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Metacomputing is all computing and computing-oriented activity which involves computing knowledge (science and technology) common for the research, development and application of different types of computing.
It may also deal with numerous domains of computing application, such as: industry, business, management, as well as human/cognitive factors.
New emerging field of metacomputing is focused on the methodological and technological aspects of the development of large computer networks/grids, such as internet, intranet and other territorially distributed computer networks for special puroposes.
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[edit] Uses
[edit] In computer science
Metacomputing, as a computing of computing, includes: organization of large computer networks , choice of the design criteria (for example: peer-to-peer or centralized solution) and metacomputing software (middleware, metaprogramming) development where, in the specific domains, the concept metacomputing is used as a description of software meta-layers which are networked platforms for the development of user-oriented calculations, for example for computational physics and bio-informatics.
Here, serious scientific problems of systems/networks complexity emerge , not only related to domain-dependent complexities but focused on systemic meta-complexity of computer network infrastructures.
[edit] In socio-cognitive engineering
From the human perspective and social perspective, metacomputing is especially focused on: human-computer software, cognitive interrelations/interfaces, the possibilities of the development of intelligent computer grides for the cooperation of human organizations, as well as, on ubiquitous computing technologies. In particular, tt relates to the development of software infrastructures for the computational modeling and simulation of cognitive architectures for various decision support systems.
[edit] In systemics and from philosophical perspective
Metacomputing refers to the general problems of computationality of the human knowledge, to the limits of the transformation of human knowledge and individual thinking to the form of computer programs. These and similar questions are also of interest of mathematical psychology.
[edit] See also
- Metacomputing software
- Computer
- Meta-
- Meta-knowledge
- Meta-mathematics
- Metaprogramming
- Complex system
- Parallel computing
- Distributed computing
- High-performance computing
- Supercomputing
[edit] External Links and References
- Metacomputing, L. Smarr, C. E. Catlett, in Communications of the ACM, 35(6), June 1992
- Special Issue on Metacomputing: From Workstation Clusters to Internet computing, Future Generation Computer Systems, Gentzsch W. (editor), No. 15, North Holland (1999)
- Metacomputing Project- with DARPA contribution
- Experiences with a wide area network metacomputing management tool using IBM SP-2 parallel system concurrency, R. Baraglia,G. Faieta, M.Formica, D.J. Laforenza, Wiley & Sons, Inc., Vol.9(3)(1997)
- The Grid: International Efforts in Global Computing, Mark Baker, Rajkumar Buyya and Domenico Laforenza (2005)
- Toward the Identification of the Real-World Meta-Complexity, (2004) NEST-IDEA Interdysciplinary Research
- Journal of Mathematical Psychology