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My name is Nate and I come from Wyandotte, Michigan. I chose the name "Mac OS X" because of a lack of creativity and because I love my Mac.
I'm a friendly Wikipedian who will never take part in an edit/revert war. If I make an edit that doesn't work or is simply incorrect, feel free to reverse it. If I have a question I'll message you about it. I will never redo an edit that is justly reverted.
My hero: Emperor Norton
[edit] Current Wikiwork
I am currently focusing on my studies in higher learning, and so won't be doing much updating. I was previously on wikivacation to work at Cedar Point (avoid at all cost!).
[edit] Previous Wikiwork
Not much, really. I use Wikipedia as a source of knowledge rather than as a contributor. I mostly just fix things that I find wrong while learning from an article.
[edit] Future Wikiwork
I don't know.