfield (USA)
- Dick Tracy (1931- ) originally by Chester Gould Reuben (USA)
- Dick's Adventures in Dreamland (1947-1956) by Max Trell and Neil O'Keeffe
- Dickie Dare (1933-1958) originally by Milton Caniff
- Diesel Sweeties (online 2000- , in print 2007- ) by Rich Stevens (USA)
- Dilbert (1989- ) by Scott Adams Reuben (USA)
- Dinah Mite (1958-1987) by Joe E. Buresch
- Dinglehoofer und His Dog (1930-1951) by H. H. Knerr
- The Dinette Set (1990- ), first titled Suburban Torture, by Julie Larson (USA)
- Dinosaur Comics (2002- ) by Ryan North - webcomic
- Disney Treasury of Classic Tales (1952-1971), nominally by Walt Disney
- Divot Diggers (1929-1940) by Dick Dorgan, and later Vic Forsythe and Pete Llanuza
- Dixie Dugan (1929-1966) by J. P. McEvoy and John Striebel (USA)
- Dizzy Dramas (1929-1943) by Joe Bowers
- Dr. Kildare (1962-1983) by Ken Bald
- Doctor Smock (1975-1985) by George Lemont
- Dok's Dippy Duck (1917-1925) by John Hager (USA)
- Don Winslow of the Navy (1934-1955) by Frank V. Martinek and Leon A. Beroth (USA)
- Donald Duck (1938- ), nominally by Walt Disney, originally by Bob Karp and Al Taliaferro (USA)
- Dondi (1955-1986) originally by Gus Edson and Irwin Hasen (USA)
- Doonesbury (1970- ) by Garry Trudeau Reuben (USA)
- Dot and Carrie (1922-1962) by J. F. Horrabin (UK)
- Dotty Dripple, later Dotty (1946-1973) by Buford Tune
- Double Trouble (1944-1953) by Bill McLean
- Down the Road (1925-1939) by W. E. Buck, and later Frank H. Beck
- Downstown (1974-1986) by Tim Downs (USA)
- Drabble (1979- ) by Kevin Fagan (USA)
- Drago (1945-1946) by Burne Hogarth (USA)
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend (1904-1913) by Silas (Winsor McCay) (USA)
- Drift Marlo (1961-1971) by T. M. Levitt, Phil Evans, and Tom Cooke
- The Dropouts (1968-1981) by Howard Post
- Duffy (1982- ) by Bruce Hammond
- Dumb Bells (1925-1954) by Joe Cunningham and Gar Schmitt
- Dumb Dora (1924-1935) by Chic Young, and later Paul Fung and Bill Dwyer
- Dunagin's People (1970- ) by Ralph Dunagin
- The Duplex (1993- ) by Glenn McCoy (USA)
- Dykes To Watch Out For by Alison Bechdel
[edit] E
- Eb and Flo (1967-1986) by Paul Sellers
- Edge City
- Eek and Meek (1965-2000) by Howie Schneider (USA)
- Eggers (1987- ) by Lou Lee Landi
- The Elderberries (2004- ) by Phil Frank and Joe Troise (USA)
- Ella Cinders (1925-1958) by Bill Conselman and Charles Plumb, and later Fred Fox (USA)
- Elmer (1926-1956) by A. C. Fera, and later Doc Winner
- Elsie Hooper (2002-) by Robert D. Krzykowski (USA)
- Emmy Lou (1951-1979) by Marty Links
- Ernie by Dave Gibbons (UK)
- Ernie by Bud Grace (USA) (see The Piranha Club)
- Etta Kett (1925-1974) by Paul Robinson (USA)
- Everyday Movies (1924-1954) by various creators including Denys Wortman
- Executive Suite (1985- ) by Jack Lindstrom and William Wells
- Eyebeam (1980-1990) by Sam Hurt (USA)
