Dell Publishing
E Vicipaedia
This article's Latin is too bad.
If the problem is not resolved within 1 week, the page will be deleted.
An article has to have a minimum level of Latinitas to stay here. See also {{latinitas}}.
Formulae aliae: {{non latine}} — {{iocus}}
- Improve the Latin and re-rate the article. See {{latinitas}}.
- Use {{tiro}}.
- Use {{in progressu}}.
- Or ask for help, maybe in the Vicipaedia:Taberna.
If the problem is not resolved within 1 week, the page will be deleted.
Dell Publishing erat societas americana quae libros ephemerides libros comicosque fecit. George T. Delacorte Jr. Dell Publishing in anno 1921 fundavit. Erat societas quae libros fecit suprema in america inter annos 1920s, 1930s, ad 1940s. In anno 1943 societatis Dell coepevit libros sinos (Dell Paperbacks) facere.