Massachusetts Convention Fandom, Inc
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MCFI, the organization behind Noreascon Four, the 62nd World Science Fiction Convention, was created in 1974 by the people who ran Noreascon (1971) under the auspices of NESFA. Its purpose was to bid for a Boston Worldcon in 1980. It ran Noreascon Two (1980) and Noreascon Three (1989). Remarkably, the chairmen of all three previous Noreascons are still active members of the organization.
MCFI is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit corporation.
MCFI has also run SMOFcon 3 (1986), SMOFcon 15 in Boston, MA, December 5-7, 1997, Ditto 11 in Newport, RI, November 6-8, 1998, and the 25th World Fantasy Convention in Providence, RI, November 4-7, 1999. It also will run SMOFcon 25 in Boston, MA, December 7-9, 2007.
MCFI is a separate legal entity from NESFA, though there is a large overlap in membership, and holds its meetings in the NESFA Clubhouse.