Logic Control
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Logic Control is a control surface originally designed by Emagic in cooperation with Mackie.
[edit] History
Logic Control was first designed as a dedicated control surface for Emagic's Logic Digital Audio Workstation software. About 6 months later, Mackie re-packaged it and named it the 'Mackie Control Universal' (MCU), marketing it as a control surface for all major DAW applications.
[edit] Description
Logic Control (and now MCU) allows to control almost all of Logic's parameters with its hardware faders and knobs. The faders are automated and motorized, reacting to existing track automation. All transport functions and wheel scrubbing are also available, and the unit can be configured to control any plug-in parameter. A blue display allows to display which parameter is being edited and its current value, while a red led display on the right shows SMPTE Time Code or Bars/Beats/Divisions/Ticks.