Talk:Mayra Verónica
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Mayra Veronica is above all else an impressive actress, leaving all those who enjoy her performances in total awe of her talent.
While she has gained International appeal for her captivating look it is her versatility which truly impresses those who, expecting a bombshell, are blown away by award worthy performances.
Mayra has got the innocence of a child intertwined with an animal magnetism not usually found with such naivetee. Mayra thrives on the journey. Making sure all steps are taken with the solid foundation of preparation.
Studying acting since'95, renowned schools such as the counterforce Actor's studio (6 yrs organic acting), The Coconut Grove Playhouse Mia. (1 year Meisner method)Florida Int. University (4 yr degree in Psychology to which she attributes her knowledge in characterization, 1 yr minor journalism, 2 yrs organic), Lee Strasberg Institute NY (1 yr. method) and currently choosing A-list coaches, can be accredited for her success.
She Hosted entertainment news shows for three years: Media One's Miami Hoy and Hollywood Previews, where she interviewed top celebrities such as Donald Trump, Ivanna Trump, Burt Reynolds, Hugh Heffner, Oscar de la Renta, Tim Allen, Marc Anthony, Sammy Sosa, and more…
Mayra led Films like PBS' The Suitor, led in the feature Tumbe and countless Independent films. Shined on stage as the lead to McCarthy Theater's Romeo and Juliet, A day in the Death of Joe Egg, and Kid Purple.
Works for the Univision network's Internationally renowned Host Don Francisco and acted in several Univision and Sabado Gigante sitcoms.
Became the Principal Model for major national advertising campaigns such as Tecate and Coca Cola.
She has an extended roster of commercial leads for both Univision and Telemundo networks includidng Coca Cola, Colgate, Loreal, Burger King, Sears, Allstate, Ford, and countless others.
Mayra has also been presented the opportunity to continue with her previous work as a celebrity reporter/Host but has since declined.She states that her work in Don Francisco and commercials allows her the time to continue her preparation in the acting field, which is her dream, keeping her in the loop without diverting her back to news.
After her release in the popular magazine FHM on Aug. 2003, Mayra became a household name. The feedback on this layout got her on FHM's 2004 calendar and landed her a spot on their A-list top 100 sexiest women in the world issue for '04 and later again in 2005. This notoriety made her own calendar one of the top selling '04 calendars in US bookstores for the Hispanic market and made her site one of the top 30 celebrity sites hit with over 2.7 million hits bi weekly, 'til this day. Her name continues to be one of the top keywords for Web surfers and her'05 calendar was the best seller through Univision. Howard Stern's K-rock radio rated her as out beating many of today's top celebs.
She made her move to LA early this year, but was presented with the opportunity to record with top producer Kike Santander and Roy Tavares in Miami, making her keep her apartment in LA but spend most of her time in Miami preparing for what she calls her Baby. (First record) "Music was not in my plans but coming from a family rooted in Music sometimes life has other plans." She is also completing a feature film out in London,"Stagknight"where she holds a principal role. The publicity on this film has been overwhelming with British reporters all wanting to know about the Mmmm Mmmm Mayra Veronica girl.
In LA, her agent, manager and apartment await. Her goal: To let the world enjoy her fervent sex appeal while approving her performance as a solid actress. " I live for the public, to me that's all I have, and I give myself completely in all aspects for them!".
Mayra may now be seen alongside Don Francisco the Master of Spanish Television on Univision worldwide You may also read about her in top publications such as People en Espanol, Ocean Drive, Cosmopolitan Esp.and see her as a guest to some of the top entertainment news shows : Access Hollywood, Inside Edition, etc.
- For list of recent achievements and resume go to our Contact section
PERSONAL BIOGRAPHY (Updated 4/20/05)
Mayra Veronica was born in Havana Cuba to Arturo Aruca and Mayra Rodriguez. At a very early age Mayra showed a liking for the arts by following her father around to rehearsals and performances which allowed her at the age of five to steal the show.
Her father was a well known singer to the top Cuban Rock Band of the times "Los Dada"
Due to Political Issues, her mother was forced to migrate to the states bringing little Mayra along. The two handled the ordeal. Mayra left behind her role model father, grandparents and sister and was to adapt to a new language and culture in Miami Florida. It wasn't long before her father gave it all up to reunite with Mayra and her mother in the States, and the three endured the typical hardships that immigrants face when entering a new country.
