List of mathematics articles (K)
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Mathematics articles: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[edit] K
K-ary tree -- K-core -- K-edge-connected graph -- K-function -- K group -- K-homology -- K-loop -- K-means algorithm -- K-medoids -- K-minimum spanning tree -- K-opt -- K-set (geometry) -- K-theory -- K-theory (physics) -- K-vertex-connected graph -- K3 surface -- Kac–Moody algebra -- Kaczmarz method -- Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation -- Kahan summation algorithm -- Kähler differential -- Kähler manifold -- Kahun Papyrus -- Kaina Stoicheia -- Kaiser window -- Kakeya set -- Kakutani fixed point theorem -- Kalman-Bucy filter -- Kalman filter -- Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov lemma --
[edit] Kam
Kampyle -- Kan extension -- Kantorovich inequality -- Kaplan-Meier estimator -- Kaplan-Yorke map -- Kaplansky conjecture -- Kaplansky density theorem -- Kappa curve -- Kappa statistic -- Kaprekar number -- Karatsuba algorithm -- Karhunen-Loève theorem -- Karman-Trefftz transform -- Karmarkar's algorithm -- Karnaugh map -- Karoubi envelope -- Karp-Lipton theorem -- Karplus equation -- Karp's 21 NP-complete problems -- Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions -- Katetov-Tong insertion theorem -- Kato's conjecture -- Kauffman polynomial -- Kaup–Kupershmidt equation -- Kautz graph -- Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomial -- Kazhdan's property (T) -- Keith Medal -- Keith number -- Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics -- Kelly criterion -- Kelvin transform --
[edit] Kem
Kempe chain -- Kendall tau distance -- Kendall tau rank correlation coefficient -- Kendall's notation -- Kendall's W -- Kent distribution -- Kepler-Bouwkamp constant -- Kepler conjecture -- Kepler-Poinsot polyhedron -- Kepler's laws of planetary motion -- Kepler's problem -- Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics -- Kernel (algebra) -- Kernel (category theory) -- Kernel density estimation -- Kernel (mathematics) -- Kernel (set theory) -- Kernel trick -- Key (cryptography) -- Kharitonov's theorem -- Khinchin's constant -- Khintchine inequality -- Khmer numerals -- Khovanov homology -- Kidinnu -- Killing form -- Killing horizon -- Killing spinor -- Killing vector field -- Kinematics -- Kinetic energy -- Kinetic logic -- Kinetic Monte Carlo -- King's graph --
[edit] Kir
Kirby calculus -- Kirby-Siebenmann class -- Kirchhoff's theorem -- Kirillov character formula -- Kirillov orbit theory -- Kirkman's schoolgirl problem -- Kirkwood approximation -- Kirszbraun theorem -- Kissing number problem -- Kitchen sink regression -- Kite (geometry) -- Kleene algebra -- Kleene–Brouwer order -- Kleene fixpoint theorem -- Kleene star -- Kleene's recursion theorem -- Klee's measure problem -- Klein bottle -- Klein four-group -- Klein geometry -- Klein-Gordon equation -- Klein model -- Klein quadric -- Klein quartic -- Kleinian group -- Kleinian model -- Klerer-May System -- Kloosterman sum -- Knapsack problem -- Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz lemma -- Knaster–Tarski theorem --
[edit] Kne
Kneser graph -- Kneser theorem -- Kneser-Tits conjecture -- Knight's graph -- Knights of the Lambda Calculus -- Knight's tour -- Knot complement -- Knot group -- Knot invariant -- Knot (mathematics) -- Knot polynomial -- Knot theory -- Knuth -yllion -- Knuth-Bendix completion algorithm -- Knuth's up-arrow notation -- Koch snowflake -- Kochanek-Bartels spline -- Kodaira embedding theorem -- Kodaira vanishing theorem -- Kolgomorov's inequality -- Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser theorem -- Kolmogorov backward equation -- Kolmogorov complexity -- Kolmogorov continuity theorem -- Kolmogorov extension theorem -- Kolmogorov randomness -- Kolmogorov-Smirnov test -- Kolmogorov space -- Kolmogorov's inequality -- Kolmogorov's zero-one law --
[edit] Kon
König's lemma -- König's theorem (graph theory) -- König's theorem (set theory) -- Kontorovich-Lebedev transform -- Korean numerals -- Korteweg–de Vries equation -- Kosaraju's algorithm -- Koszul algebra -- Koszul complex -- Koszul-Tate resolution -- Köthe conjecture -- Kraft's inequality -- Kraków School of Mathematics -- Kramers-Kronig relation -- Kramers-Wannier duality -- Krasovskii-LaSalle principle -- Krein-Milman theorem -- Kretschmann scalar -- Kriging -- Kripke–Platek set theory -- Kripke–Platek set theory with urelements -- Kripke semantics -- Krohn-Rhodes theory -- Kronecker delta -- Kronecker limit formula -- Kronecker product -- Kronecker symbol -- Kronecker–Weber theorem -- Kronecker's lemma -- Kronecker's theorem --
[edit] Kru
Krull dimension -- Krull-Schmidt theorem -- Krull's principal ideal theorem -- Krull's theorem -- Kruskal–Katona theorem -- Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance -- Kruskal's algorithm -- Kruskal's tree theorem -- Krylov-Bogolyubov theorem -- Krylov subspace -- Krypto (game) -- Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 -- Kuiper's test -- Kuiper's theorem -- Kulkarni-Nomizu product -- Kullback–Leibler divergence -- Kumaraswamy distribution -- Kummer ring -- Kummer sum -- Kummer theory -- Kummer's function -- Künneth theorem -- Kuramoto model -- Kuratowski closure axioms -- Kuratowski's free set theorem -- Kurepa tree -- Kurosh problem -- Kurtosis -- Kurtosis risk -- Ky Fan inequality --
[edit] Kym
Kymograph -- Kynea number --