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Chemical Engineer |

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[edit] About Me
I am Milton Beychok, a retired chemical engineer living in Newport Beach, California, USA. During my career spanning 50 years, I spent my first 30 years in designing petroleum refineries, petrochemical plants, natural gas treating plants and other industrial facilities. For the next 20 years, I was an individual consulting engineer in the environmental field ... impact studies, permitting, wastewater and air pollution emission studies. I am a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
I have published two engineering books and over 25 engineering articles in peer-reviewed journals as well as non-reviewed engineering trade magazines.
My website is at I have my e-mail enabled. If you use it, make sure that "Wikipedia" is in the subject line. Otherwise, it may get deleted as spam. I first registered as a Wikipedia user in early January, 2006.
[edit] Technical and other articles that I have contributed
- Accidental Release Source Terms (completely new article)
- Acid gas or Sour gas (Complete rewrite and major expansion)
- ADMS 3 (completely new article)
- AERMOD (completely new article)
- Air pollution dispersion modeling books (completely new article)
- Air pollution dispersion terminology (completely new article)
- Air Quality Index (a significant amount of revision and expansion)
- Air Quality Modeling Group (completely new article)
- Air Resources Laboratory (a major expansion)
- Amine gas treating (complete rewrite and major expansion)
- Ammonia (complete rewrite of synthesis and production section)
- Ammonia production (completely new article)
- Aqueous Wastes from Petroleum and Petrochemical Plants (completely new book article)
- AP 42 Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (completely new article)
- Atmospheric dispersion modeling (completely new article)
- Atmospheric Studies Group (completely new article)
- Batch distillation (major re-wording, copy editing and complete revision of images)
- California Air Resources Board (major expansion and copy editing)
- CALPUFF and PUFF-PLUME (significant expansion)
- Catalytic reforming (complete rewrite and very major expansion)
- Czech Hydrometeorological Institute(completely new article)
- Chimneys (complete revision of one section)
- Choked flow (complete revision and expansion)
- Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand (completely new article)
- Combustion (major revision and expansion)
- Compilation of atmospheric dispersion models (completely new article)
- Confederation of European Environmental Engineering Societies (a completely new article)
- Continuous distillation (complete re-organization, revision and expansion)
- Control valves (essentially a new article)
- Cooling tower (complete revision, re-organization and expansion)
- Cooling tower system (completely new article)
- DEFRA and Royal Meteorological Society (added new sections to each of these)
- DISPERSION21 (completely new article)
- Distillation and Fractional distillation (significant revisions and expansions)
- Distillation Design (completely new book article)
- Downstream (oil industry) and Upstream (oil industry) (extensive expansion and re-organization)
- Entrainment (engineering) (a new engineering stub)
- Environmental engineering (extensive re-write and expansion and merged "Environmental engineer" into this article}
- European Environment Agency (a major expansion)
- Expansion turbine or Turboexpander (a new article stub)
- Fenske equation (major, extensive expansion and re-write)
- Finnish Meteorological Institute (complete re-write and major expansion)
- Flash evaporation (complete revision and expansion)
- Flue gas (complete revision and expansion)
- Flue gas desulfurization (almost complete revision)
- Flue gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion (completely new article)
- Flue gas stacks (completely new article)
- Fossil fuel power plant (a significant revision and some expansion)
- Fractionating column (a complete revision, re-organization and expansion)
- Fundamentals Of Stack Gas Dispersion (completely new book article)
- Gas compressor (extensive editing and re-formatting)
- Gas flare (a significant amount of revision and expansion)
- Gas stoichiometry (complete revision and some expansion)
- Help:Footnotes (major new new section)
- Henry's law (significant revision)
- HVAC (major revisions and some expansion)
- Hydrocarbon dew point (started a new article)
- Hydrodesulfurization (complete re-write, re-organization and merging two related articles into ths one)
- Hydrogenation (a significant expansion and some revisions)
- Incineration (a major revision and expansion)
- Industrial water treatment (a significant revision and expansion)
- Joule-Thomson effect (a complete re-write and major expansion)
- KNMI (a complete re-write and major expansion)
- Legionella (a significant re-organization and re-write)
- Legionellosis (a complete re-write and re-organization)
- McCabe-Thiele method (major expansion and addition of sections)
- MERCURE (completely new article)
- Merox (complete re-write and very major expansion)
- Met Office (a significant expansion)
- NAME (dispersion model) (completely new article)
- National Environmental Research Institute of Denmark (completely new article)
- National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center (NARAC) (completely new article)
- Natural gas condensate (major expansion and complete re-write)
- Natural gas processing (completely new article)
- Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (major expansion and re-formatting)
- Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) (major re-write and expansion)
- Orifice plate (complete re-write and expansion)
- Partial pressure (complete re-write and expansion)
- Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook (completely new book article)
- Piping (significant expansion)
- Process design (major rewrite/revision and re-formatting)
- Process flow diagram (major rewrite/revision and re-formatting)
- Process Safety Management (major revision and expansion of this science stub)
- Reboiler (a complete re-write and expansion]]
- Reflux (a complete re-arrangement and expansion)
- Refrigeration (significant revision, expansion and Wikifying)
- Relief valve (a complete re-write and expansion)
- Refinery (extensive revision and expansion)
- Rocket engine nozzles (completely new article)
- Savannah River Site (extensive editing, consolidation and shortening)
- Seasonal energy efficiency ratio (complete rewrite and expansion)
- Selective catalytic reduction (extensive copy editing and Wikifying)
- SMHI (major, extensive expansion)
- Stack effect (a significant revision)
- Standard conditions for temperature and pressure (a complete revision)
- Syngas (significant revision and expansion)
- TA Luft (completely new article)
- Template:Pressure Units (a significant amount of revision)
- Theoretical plate (complete re-organizaton, rewrite and expansion)
- Transport Phenomena (completely new book article)
- UK Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling Liason Committee (completely new article)
- UK Dispersion Modelling Bureau (completely new article)
- Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering (completely new book article)
- Units conversion by factor-label (completely new article)
- Useful conversions and formulas for air dispersion modeling (completely new article)
- Vapor-compression refrigeration (completely new article)
- Wastewater quality indicators (completely new article)
- Wastewater (significant revision and expansion)
- Water cooling (significant revision and expansion)