[edit] F
- The Family Circus (1960- ), first named The Family Circle, by Bil Keane Reuben (USA)
- The Family Upstairs (1910-1916) a.k.a. The Dingbat Family by George Herriman (USA)
- Fan Fare (1948-1972) by Walt Ditzen
- Farley (1975- ) by Phil Frank (USA)
- Farming Today (1983- ) by Ernie Riggs
- The Far Side (1980-1995) by Gary Larson Reuben (USA)
- Fatty Finn (1923-1933, 1951-1977) by Syd Nicholls (Australia)
- Faux Pas, (2001- ) by Carspecken (USA)
- Feiffer (1959-1973) by Jules Feiffer
- Felix (1924-1933) by Pat Sullivan;
- Felix the Cat (1929-1946) by Pat Sullivan and later Otto Messmer and Joe Oriolo (USA)
- Ferd'nand (1937- ) originally by Mik (Henning Dahl Mikkelsen) (Denmark)
- The 5th Wave (1990?- ) by Rich Tennant (USA)
- Figments (1971-1994) by Jay Hair
- Fisher (1992- ) by Philip Street (Canada)
- Flamingo (1952-1985) by Matt Baker, and later Ruth Roche, John Thornton, Thorn Stevenson, and Ruth Schaefer
- Flash Gordon (1934- ) originally by Alex Raymond Reuben (USA)
- Fletcher the 4-H'r (1958-1986) by Joe E. Buresch
- The Flintstones (1962-1980) by Hanna-Barbera Productions; (1994- ) by creators unknown;
- Flook (1949-?) by Trog (Wally Fawkes) (UK)
- The Flop Family (1945-1981) by George O. Swanson
- Flubs and Fluffs (1966-1988) by Jerry Robinson (USA)
- The Flying McCoys (2005- ) by Glenn McCoy and Gary McCoy (USA)
- F Minus by Tony Carrillo (USA)
- Foolish Questions (1908-1934) by Rube Goldberg Reuben (USA)
- Footrot Flats (1975-1999) by Murray Ball (New Zealand)
- For Better or For Worse (1979- ) by Lynn Johnston Reuben (Canada)
- For Heaven's Sake (1983- ) by Lonnie J. Gross and later Mike Morgan
- Forever Female (1961-1974) by Dorothy Mylrea and later Eugene Craig
- The Fosdyke Saga (1971- ) by Bill Tidy (UK)
- FoxTrot (1988- ) by Bill Amend (USA)
- Foxy Grandpa (1900-1918) by C. E. Schultze (USA); (1930-1938) by Bunny Schultze
- Francie (1986-1996) by Sherrie Shepherd
- Frank and Ernest (1972- ) by Bob Thaves (USA)
- Franka by Henk Kuijpers (Netherland)
- Frazz (2000- ) by Jef Mallett (USA)
- Freckles and His Friends (1915-1973) by Merrill Blosser and later Henry Formhalls (USA)
- Fred (1983-1992) by Leonard Bruce and Charles Durck
- Fred Basset (1963- ) by Alex Graham (UK)
- Freddy (1956-1980) by Rupe, and later Robert Baldwin
- Freefall - webcomic
- Friday Foster (1970-1974) originally by Jim Lawrence and Jorge Longaron (USA)
- Fritz (1982- ) by various creators including Fritz
- Fritzi Ritz (1924-1967) by Larry Whittington and later Ernie Bushmiller
- From Nine to Five (1946-1971) by Jo Fischer
- Frontiers of Science (1962-1987) by Professor Stuart Butler and Robert Raymond (Australia)
- Frumpy the Clown (1996-1998) by Judd Winick (USA)
- Funky Winkerbean (1972- ) by Tom Batiuk (USA)
- Funland (1933-1979) by Arthur Nugent and later Art Nugent, Jr.