Aside from the financial troubles the family faced, at the age of seven Mayra begged her parents to place her in Ballet School. They weren't able to financially do so, So Mayra convinced the local Ballet School to let her go for free if she managed to recruit seven other paying girls. And so she began ballet lessons and made student of the year for five consecutive years between the ages of ten and fifteen. Throughout this time her father played at nightclubs where she would frequently watch him perform and sang along at home while he rehearsed.
Her parents wished her to have a full education and were worried about just the arts. Mayra's body also took a turn developing her into a very voluptuous young lady and ending her aspirations of dancing ballet professionally. At the age of seventeen Mayra finished High School, stopped Ballet and joined Florida International University where she would later graduate from with a psychology degree and minor in Business. While at FIU Mayra took an interest in Acting and began seriously pursuing it by taking many acting courses and re ventured into ballet. Mayra always wanted to be well prepared before actually launching out to opportunities.
While at FIU she did countless plays and dreamed about studying in New York City. She did so by moving there and facing the hardships and opportunities encountered in the Big Apple.(Previously left out of the Bio but which has been the topic of constant tabloid news lately is "Mayra's running away from home at the age of 15 and sleeping in her car after tolerating years of neglect." Mayra does not like to comment on these statements but does say however: " I went through a very tough period while trying to find my way… I realized early on that I truly belonged to no one, so I decided that I would one day belong to everyone.") While in NYC Mayra never lost track of her dream of being a well rounded entertainer.
Throughout this whole time her work spoke for itself and even though she had vast amounts of it under her belt she became more of a household name through the Spanish network"Univision" where she worked as a model. Her professional Biography on this site speaks of her work, this one of her dreams. She lives by the motto of "enjoy the journey, not the destination" appreciates souls over façades although she understands the need for both.
While she's very much a girly girl also believing that "Diamonds are a girl's best friend" and rubbing shoulders with high society, she manages to stay grounded. She is ambitious and tough. Always knowing and believing "The Universe guides my way towards utter success in all I do"
Mayra loves Dancing, Reading Philosophy, Creating cool outfits she can sport, and going to the beach.
Mayra Veronica, que ahora sirve como modelo en el popular programa Don Francisco Presenta tiene tambien un largo historial de trabajo en el mundo artistico.
Prefiere que se le reconozca como actriz, ya que lleva mas de diez anos preparandose como tal, sus estudios incluyen clases en escuelas reconocidas como Lee Strasberg de Nueva York (donde se enfatiza el estudio de actuacion metodica)y ahora en El Counterforce Actor’s Studio, y el Coconut Grove Playhouse en Miami donde el metodo organico predomina mas 16 anos de Ballet clasico y cursos de voz y diccion . Tambien termino la carrera de sicologia en la Universidad Internacional de la Florida a la cual acredita de darle vision para la caracterizacion de personajes.
Sus anos de trabajo constante es debido a su perseverancia, su passion por el arte, y su determinacion por triunfar.
Esto lo ha demostrado con su programa “Miami Hoy” donde tuvo la oportunidad de entrevistar a personajes de la industria tales como Donald Trump, Oscar de la Renta, Yvanna Trump, Burt Reynolds, Dennis Rodman, Hugh Heffner, Marc Anthony y muchisimos mas.
Aunque le encanta desempenar el papel de presentadora o de reportera (actriz al fin) entrega su alma por completo con papeles como Lucy en la pelicula”the Suitor” producida por la estacion nacional de television PBS y desempenando distintos personajes en comerciales Nacionales para companias como Loreal, Coca-Cola, Ford, Tide, Colgate, Burger King y muchos mas.
La educacion de una actriz no seria completa sin desempenar papeles principales en un escenario asi lo hizo Mayra en el McCarthy Theater donde nos protagonizo a Sheila en la obra”A day in the Death” la madre de una nina incapacitada por completo, aqui Mayra pudo demostrar con excelencia su talento,entre otras obras en las cuales tambien ha protagonizado.
Aunque se le presentan oportunidades para continuar su trabajo previo como reportera de celebridades, Mayra no accede, diciendo que su trabajo con Don Francisco y los comerciales le dan el tiempo necesario para continuar su preparacion y camino como actriz, manteniendola en la Farandula sin desviarla hacia noticias, Un trabajo que respeta pero que no la describe.
