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The Mahanubhava sect of western India was started by Chakradhar swami in 1267. He propagated a religious movement in which all were accepted irrespective of their castes and the traditional ritualistic religion was rejected.
His biography "leela charitra", written by his disciples, is one of the first known books or documents in Marathi. Incidentally, the Marathi word "maan_bhaavi" derived from "mahanubhavi" is one of the cultural residues that record the existence of the sect.
Mahanubhav panth was started by God Sri Chakradhar Swami around 750 years ago. After giving his precious teaches he went to the North direction and is supposed to be near a place called laalbadaaksh in Afghanistan and is known by a name Chakra Peer.
This sub religion belongs to Panchavtars the five Avatars namely Lord Krishna, Lord Dattatreya, Lord Chakrapani, Lord Govind Prabhu and Lord Chakradhar.
Maharashtra has so many holy places of Mahanubhav Pantha and in the North India this sub religion is well known as Jai Krishni Pantha.
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