- Funny Business (1942-1956) by Ralph Hershberger; (1969-1979) by Rog Bollen
- Funnyman (1944) by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster (USA)
- The Funsters (1964-1986) by John Broudhecker
- The Fusco Brothers (1989- ) by J. C. Duffy (USA)
- Fuzzy (1983-1992) by Leonard Bruce
[edit] G
- The Gambols (1950- ) by Barry Appleby and Dobs Appleby (UK)
- Gantz Glances by Dave Gantz (USA)
- Garfield (1978-) by Jim Davis Reuben (USA)
- Garth (1943-?) originally by Steve Dowling, and later Frank Bellamy (UK)
- Gasoline Alley (1918-) originally by Frank King Reuben (USA)
- Gaturro (1996- ) by Nik (Cristian Dzwonik) (Argentina)
- Geech (1982-2003) by Jerry W. Bittle (d. 2003) (USA)
- Gene Autry (1941, 1952-1955) by Gene Autry and Bert Laws (USA)
- General Protection Fault (1998-) by Jeffrey T. Darlington
- Genius (1978-1983) by John Glashan (UK)
- Get Fuzzy (1999- ) by Darby Conley (USA)
- Gil Thorp (1958- ) originally by Jack Berrill (USA)
- Gilman vs. The Rominator (1990-1991) by Brian R. Boeckeler (USA)
- Ginger Meggs (1921- ) originally by J. C. Bancks (Australia)
- Gipsy by Enrico Marini and Thierry Smolderen (Italy)
- Girligags (1924-1939) by Clarence R. Gettier
- The Girls (1955-1988) by Franklin Folger
- Girls & Sports (1997- ) by Justin Borus and Andrew Feinstein (USA)
- Girl Genius (2005- ) by Phil Foglio and Kaja Foglio
- Glamor Girls (1945-1967) by Don Flowers
- Gnorm Gnat (1972-1977) - first strip by Jim Davis Reuben (Garfield) (USA)
- Gods of Arr-Kelaan (2002-) by Chuck Rowles and Steve Rowles
- Going Down (1982-1992) by Leonard Bruce
- Good News/Bad News (1978-1992) by Henry Martin
- The Good Old Days & Antique Fair (1958-1980), also known as The Good Old Days and The Good Old Days Antique Fair by Erwin L. Hess
- Gordo (1941-1985) by Gus Arriola (USA)
- Graffiti (1969- ) by Gene Mora (USA)
- Grand Avenue (1999- ) by Steve Breen (USA)
- Grandfather Clause (2000-2001) by Chris Wright (USA)
- Grandma (1947-1968) by Charles Harris and later Doc Kuhn
- Grandpa’s Boy (1953- ) by Ann Mossler, and later Brad Anderson
- Graves, Inc. Pat Brady
- Grimbledon Down by Bill Tidy (UK)
- Grin and Bear It (1932- ) originally by Lichty (USA)
- The Grizzwells (1987- ) by Bill Schorr (USA)
- Grubby (1964-1997) by Warren Sattler (USA)
- Guindon (1977-2005) by Dick Guindon (USA)
- GUGUN et BALIDAM (2007) by Gugun Arief Gunawan (Indonesia)
- Gumdrop (1977-1988) by George Crenshaw, and later Foster Moore and Jerry Scott (USA)
- The Gumps (1917-1959) originally by Sidney Smith (USA)
- Gunner (1974-1985) by Jose Luis Salinas and Alfredo Grassi, and later Lucho Olivera, Tobias, and Andrew Klacik
[edit] H
- Hägar the Horrible (1973- ) originally by Dik Browne Reuben (USA)
- Hairbreadth Harry (1906-1939) by C. W. Kahles, and later F. O. Alexander (USA); (1967-1972) by Joe Petrovich
- Half Hitch (1943-1946?, 1970?-1975?) by Hank Ketcham Reuben (USA)
- Happy Happy (1982-1992) by Cosmus
- Happy Hooligan (1900-1932) by Frederick Burr Opper (USA)
- Harold Teen (1919-1959) by Carl Ed (USA)
- Harvey by Caroll Spinney (USA)
- Half Hitch (1943-1946?, 1970?-1975?) by Hank Ketcham Reuben (USA)
- Have Fun! (1956-1976) by Lee Bryan, and later Rube Weiss
- The Hawk (1952-1985) by Bob Webb & Rob Maxwell
- Hawkshaw the Detective (1913-1922) originally by Bernard Dibble (USA)
- Hazel (1943-) by Ted Key (USA)
- The Heart of Juliet Jones (1953-2000) originally by Elliot Caplin and Stan Drake (USA)
- Heart of the City (1998- ) by Mark Tatulli (USA)
- Hector (1951-1972) by Merrill Blosser, and later Henry Formhals and Fred Fox
- Heathcliff (1973- ) by George Gately (USA)
- Hejji (1935) by Dr. Seuss (USA)
- Helen, Sweetheart of the Internet (1996- ) by Peter Zane (USA)
- Henry (1932- ) originally by Carl Anderson (USA)
- Henry Henpeck (1949-1961) by Irv Hagglund
- Herby (1938-1960) by Walter Berndt
- Here’s Mom (1961-1970) by Isabel
- Herman (1950-1966) by Clyde Lamb; (1974-) originally by Jim Unger (Canada)
- Hey, Mac! (1982-1992) by Arthur S. Curtis, and later Mike H. Arens
- Hi and Lois (1954- ) originally by Mort Walker Reuben and Dik Browne Reuben (USA)
- Hi-Lo (1952-1962) by Daloisio
- High Pressure Pete (1927-1937) by George O. Swanson
- Highlights of History (1924-1941) by J. Carroll Mansfield
- Hill Page (1937-1960) by W. E. Hill
- Hogan's Alley (1895-1898) by Richard F. Outcault (also known as The Yellow Kid) (USA)
- Homer Hoopee (1930-1954) by Fred Locher, and later Rand Taylor and Phil Berube
- Honeydew (1971-1983) by Henry Gaines Goodwin, Jr.
