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Maztica, called by its inhabitants The True World, is a fictional continent in the Forgotten Realms setting. It parallels the American continents in the time of their discovery by Christopher Columbus, more exactly Mesoamerica, albeit it is confused with the whole “western lands” (like the Americas).
West from Faerûn, across the Sea of Swords, the Trackless Sea, and 'Tayola' the Eastern Ocean, Maztica is a land of jungles and (to the Faerûnians) mystery. Early in its history it was a land fought over by the gods Qotal the Plumed Serpent and his brother Zaltec. For a crime against his sister, Qotal retreated from Maztica for an age but returned in recent times.
It was 'discovered' by Amnian explorers led by one Captain-general Cordell and his Golden Legion in 1361 DR. Amn was quick to carve out its claim to the land for trade benefits, establishing the port city of Helmsport, and the church of Helm led the enroachment into the new land. The native peoples were devastated by foreign diseases and the ruthlessness of the invaders, and this, coupled with the difficulties encountered on Maztica backfiring against them, caused the church of Helm to come under heavy criticism. It has to be noted that Lantan also claimed some lands.
Maztica is divided into the nations of Nexal, Kultaka, Huacli, Kolan, Pezelac, and Payit. The region known as Far Payit neighbours Payit, both in the east around Helmsport. The native people of Maztica from Payit and Far Payit are known as Payits, whereas natives from the other nations are known as Mazticans. There are also the human races known as the Dog People and the Green Folk. Many monstrous races also live in Maztica, including wild halflings and Chacs—jaguar spirits. In very old times, Couatl came from Maztica to fight the Yuan-Ti of Chult.
Some scorpionfolk from Maztica found an Underdark passage to the Underdark of Faerûn ([1]).
North of Maztica is the continent of Anchorome. South of it (and separated by a strait) lies an unknown continent very close to mythical sub-saharan Africa.
Maztica was detailed for 2nd edition Dungeons & Dragons in the Maztica Campaign Set by Douglas Niles, and in the Forgotten Realms novels of the Maztica Trilogy—Ironhelm, Viperhand and Feathered Dragon—also by Douglas Niles.
Maztica was also the name of the elder goddess who embodied the land of Maztica. Killed by her own son Zaltec, she was the wife of dead Kukul, but unlike her husband, continues to live on in the continued existence of the continent.
Contents |
[edit] Official Material
- Maztica Campaign Set (zip) — (description)
[edit] Novels and Modules
- City of Gold (zip)
- Fires of Zatal (zip)
- Endless Armies (zip)