E Vicipaedia
This article should read: "Ulva is a privately owned island which is located 3 km to the west of Mull, which is by extention located in the Atlantic Ocean near Scotland. It is 12 km in length and 4 in width.
By plants the island is mainly without trees." Alexanderr 05:44, 11 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- Oh man, there has got to be a good Latin expression for "privately owned," but I can't find it. Domesticus could be used in some cases, but outside of context no one will be able to figure out what it means here. You know who would know the right expression? Thomas Ruefner! I'll send him an email and see if he has time to help. --Iustinus 20:38, 11 Septembris 2006 (UTC)