Marro Hive (Heroscape)
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Heroscape Race | |
Marro Hive | |
Affiliation | Utgar |
Species | Marro |
Homeplanet | Marr |
Number of Sets | 6 |
[edit] The Marro Hive
The Marro race in the Heroscape Universe are formed into hive-like structures ruled by a “Hivelord”. Under the Hivelord are the Warlord Caste and serving under them is the Warrior Caste. The Drone Caste is on the bottom, only the trained Wulsinu animals ranking lower. While Marro do have a spoken language, their chittering tongue is undecipherable to outsiders, but their primary method of communication is telepathy, which every species can hear in their own language inside their head. However powerful Marro can use their telepathy to alter minds, making “allies” of former enemies. Marro are asexual and reproduce via a natural method of cloning, they clone easiest in water but can do so anywhere.
Marro technology is organic in nature and highly advanced, this, coupled with their telepathic powers makes them a force to be reckoned with. They are perhaps the must powerful and sinister race in the Heroscape Universe.
[edit] Toys
Marro Sets that have appeared:
The Master Set: Rise of the Valkyire:
- Ne-Gok-Sa
Marro Warlord wielding sword technobionically forged into his right hand
(His bio indicates that he is the most vicious of the Marro Warlords and his telepathy is difficult for even the most harden will to resist.)
- Marro Warriors
Marro Warriors wielding plasma guns
(Their bio indicates that these clones have been mind-shackled by Ne-Gok-Sa and answer unly to his will. They are unpredictable and intimidating on the battlefield.)
Utgar’s Rage:
- Me-Burq-Sa
Marro Warlord riding a horse and wielding a plasma rifle
(His bio indicates that he attempt to overthrow the Hivelord but was throated by Ne-Gok-Sa and striped of much of his defense. Still he is an intimidating warrior, capable of paralyzing enemies with but a stare.)
- Marro Drones
Marro Drones wielding bladed staffs
(Their bio indicates that they are nearly mindless and require the constant attention of nearby higher caste Marro to function properly. Occasionally they respond to the sub-conscious neural commands of their superiors and fight as a coherent unit.)
Orm’s Return:
- Su-Bak-Na
Marro Hivelord riding a dragon and wielding a staff
(His bio indicates that the supreme leader of the Marro Hive mere presence on the field inspires even mindless Marro Drones to become bolder and more effective.)
Dawn of Darkness:
- Kee-Mo-Shi
Marro Warwitch wielding a staff
(Nothing is yet known about this Marro.)