Los pipitos
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In 1987, in Nicaragua's capital city Managua, when a woman gave birth to twins, both suffering with Down Syndrome, she and her family decided to found Los Pipitos, an Association of Parents with Handicapped Children. The news that an organisation like the Pipitos existed in Nicaragua travelled fast throughout the country. Nothing like this had ever been done before in Central America and likewise further South. Los Pipitos go on to supply a large amount of aid and support to not only the children but also their families.
Today, Los Pipitos is an organisation of parents with handicapped children which is a major voice in the country for the rights of disabled people. Made up of over 1,200 families they have formed a large network of Los Pipitos centres which can now be found in most rural and urban towns of Nicaragua.
Los Pipitos coordinates with governmental and non-governmental institutions, the media and the population of Nicaragua to raise awareness of their responsibility for the integration of persons with disabilities into society.
Los Pipitos does not receive any government funds and relies souly on donations, and the selfless work of volunteers, many of whom are Nicaraguans who have very little income.
There are number of projects which work with Los Pipitos including Mill Hill School Partnership Scheme run by Trevor Chilton.