E Vicipaedia
[recensere] Pages To Consider Deleting Or Changing To Redirects
Here is a list of groups of pages which I have come across from the random page function which I don't think belong on the latin Wikipedia:
[recensere] Transwiki to Wikisource
Vetus Testamentum (and all the books of the Bible listed therein)Done.
[recensere] Transwiki to Wiktionary
- Spanish translations of latin words (and pages linked to at bottom)
- Portugese translations of latin words (and similar pages, linked from lingua Lusitana)
- Lituanian translations of latin words (and similar pages, linked from lingua Lithuana)
[recensere] Consolidate into Single Page
- Pages listed at Urbs/Index stipularum. Delete stubs or redirect to country/province.
- Index urbium (Germaniae), Index vicorum (Germaniae), Index fluviorum (Germaniae), Index lacuum (Germaniae) and Index regionum (Germaniae) should be integrated into either Germania or Geographia Germaniae.
- Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, STh I Proemium & STh I q14 a15. Consolodate into Thomas Aquinas?
[recensere] Delete Outright
- Constellations linked to from Zodiacus - delete or expend, but don't leave as they are.
- Number pages in triplicate and without historical content, eg. Septuaginta, LXX, 70; Decies centena milia, Milliens mille, 1000000
[recensere] Pages With No Links In Or Out
- Ennius
- Lingua latina in iure
- Treanna
[recensere] Stubs with No Links In
- Dam
- Disputatio:Liber Numeri 31
[recensere] Comments
I intend one day to list these on Wikipedia:Petitio deletionis but before then I'd like to get input from others. Anyone with opinions on this, please post them below. Thank you.