Meanings of asteroid names (29001-30000)
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As asteroid discoveries are confirmed, they are given a permanent number by the IAU's Minor Planet Center, and the discoverers can then submit names for them. The list below concerns those asteroids in the specified span of numbers that have received names, and explains the meanings of those names. Besides the Minor Planet Circulars (in which the citations are published), a key source is Lutz D. Schmadel's Dictionary of Minor Planet Names. Meanings that do not quote a reference (the "†" links) are tentative.
Asteroids not yet given a name have not been included in this list.
Contents: 29001... 29101... 29201... 29301... 29401... 29501... 29601... 29701... 29801... 29901...
Name | Provisional Designation | Source of Name |
29001-29100 | ||
29053 Muskau | 4466 T-2 | Park von Muskau, astride the Neisse River between Poland and Germany † |
29085 Sethanne | 1979 SD | Sethanne Howard, American astronomer, chief of the U.S. Nautical Almanac Office 2000–2003 † |
29101-29200 | ||
29122 Vasadze | 1982 YR1 | Tariel Shakrovich Vasadze, Ukrainian automotive inventor † |
29125 Kyivphysfak | 1984 YL1 | "Kyiv physics faculty" of the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University † |
29133 Vargas | 1987 KH5 | Norman ("Norm") L. Vargas, American amateur astronomer who assisted in organizing the Palomar Observatory's 1.2-m Schmidt Oschin Telescope plate archive † |
29137 Alanboss | 1987 UY1 | Alan Boss, American astrophysicist † |
29146 McHone | 1988 FN | John F. McHone, American geologist, oceanographer and planetary scientist † |
29148 Palzer | 1988 JE | Wolfgang Palzer, German astronomer † |
29197 Gleim | 1991 AQ2 | Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim, German poet, nicknamed "Father Gleim" for his patronage † |
29198 Weathers | 1991 DW | Del Weathers, American engineering and design team leader for Space Station Freedom † |
29201-29300 | ||
29203 Schnitger | 1991 GS10 | Arp Schnitger, 17th-century German organ builder † |
29204 Ladegast | 1991 GB11 | Johann Friedrich Ladegast, 19th-century German organ builder † |
29208 Halorentz | 1991 RT2 | Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Dutch physicist and Nobelist † |
29212 Zeeman | 1991 RA41 | Pieter Zeeman, Dutch physicist and Nobelist † ‡ |
29227 Wegener | 1992 DY13 | Alfred Lothar Wegener, German astronomer, geologist, meteorologist † |
29246 Clausius | 1992 RV | Rudolf Clausius, German physicist and mathematician † |
29292 Conniewalker | 1993 KZ1 | Connie Walker, American astronomer † |
29301-29400 | ||
29328 Hanshintigers | 1994 TU14 | Hanshin Tigers, Japanese baseball club † |
29329 Knobelsdorff | 1994 TN16 | Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff, German painter and architect Architect and painter † |
29345 Ivandanilov | 1995 DS1 | Ivan Vasil'evich Danilov, Russian bell-ringer † |
29346 Mariadina | 1995 DB13 | Maria Dina Mannozzi, Italian midwife in Montelupo † |
29348 Criswick | 1995 FD | John Criswick, Canadian astronomy educator † |
29353 Manu | 1995 OG | Manuela Vedovelli, Italian astronomer and friend of Andrea Boattini † |
29355 Siratakayama | 1995 QX3 | Siratakayama volcano, Yamagata prefecture, Japan † |
29356 Giovarduino | 1995 SY29 | Giovanni Arduino, Italian geologist † |
29391 Knight | 1996 MB | Kent Knight, at one time President of Fort Bend Astronomy Club † |
29401-29500 | ||
29401 Asterix | 1996 TE | Astérix, famous comic strip character † ‡ |
29402 Obelix | 1996 TT9 | Obélix, famous comic strip character † ‡ |
29404 Hikarusato | 1996 TS14 | Hikaru Sato, Japanese amateur astronomer, secretary general of the Fukushima Astronomical Society † |
29427 Oswaldthomas | 1997 EJ11 | Oswald Thomas, Austrian astronomer, founder of the Astronomical Bureau in Vienna and of the Astronomischer Verein, originator of the "Sterngarten", now known as the Vienna Open Air Planetarium † |
29431 Shijimi | 1997 GA26 | Shijimi, a popular clam in Japan † |
29435 Mordell | 1997 JB8 | Louis Joel Mordell, American-British mathematician† |
