User:Manning Bartlett
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An old-timer who has been here since the very, very early days (I know Larry Sanger if that helps gives you a sense of time). I created the Wikiproject concept, which is a claim to some small fame, I guess. In the days before tilde-signing, we used to just write our initials (that's how few of us there were). I am hence regularly found in the old stuff under MMGB.
I also created the original Wikipedia Anti-rules, one of which is to name drop at every opportunity, which I seem to have done. (LMS got very cross with the Anti-rules... read the talk page.)
I rarely participate in discussions. I am an administrator - a member of the first group ever appointed (and appointed by Jimbo directly) - but I rarely exercise my admin rights. I generally try to avoid many of the petty disputes that the admins regularly get themselves caught up in.
In the off-chance that anyone cares about my opinion: I am very disturbed by the trend to championing "process" over "quality" which has become a hallmark of the 'pedia's internal wrangling. It's heartbreaking, and is the reason why so many good people have left the project.
As a result, I just stick to writing content whenever I find the time. I live in Sydney Australia, for what it's worth, and I'm 38. My user name is my real name.
PS - please do not add me to any categories. While I respect your efforts, I choose not to be listed.
For my own amusement, here are some articles I originally created (back in the days when you could actually do that) and relevant history records.
- Split infinitive - Original history (pre Mediawiki)
- Wikipedia utilities - Original history (pre Mediawiki)
- Ant - Yes I created 'Ant'. To be fair, all I did was type a two line stub... But I couldn't believe we didn't have an entry for "Ant". It got a bit better since then.
Hmmm... on closer observation, the history pages on Nostalgia are not as reliable as one might think. I am not listed on Princess Diana yet I absolutely remember writing the original article. Conversely, this history log tells me that I was the originator of Scientific Method which is simply NOT true.