E Vicipaedia
[recensere] Vide etiam
[recensere] Notae
An article has to provide a minimum of content to stay here. It shall have, as an absolute minimum:
- a correct title (see Vicipaedia:Tituli petiti), which should furthermore be attested (see Vicipaedia:Fons)
- a definition of the lemma (then, the lemma shall be written in bold and … see Vicipaedia:A est B)
Additionally it should have:
- if possible some extra content (with links to other pages, see Specialis:Deadendpages)
- a parent page linking to it (see Vicipaedia:Paginae orbatae)
- a category (see {{dubcat}})
- links to other Wikipedias (see {{nexus carentes}})
- links to the sister projects (see {{communia}} etc.)
- an image with a meaningful description (see Vicipaedia:Imago and commons:)
- if necessary a vide etiam section
- possibly a nexus externus section
Formulae aliae: {{non latine}} — {{iocus}} — {{movenda}} — {{movenda ad victionarium}} — {{movenda ad vicilibros}} — {{movenda ad vicifontem}}
- Expand the article
- Use {{tiro}}
- Use {{in progressu}}
- Merge the content into an other article {{contribuenda}}
- Or ask for help, maybe in the Vicipaedia:Taberna.
If the problem is not resolved within 1 week, the page will be deleted.