Little Jimmy Urine
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Little Jimmy Urine (born James Euringer 7 September 1969 ) is the lead singer of New York Acid Punk band Mindless Self Indulgence. His most recent full length album is Mindless Self Indulgence's You'll Rebel To Anything (2005), which the band toured to support until October 31, 2005. MSI recently released a demo of a new song entitled "Pay for It," on their MySpace page in June 2006 which may signal an upcoming album or single and has sparked the "Cursing in Braille" tour (the song has recently been taken off of the page). On July 25th, 2006, the single "Thank God" was made available for download on their MySpace page. Also recently on their MySpace page, Urine created a poll entitled "DEAR OPINIONATED FUCKERS," in which, on each new poll, he invited the voters to help him create a new song step-by-step; the song, released on the band's MySpace on January 18th 2007, is entitled, "Mark David Chapman."
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[edit] Appearance
On stage and in public, Little Jimmy Urine can be seen wearing a unique style of clothing. This includes but is not limited to bright pink belts, a tie with a cross imprinted on it and a crucified Jesus, net shirts, tights, and large baggy shorts with the middle cut out causing it to resemble a skirt. His hair is usually up in liberty spikes. Regardless of how he begins his live shows, they often end with him partially or completely naked. Many New York shows end this way, with local fans looking at it almost as a ritual.
Accompanying his already unique look, Jimmy generally wears suit jacket with text painted on the back, and sometimes hands. Some phrases that have appeared on the back of Urine's jacket are "Shit Eats Pee" "Let Me Die" "Kick Me" "Cute Lead Singer" "We Are Gods" "Rock My Hole" "Fake" "Fear my Honkey Wrath" "Back in 5 Mins" and "Red is for Fagz" (the last one whilst wearing all red attire).
[edit] Antics
Jimmy is well-known for his crazy on-stage antics (some of which can be heard on the album Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy and the live album Alienating Our Audience). He loves to create controversy at his own shows. He will do anything he can to make his own fans angry or annoyed, such as drinking their beer, stealing their clothes, smoking their cigarettes, stealing their money, insulting their appearance, telling people to throw things at him and throwing their own drinks back at them.
One night, he tried to ignite his pubic hair (which he was arrested for on the charges of indecent exposure), gathering some toilet paper thrown on stage by a fan, shoving it up his anus and throwing it back into the audience while telling the people to clone him. He has also ingested his own urine during a performance, and went so far as to allow band member Steve Righ? a taste.[1] He constantly pokes fun at his band and makes self deprecating comments. In addition to insulting himself, he also frequently shouts insults at his audience. He is also known to kiss any willing show-goers, typically for $1.
[edit] Side projects
Urine has also taken on a musical side project, a collaboration with fellow Mindless Self Indulgence band member Steve, Righ?. They created a 39 track, 25 minute album under the name The Left Rights. His girlfriend is the singer of Morningwood, Chantal Claret
[edit] References