User talk:Mark anthony canete
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Mark Anthony Cañete was born on the 26th of February in 1988,In Serbia(Eastern-Yugoslavia).A secret modal agent of studio 188,a worl renound private agency for the worlds top secret agents in over 121 countries.These people are selected by the Studio 188 International Private Organization according to theyre secret abilities.Only person with special abilities and psychic sort of are on this organization.Top secret agents are tasked as models,students,affiliates,the common.etc.These agents are common people in everyday life but of secret abilities,each with its proceeding tasks and hidden agendas.Categorized in three,the enthusiasts,(on his category),takushiens and the Carpal-Tunnel.
Schools: CIT/yugoslaff univ.
Companies: studio 188
Affiliations: He bELOngs tO tHE wOrld MOdals AssOcIAtiON
Favorite Books: REmiNIscIN, peTSHop OF hoRRors, viRidiAN cITY
Favorite Movies: bRIdE Of chUCkIe, pOKemON, cHilDs pLAy, the Hot chICk, eNOugh, sKy hIgh, s club &..tHE MOVIe, twO WEekS NotiCE, tITanIC, dEAth BeCOMes hEr, baBYs dAy oUT, juMaNJi, STaRShiP TroOPErs, sPIdER MaN, piXel pERFect, THe tUXedO, FIndING nEMO, SCAry mOViE, eIgHT LeGGed fReakS, ChARliES AnGEL, juRasSIc pArk, cON aIR
Favorite TV Shows: bLacK HOle HiGH, MoST wANteD, sAVe bY The bELL, thats 70's hOUse, thaTs sO RAveN, pHil Of tHE FutURE, CelEBriTY dEAthMatCH, d S, PokEMON, FeAR FaCTor, aMazINg rAce, Are U aFRaID Of tHE DaRK?, SomE Of nICkeLOdeON's sHowREs, tHatS So rAVen, peTSHop OF hoRRors, stuDiO DisnEY, PoKemOn wOrld, flAMe oF REcCA, GhOSt fiGHteR, fUshIGi yuuGI