- Horrorscope (1990-) originally by Susan Kelso and Eric Olson (Canada)
- Hossface Hank (1955-1964) by Frank Thomas
- The Hots by Stephen Hersh and Nina Paley (USA)
- How Does It Work (1962-1973) by Bruce Bailey
- Howard the Duck (1977-1978) by Steve Gerber and Gene Colan
- Hubert (1946-1992) by Dick Wingert
- Hubert and Abby (2003- ) by Mel Henze (Canada)
- Hubert Henpec (1952-1962) by Fantasio
- Humor without Words (1952-1971) by Zoltan Forrai, and later Chumy
[edit] I
- Idea Chaser (1969-1989) by Jerry Langell
- If... (1981- ) by Steve Bell (UK)
- In the Bleachers (1986- ) by Steve Moore
- The Incredible Hulk (1979-1982) by Stan Lee and Larry Lieber (USA)
- I Need Help (see Pardon My Planet)
- Ink Pen (2005- ) by Phil Dunlap
- Inside Woody Allen (1976-1984) by Stuart Hample (USA)
- Inspector Dayton (1938-1950, 1974) by George Thatcher
- The Inventions of Professor Lucifer Gorgonzola Butts, A. K. (1914-1964?) by Rube Goldberg Reuben (USA)
- Invisible Scarlet O'Neil (1940-1949) by Russell Stamm
- It’s a Cockeyed World (1948-1980) by Joe Kaliff
- It’s a Fact (1948-1959) by Tommy and later Jerry Cahill
- It's Me Dilly (1957-1960) by Alfred Andriola under the pseudonym Alfred James
- It's Only a Game (1957-1959) by Charles M. Schulz Reuben (USA)
- It’s Papa Who Pays (1930-1943) by Jimmy Murphy
[edit] J
- Jack (2001-) by David Hopkins
- The Jackson Twins (1950-1979) by Dick Brooks (USA)
- James Bond (1958-1977) originally by John McLusky (UK)
- Jane (1932-1959), first titled Jane's Journal, by Norman Pett (UK)
- Jane Arden (1927-1968) originally by Monte Barrett and Russell E. Ross (USA)
- Jasso-kissa by Jii Roikonen (Finland)
- Jed Cooper (1950-1960) by Rick Fletcher and Lloyd Wendt
- Jeff Cobb (1954-1975) US; continued to 1978 overseas by Pete Hoffman
- Jeff Hawke (1955-1974) by Sydney Jordan (UK)
- Jeremy by Jon Morris - webcomic
- Jes’ Smith (1953-1973) by Johnny Pierotti
- Jim's Journal (1988- ) by Scott Dikkers (USA)
- Jimmy The Trucker (2002- ) by AV Pub. Inc. (USA)
- Jinglets (1926-1960) by Tommy and later Jerry Cahill
- Joe and Asbestos (1925-1966), first titled Joe Quince, by Ken Kling (USA)
- Joe bar team (1990- ), by bar2 and Fane (France)
- Joe Jinks (1929-1953) also entitled Joe’s Car, Curley Kayoe, and Davy Jones, by Vic Forsythe, and later Pete Llanuza, Sam Leff, and Henry Formhals (USA)
- Joe Palooka (1930-1984) originally by Ham Fisher (USA)
- John Carter of Mars (1941-1943) by John Coleman Burroughs (USA)
- John Darling (1979-1991) originally by Stan Lynde (USA)
- Johnny Hazard (1944-1977) by Frank Robbins
- Johnny Reb and Billy Yank (later Johnny Reb) (1956-1959) by Frank Giacoia (USA)
- Jon and Matt (2006- ) by Thomas Bunting
- Johnny Wonder (1970-1993) by Dick Rogers
- Jojo (1987-2005) by Geerts
- Jommeke (1955- ) by Jef Nys (Belgium)