29437 Marchais | 1997 LG1 | Denis Marchais, French amateur astronomer † |
29443 Remocorti | 1997 NM10 | Remo Corti, Italian amateur astronomer and telescope maker † |
29447 Jerzyneyman | 1997 PY2 | Jerzy Neyman, Poland-born American mathematician † |
29448 Pappos | 1997 QJ | Pappos of Alexandria, Greek mathematician † |
29457 Marcopolo | 1997 SO4 | Marco Polo, Venetian explorer † |
29458 Pearson | 1997 SJ11 | Karl Pearson, British mathematician † |
29463 Benjaminpeirce | 1997 TB | Benjamin Peirce, American mathematician † |
29464 Leonmiš | 1997 TY9 | Leon Miš, Czech amateur astronomer † |
29467 Shandongdaxue | 1997 TS26 | Shandong University, China † |
29471 Spejbl | 1997 UT7 | Spejbl, a marionette, father of Hurvínek † |
29472 Hurvínek | 1997 UV7 | Hurvínek, a mischievous marionette, son of Spejbl † |
29473 Krejčí | 1997 UE8 | František Krejčí, founder of the popular observatory in Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic † |
29476 Kvíčala | 1997 UX14 | Jan Kvíčala, Czech lawyer and amateur astronomer † |
29477 Zdíkšíma | 1997 UE15 | Zdislav Šíma, Czech astronomer † ‡ |
29484 Honzaveselý | 1997 VJ6 | Jan Veselý, Czech cyclist † |
29490 Myslbek | 1997 WX | Josef Václav Myslbek, Czech sculptor † |
29491 Pfaff | 1997 WB1 | Jean-Marie Pfaff, Belgian football player † |
29501-29600 | ||
29552 Chern | 1998 CS2 | Shiing-shen Chern, Chinese-American mathematician and educator † |
29555 MACEK | 1998 DP | MACEK, Czech micro-accelerometer satellite instrument † |
29561 Iatteri | 1998 DU10 | Giampiero Iatteri, Italian amateur astronomer † |
29562 Danmacdonald | 1998 DM14 | Daniel R. MacDonald, American astrophysicist † |
29565 Glenngould | 1998 FD | Glenn Gould, Canadian pianist † |
29601-29700 | ||
29613 Charlespicard | 1998 SB2 | Charles-Émile Picard, French mathematician and educator † |
29624 Sugiyama | 1998 TA | Tomiei Sugiyama, Japanese-American baseball team supervisor † |
29643 Plücker | 1998 VR31 | Julius Plücker, German mathematician and physicist † |
29646 Polya | 1998 WJ | George Pólya, Hungarian-born American mathematician † |
29647 Poncelet | 1998 WY | Jean-Victor Poncelet, French mathematician and engineer † |
29650 Toldy | 1998 WR6 | Mikulás and Viera Toldy, Slovak obstetrician and pediatrician, respectively † |
29672 Salvo | 1998 XG9 | Maria Elena Salvo, Italian astronomer † |
29674 Raušal | 1998 XO12 | Karel Raušal, Czech lawyer and amateur astronomer † |
29700 Salmon | 1998 YU5 | George Salmon, Irish mathematician and theologian † |
29701-29800 | ||
29705 Cialucy | 1998 YP10 | Lucia Boattini, elder sister of Andrea Boattini † |
29706 Simonetta | 1998 YS11 | Simonetta Boattini, younger sister of Andrea Boattini † |
29736 Fichtelberg | 1999 BE7 | Fichtelberg, the highest mountain on the Saxon side of the Erzgebirge, Germany † |
29737 Norihiro | 1999 BG7 | Norihiro Nakamura, Japanese baseball player † |
29738 Ivobudil | 1999 BT8 | Ivo Budil, Czech science popularizer † |
29750 Chleborad | 1999 CA3 | Cary W. Chleborad, American amateur astronomer and developer of precision telescope and observatory control software † |
29753 Silvo | 1999 CY4 | Silvo Sposetti, son of the discoverer † |
29801-29900 | ||
29824 Kalmančok | 1999 DU3 | Dušan Kalmančok, Slovak astronomer † |
29837 Savage | 1999 FP5 | Leonard Jimmie Savage, American statistician † |
29845 Wykrota | 1999 FE21 | Zininha and Henrique Wykrota, Brazilian amateur astronomers, founders of the Observatório Wykrota (a.k.a. Observatório Astronômico da Serra da Piedade) and of the CEAMIG (Centro de Estudos Astronomicos de Minas Gerais) † |
29869 Chiarabarbara | 1999 GC1 | Chiara and Barbara D'Abramo, sisters of the second discoverer † ‡ |
29901-30000 | ||
29910 Segre | 1999 JV8 | Corrado Segre, Italian professor of geometry † |
29980 Dougsimons | 1999 SV6 | Douglas Anthony Simons, American astronomer † |
29986 Shunsuke | 1999 XW37 | Shunsuke Nakamura, Japanese football (soccer) player † |
Preceded by 28001–29000 |
Meanings of asteroid names List of asteroids (29001-30000) |
Succeeded by 30001–31000 |