Mark Myers
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Mark Myers is an American geologist. Myers became the fourteenth Director of the US Geological Survey (USGS) on 26 September 2006 after confirmation by the US Senate.[1]
Myers had previously worked as head of Alaska's Division of Oil and Gas, resigning along with five others in late 2005 as a protest over Republican Gov. Frank Murkowski's negotiations with oil companies to build a natural gas pipeline [2][3][4].
Myers earned his bachelors and masters degrees in geology from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He received his Ph. D. in geology from the University of Alaska at Fairbanks in 1994, specializing in sedimentology, clastic depositional environments, surface and subsurface sequence analysis, and sandstone petrography.
He was a Petroleum Geologist for the State of Alaska Division of Oil and Gas, and then Senior Staff Geologist for Exploration at ARCO Alaska Inc. and Phillips Alaska Inc. He was the Alaska State Geologist and head of Alaska's Geological Survey.