Talk:Marina Raskova
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At the moment i have chosen to right a paper on your Russian Revolution, and bloody years that you called your freedom years. I found out the other day that Trotski killed more of his own people than Hitler ever killed. How could communism be the right path back then when so much death was occuring? I beleive the biggest down fall was taking God out of the picture? or maybe it was all the killings! you see communism takes away free will it dosent give it back that was your biggest down fall if we were all ment to be equal would everybody look the same? I am still learning about this topic and the stuff i know now i hope is the worst of what happened.
Two dates in the article seemed to contradict: that she crashed on Dec. 28, 1942, and died on Jan. 4, 1943. Of course it's possible, I suppose, that she was injured in the crash and died a week later. But I can only find confirmation (admittedly based only on a Google search--anybody with better references, help me out) for the Jan. 4 date, so I removed the earlier one for now. Everyking 13:03, 25 May 2005 (UTC)