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In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional world of Middle-earth, Methedras or Metheadras is the southernmost peak of the Misty Mountains, that lay above Isengard in the valley of Nan Curunír.
Mountains from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium | |
Ranges: | Crissaegrim | Echoriath | Ephel Dúath | Ered Engrin | Ered Gorgoroth | Ered Lithui | Ered Luin | Ered Lómin | Ered Mithrin | Ered Nimrais | Ered Wethrin | Hithaeglir | Iron Hills | Orocarni | Mountains of Angmar | Pelóri |
Notable peaks: | Amon Anwar | Caradhras | Celebdil | Erebor | Fanuidhol | Meneltarma | Methedras | Mindolluin | Mount Dolmed | Mount Gram | Mount Gundabad | Mount Rerir | Orodruin | Starkhorn | Taniquetil | Thangorodrim |
Notable passes: | Aglon | Calacirya | Cirith Gorgor | Cirith Ungol | Cirith Forn en Andrath | Redhorn Pass |