Mall Madness
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Mall Madness (also known as Electronic Mall Madness) is a board game released by Milton Bradley in 1993, and re-released in an updated form in 2006.
Players set up a two-story mall, and receive money to shop for 6 things on their shopping lists. At the beginning of the turn, an electronic voice announces that there will be a clearance at a certain store, and a sale at two other stores. Since it takes time to get to the ATM, clearances and sales are attractive for players to save their money.
Sometimes, a sale will be refused. A nasty sale clerk may say, "Ooh, a long line, try again later" or a ditzy girl may inform the player, "Uh oh! You left your car lights on!" forcing the player to lose a turn and go to the parking lot. Or, when using the ATM, the voice announces that the player has no cash.
The updated game includes both male and female characters, as parents protested that the original game was marketed only to girls.
[1] Official Web Site