Manuel Bandeira
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Manuel Bandeira (1886-1968) was a Brazilian poet. Bandeira wrote over 20 books of poetry and prose. In 1904, he learned that he had tuberculosis, which encouraged him to move from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro, because of Rio's tropical beach weather. In 1922, after an extended stay in Europe where Bandeira met many prominent authors and painters, he contributed poems of political and social criticism to the Modernist Movement in São Paulo. Bandeira began to publish his most important works in 1924. Bandeira became a respected Brazilian author and wrote articles in several newspapers and magazines, as well as teaching Hispanic Literature in Rio de Janeiro. Bandeira began to translate into Portuguese canonical plays of world literature in 1956, which he continued to do until his last days. He died in Rio de Janeiro.
Bandeira's poems are of a unique delicacy and beauty. Recurrent themes can be found in his works: the love of women, his childhood in the Northeast city of Recife, friends, health problems. His delicate health affected his poems, in a manner similar to the last poems of Jorge Luis Borges. Many of Manuel Bandeira's poems depict the limits of the human body.
[edit] Bibliography
Professor of Literature, he was elected to the Brazilian Letters Academy where he was the third occupant of the 24th Chair whose defender was Júlio Ribeiro. His election occurred on August 29, 1940, succeeding Luís Guimarães, and he was received by the Riberio Couto Academic on November 30, 1940.
Passed away at the age of 82, on October 18, 1968 in Botafogo in Rio de Janeiro. He was buried at the Brazilian Letters Academy, in the St. John the Baptist Cemetery.
[edit] Poetry
- Alumbramentos, 1960
- Antologia Poética
- Berimbau e Outros Poemas, 1986
- Carnaval, 1919
- 50 Poemas Escolhidos pelo Autor, 1955
- A Cinza das Horas, 1917
- A Cinza das Horas, Carnaval e O Ritmo Dissoluto, 1994
- Estrela da Manhã, 1936
- Estrela da Tarde, 1959
- Estrela da Vida Inteira. Poesias Reunidas, 1966
- This Earth, That Sky: Poems (English translation of Estrela da vida inteira), 1989
- Libertinagem, 1930
- Libertinagem. Estrela da Manhã. Edição crítica, 1998
- Mafuá do Malungo. Jogos Onomásticos e Outros Versos de Circunstância 1948.
- O Melhor Soneto de Manuel Bandeira, 1955
- Os Melhores Poemas de Manuel Bandeira Selected and edited by Francisco de Assis Barbosa, 1984
- A Morte, 1965. (special edition)
- Opus 10, 1952
- Pasárgada, 1959
- Um Poema de Manuel Bandeira, 1956
- Poemas de Manuel Bandeira com Motivos Religiosos, 1985
- Poesia Selected by Alceu Amoroso Lima, 197
- Poesia e Prosa, 1958
- Poesias, 192
- Poesias Completas, 1940
- Poesias Escolhidas, 1937
- Seleta em Prosa e Verso Selected and edited by Emanuel de Morais, 1971