Mark J Taylor
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Dr. Mark J. Taylor is a lecturer in Contract Law and Jurisprudence at the University of Sheffield. Appointed in 2002, he has an LLB from the University of Hull and a MA in Biotechnological Law and Ethics and PhD from the University of Sheffield. Interests include the legal and ethical issues raised by the acquisition and use of genetic information within the contractual context.
Current administrative responsibilities include representing the Law School during development of the HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England) Centre of Excellence for Teaching and Learning to be located within Sheffield University from June 2005.
[edit] Publications
- Taylor MJ (2004) ‘Problems of practice and principle if centring law reform on the concept of genetic discrimination’ European Journal of Health Law December. (Vol. 11, No. 4, pp365-380(16))
- Booth, Jenkins, Moxon, Semmens, Spencer, Taylor and Townend (2004) ‘What are Personal Data?’ (A study conducted for the Information Commissioner, available at
- Taylor MJ (2004) ‘Problems with targeting law reform at genetic discrimination’ in Árnason, Nordal and Árnason (2004) Blood and Data: Ethical Legal and Social Aspects of Human Genetic Databases (Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press and Centre for Ethics)
- Taylor MJ (2003) ‘Genetic Discrimination: A Human Right or Wrong?’ [2002/2003] Contemporary Issues in Law 227
- Taylor MJ (2001) ‘Defenders of the Truth' (Book Review) New Genetics and Society (Vol. 20, No. 3, 2001)
- Taylor MJ (2000) 'Genetic Secrets: Privacy and Confidentiality in the Genetic Era' (Book Review) New Genetics and Society (Vol. 19, No. 3, 2000)