Vaizdas:Chess adl44.png
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Chess_adl44.png (44 × 44 pixel, file size: 2 KiB, MIME type: image/png)
Šis failas yra iš bendros Wikimedia Commons nemokamų resursų duomenų bazės, palaikomos Wikimedia Foundation organizacijos. Norėdami sužinoti licencijavimo smulkmenas, prašome žiūrėti paveikslėlio aprašymą (en).
This image is used in the standard chess diagram template.
Any modifications should be confirmed in WikiProject Chess.
The image was created by Klin.
The naming is as follows: chess_xyz44.png where
- x is the first letter of the piece (k for king, q for queen etc.)
- y is l or d according as the piece is a white piece or a black piece,
- z is l or d according as the piece stands on a light square or a dark square.
- Chess_l44.png and Chess_d44.png are empty light and dark squares respectively,
- Chess_xxl44.png and Chess_xxd44.png are empty with X's,
- Chess_xol44.png and Chess_xod44.png are empty squares with black circles.
- Chess_x1l44.png and Chess_x1d44.png are empty squares with a number '1' on them.
- Chess_x2l44.png and Chess_x2d44.png are empty squares with a number '2' on them.
- Chess_x3l44.png and Chess_x3d44.png are empty squares with a number '3' on them.
- Chess_x4l44.png and Chess_x4d44.png are empty squares with a number '4' on them.
- Chess_x5l44.png and Chess_x5d44.png are empty squares with a number '5' on them.
- Chess_x6l44.png and Chess_x6d44.png are empty squares with a number '6' on them.
- Chess_x7l44.png and Chess_x7d44.png are empty squares with a number '7' on them.
- Chess_x8l44.png and Chess_x8d44.png are empty squares with a number '8' on them.
- Chess_x9l44.png and Chess_x9d44.png are empty squares with a number '9' on them.
Other information:
- The dark square color is #d18b47 and light square color is #ffce9e.
- The font used in numbers is Arial, bold, 30pt, smooth.
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