Iohannes Beames
E Vicipaedia
Iohannes Beames (Anglice John Beames; natus 21 Iunii 1837; mortuus mense Maio 1902) fuit collector sive propraetor in provinciis variis Indiae sub Imperio Britannico; fuit etiam glottologus, philologus, eruditus rerum Indicarum. Magnum opus eius fuit systema grammaticae historicae linguarum Indoaryanorum annis 1872-1879 editus; separatim scripsit de linguis Hindi, Bhojpuri, Bengala. In autobiographia sua, anno 1960 a nepote recensa, dicit se esse "hominem obscurum - Anglicum normalem, ordinis medii, e vulgo".
[recensere] Bibliographia
- Beames' contributions to the political geography of the subahs of Awadh, Bihar, Bengal, and Orissa in the age of Akbar, B. P. Ambashthya editore. Pataliputrae: Janaki Prakashan, 1976.
- John Beames, A comparative grammar of the modern Aryan languages of India: to wit, Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, Gujarati, Marathi, Oriya, and Bangali. Londinii: Trübner, 1872-1879. 3 voll.
- John Beames, Grammar of the Bengali language, literary and colloquial. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1894.
- John Beames, Memoirs of a Bengal Civilian. Londinii: Chatto & Windus, 1961.
- John Beames, Notes on the Bhojpuri dialect of Hindi, spoken in western Behar. Londinii: Royal Asiatic Society, 1868.
- John Beames, Essays on Orissan history and literature, Kailash Pattanaik editore. Jagatsinghpur: Prafulla, 2004.
[recensere] Editiones librorum ab aliis scriptorum
- Chand Bardai, Prithirája rásau, editoribus Iohanne Beames, Rudolfo Hoernle. Calcutta: Asiatic Society, 1873-1886.
- H. M. Eliot, Memoirs on the history, folk-lore, and distribution of the races of the North Western Provinces of India; liber a Iohanne Beames recensus. Londinii: Trübner, 1869. 2 voll.
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