E Vicipaedia
Latinitas huius paginae nondum censa est. Quaesumus, inspice eam et gradum da. Vide {{latinitas}}.
[[Imago:picture1.jpg|thumb|200px|Title of picture 1]]
[[Imago:picture2.jpg|thumb|200px|Title of picture 2]]
'''Article name''' ([[Lingua Xa|Xe]]: ''[[:xy:Name in own vulgo|Name]]'') is about the [[Rome|Roman]] people who ...
==Section title==
[[Imago:picture3.jpg|thumb|200px|Title of picture 3]]
Section text with numbered list ...
# first element
# second element
... and some trailing text.
This is anotheri{{dubsig}} paragraph ...
==Another section==
[[Imago:picture4.jpg|thumb|120px|left|Title of picture 4]]
Section text ...
This is the best section on the page.<ref>This Guy, ''This book I read'', page, The Publisher, location, year.</ref>
<references />
==Vide etiam==
* [[Another article]]
* [[Another article]]
==Nexus externi==
* [http://xxx1.com Title of external link] - Trailing text.
* http://xxx2.com - Link with no title but a comment.
{{Nexus carentes}}
{{Provinciae Brasilienses}}
[[en:English article]]
[[fr:French article]]