- Josephine (1949-1968) by Robbie Robinson and later Elizabeth Brozowska and Charles Skiles
- Josh Billings Sez (1956-1976) by Rube Weiss
- Judd Saxon by Ken Bald
- Judge Parker (1952- ) originally by Paul Nichols (USA)
- Julius (1982-1994) by Joan, Harry, and Nelson
- Julius Knipl, Real Estate Photographer (1988- ) by Ben Katchor (USA)
- Jump Start (1989- ) by Robb Armstrong (USA)
- Jungle Jim (1934-1954) originally by Alex Raymond
- Junior Whirl (1974- ) by Hal Kaufman
- Just Jake (1938-1952) by Bernard Graddon (UK)
- Just Kids (1925-1949) by Ad Carter
- Just the Type (1946-1963) by Bob Dunn
- Justin Time Tripper (1983-1992) by Bruce Leonard and later Charles Durck
[edit] K
- Katzenjammer Kids (1897- ) originally by Rudolph Dirks, longest running American comic strip (USA)
- The K Chronicles (1995- ) by Keith Knight (USA)
- Keen Teens (1950-1960) by Stookie Allen
- Keeping Up (1925-1949) by Bill Hamilton
- Keeping up with the Joneses (1913-1945) by "Pop" Momand (USA)
- The Kelly Kids (1924-1939) by Collier
- Kerry Drake (1943-1984) created by Allen Saunders and Alfred Andriola
- Kevin and Kell (1995- ) by Bill Holbrook (USA) -webcomic
- Kevin the Bold (1950-1971), titled Up Anchor after 1969, originally by Kreigh Collins and Jay Heavlin (USA)
- The Kids (1973-1986) by Joe E. Buresch
- Kidspot (1981- ) by Leo White and later Dick Rogers
- Kiekeboe (1977- ) by Merho (Robert Merhottein) (Belgium)
- The Kin-der-Kids (1906) by Lyonel Feininger (USA)
- King Aroo (1950-1965) by Jack Kent (USA)
- King of the Royal Mounted (1935-1953) by Zane Grey (USA)
- Kit’n’Carlyle (1980- ) by Larry Wright
- Kitty Higgins (1938-1973) by Frank Willard and later Ferd Johnson
- Krass & Bernie (1976- ) by G. Trosley
- Krazy Kat (1910-1944) by George Herriman (USA)
- Kudzu (1981- ) by Doug Marlette (USA)
- Kyle's Bed & Breakfast (1998- ) by Greg Fox (USA)
[edit] L
- La Cucaracha (2002- ) by Lalo Alcaraz (USA)
- Ladies Day (1959-1976) by Mady Merah and later Nellie Carrol and John Henry Rouson
- The Ladies (1945-1961) by Dorothy Bond
- Laff-a-Day (1936- ) by anonymous creators
- Laff of the Week (1949-1976) by Bob Barnes and later George Crenshaw and others; (1981- ) by Bill Murray;
- Lance (1955-1960) by Warren Tufts (USA)
- Laredo (1957-1967) by Bob Schoenke
- The Larks (1957-1970s) originally by Jack Dunkley (UK)
- Larry’s World (1970-1992) by Larry
- Latigo (1979-1983) by Stan Lynde (USA)
- Laugh It Off (2004-2006) by Cameron Davis (AUS)
- Laugh Time (1968-1986) by Bob Schroeter
- Laughing Matter (1946-1974) by Salo
- Laughs from Europe (1964-1977) by various creators
- Lavinia Laserblast (Jan 3 1990-Apr 30 1993) by Robin Evans (UK, Evening Times)
- Least I Could Do (2003-) by Ryan Sohmer and Trevor Adams
- Legal Limits (1982-1992) by Larry Sturgis and Leonard Bruce