Despues de salir en la popular revista FHM en Agosto 2003, Mayra se convirtion en el nombre mas reconocido en los Estados Unidos como una de las mujeres mas sexies del mundo. Estas fotos hicieron que la incluyeran junto a Carmen Electra, Jenny McCarthy, Tara Reid , y Kim Katrall en el Calendario 2004 de FHM magazine. Hoy en Dia Mayra recibe mas de 2.7 millones de Hits cada dos semanas en su sitio el cual esta considerado uno de los 30 mas visitados de celebridades Norte Americanas.
Este ano se mudo para Los Angeles y se le presento la oportunidad de grabar con Kike Santander en Miami. Esto hizo que continuara con su apartamento en Los Angeles aunque pasando la mayoria de su tiempo en Miami en preparacion de su disco.
“La musica no era parte de mis planes, pero al venir de una familia araizgada en la musica, a veces la vida tiene otros planes”
Mayra continua con su enfoque en Los Angeles, y espera regresar despues de haber terminado el disco.
Para mas informacion revise la seccion de “Up and Coming”“PERSONAL BIOGRAFIA PERSONAL”
Mayra Veronica nacio en la Havana Cuba el 20 de Agosto, 1977 a Padres Arturo Aruca y Mayra Rodriguez. Desde muy temprana edad Mayra mostro amor por el arte siguiendo a su padre a ensallos y presentaciones las cuales la dejaban a tan temprana edad robarse el scenario. Su padre fue un cantante reconocido para una de las bandas de Rock de esos tiempos “Los Dada”.
Por rezones politicas, su madre se vio forzada a imigrar a los estados unidos trayendo consigo a la pequena Mayra (Mayrita) Las dos enfrentaron la osadia, y Mayra dejo atras a su ejemplar padre, abuelas y hermana y tuvo que adaptarse a un Nuevo language y cultura a la temprana edad de cuatro anos en Miami. No paso mucho tiempo hasta que su padre lo abandonara todo por reunirse con Mayra y su Madre en Miami, y los tres sufrieron las condiciones tipicas que sufre todo immigrante al entrar a un pais desconocido.
Ademas de los problemas financieros que la familia enfrento, a los siete anos Mayra le rogo a sus padres que la pusieran en una escuela de Ballet.. Financieramente no estaban en condicion de hacerlo, y fue entonces cuando Mayra descubrio la fuerza de hacer de por ella. Mayra convencio a la escuela local de Ballet de dejarla ir a menos precio.Y fue asi que comenzo, aunque sus padres se eforzaban para comprar trajes para cada presentacion y otros gastos que incurre el baile. Mayra se convirtio en alumna del ano por cinco anos consecutivos entre los diez y quince anos. Durante este tiempo su padre tocaba en nightclubs donde ella a veces iva a verlo cantar y tambien cantaba con el en casa mientras el ensayaba.
Sus padres deseaban que ella tuviese una educacion completa y se preocupaban con las artes. El cuerpo de Mayra tambien comenzo a cambiar y con el las aspiraciones de bailar ballet profesionalmente. A los diecisiete anos Mayra termino High School, dejo el Ballet e ingreso a la Universidad Internacional de la Florida de la cual se graduo de sicologia y negocios. Estando en la Universidad Mayra comenzo a interesarle la actuacion y tomandolo en serio comenzo a tomar clases y regreso al baile, siempre pensando en estar bien preparada antes de lazarse a las oportunidades.
Estando en FIU hizo un cienumero de obras y sonaba estudiar en Nueva York. Asi lo hizo, mudandose para alla y enfrentandose a la Gran Manzana. Estando alla hizo una campana internacional como modelo para Tecate y trabajo como reportera sin perder nunca su sueno.
Durante todo este tiempo su trabajo hablaba de por si. Vino a ser reconocida por medio del programa Don Francisco Presenta en Univision donde trabaja como modelo. La biografia professional en este sitio habla mas de su trabajo, esta de sus suenos. Vive fiel al dicho:”disfrutar el camino no el final del viaje “ Aunque aparece bien dulce es ambiciosa y bien fuerte: “El universo guia mi camino hacia el exito supremo en todo lo que hago”
A Mayra le encanta Bailar, leer libros filosoficos, crear trajes divertidos para ponerse, e ir a la playa.
Copyright © 2005 Mayra Veronica. All rights reserved.
- We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming... Why should some anonymous poster lift all of this text from someone else's website, and dump it here? Why not use this to add to the article's stub instead? -- Jalabi99 10:04, 15 June 2006 (UTC)