- Leotoons (1983-1992) by Bruce Leonard
- Let the Wedding Bells Ring Out (1924-1935) not attributed
- Liberty Meadows (1996- ) by Frank Cho (USA)
- Life in Hell (1978- ) by Matt Groening Reuben (USA)
- Life in the Suburbs (1964-1994) by Al Smith
- Life with the Rimples (1961-1970) by Les Carroll
- Life’s Like That (1935-1977) by Fred Neher
- Li'l Abner (1934-1977, 1988) by Al Capp Reuben (USA)
- Li'l Folks (1947-1950) by Charles M. Schulz Reuben (Peanuts) (USA)
- Li’l Ones (1925-1949) by Mel Lazarus and later Jim Whiting and Ned Riddle
- Lindh-Mute Panel (1983- ) by A. Lindh
- Liō (2006- ) by Mark Tatulli (USA)
- Little Annie Rooney (1929-1966) originally by Brandon Walsh and Ed Verdier (USA)
- The Little Bears (1892-1896) by James Swinnerton (USA)
- Little Brother Hugo (1945-1973) by Frank King and later Bill Perry
- Little Debbie (1949-1961) by Cecil Jensen
- Little Doc (1950-1960) by Ving Fuller
- Little Eve (1954-1974) by Jolita
- Little Farmer (1925-1949) by Kern Pederson
- Little Iodine (1943-1986) originally by Jimmy Hatlo (USA)
- Little Jimmy (1904-1958), first titled Jimmy, by James Swinnerton (USA)
- Little Joe (1933-1958?) originally by Ed Leffingwell (USA)
- The Little King (1934-1975) by Otto Soglow Reuben (USA)
- A Little Leary (1963-1986) by Bill Leary
- Little Liz (1952-1962) not attributed
- Little Lotta (1953-1993) by Warren Kremer (USA)
- Little Lulu (1935-1970) by Marjorie Henderson Buell (USA)
- Little Man (1980- ) by Roy Salmon
- Little Mary Mixup (1917-1957) by R. M. Brinkerhoff (USA)
- Little Miss Muffet (1935-1956) by Fanny Y. Cory
- Little Nemo in Slumberland (1905-1914, 1924-1927) by Winsor McCay (USA)
- Little Orphan Annie (1924-1974) (renamed Annie (1979- )) originally by Harold Gray (USA)
- Little Pedro (1948-1974) by William de la Torre
- The Little People (1952-1969) by Walt Scott
- Little Sport (1949-1976) by John Henry Rouson
- The Little Woman (1953-1982) by Don Tobin
- Live ‘n Laff (1967-1976) by Rube Weiss
- The Lockhorns (1968- ) originally by William Carroll (USA)
- Lolly (1955-1983) by Pete Hansen
- The Lone Ranger (1939-1970) originally by Fran Striker; (1980-1983) by Cary Bates and Russ Heath (USA)
- Lonely Heart (1968-1979) by Herc Ficklin
- Long Sam (1954-1962) originally by Al Capp and Bob Lubbers (USA)
- Looie (1938-1960) by Martin Branner
- Louie (1947-1976) by Harry Hanan
- Love & Laughter (1925-1949) by Maria Molnar
- Love Is... (1970- ) by Kim Casali (USA)
- The Lovebyrds (1932-1941) by Paul Robinson
- Luann (1987- ) by Greg Evans Reuben (USA)
- Lucky Cow (2003- ) by Mark Pett (USA)
- Luther (197?-198?) by Brumsic Brannon, Jr.
[edit] References
Strickler, Dave. Syndicated Comic Strips and Artists, 1924-1995: The Complete Index. Cambria, CA: Comics Access, 1995. ISBN 0-9700077-0-1.