Methods of contour integration
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In complex analysis, contour integration is a method of evaluating certain integrals of real-valued functions along intervals on the real line that are not readily found by using only real variables. Complex analysis methods described below outline the procedures for calculating these real-valued integrals by means of contour integrals in the complex plane.
These methods include
- direct integration of a complex-valued function along a curve in the complex plane (a contour)
- application of the Cauchy integral formula
- application of the residue theorem
One method can be used, or a combination of these methods, or various limiting processes, for the purpose of finding these integrals or sums.
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[edit] Direct methods
Direct methods involve the calculation of the integral by means of methods similar to those in calculating line integrals in several-variable calculus. This means that we use the following method:
- parametrizing the contour
- The contour is parametrized by a differentiable complex-valued function of real variables, or the contour is broken up into pieces and parametrized separately
- substitution of the parametrization into the integrand
- Substituting the parametrization into the integrand transforms the integral into an integral of one real variable.
- direct evaluation
- The integral is evaluated in a method akin to a real-variable integral.
[edit] Example
A fundamental result in complex analysis is that the integral around the contour C which is the unit circle (or any Jordan curve about 0) of z−1 is 2πi. Let us evaluate the integral
In evaluating this integral, we use the unit circle |z| = 1 as our contour, which we can parametrize by γ(t) = eit, with t ∈ [0, 2π]. Observe that γ'(t) = ieit. Now, substituting this for z, we have
which is the value of the integral.
[edit] Applications of integral theorems
Applications of integral theorems are also often used to evaluate the contour integral along a contour, which means that the real-valued integral is calculated simultaneously along with calculating the contour integral.
Integral theorems such as the Cauchy integral formula or residue theorem are generally used in the following method:
- a specific contour is chosen:
- The contour is chosen so that the contour follows the part of the complex plane that describes the real-valued integral, and also encloses singularities of the integrand so application of the Cauchy integral formula or residue theorem is possible
- application of the Cauchy-Goursat theorem
- The integral is reduced to only an integration around a small circle about each pole.
- application of the Cauchy integral formula or residue theorem
- Application of these integral formula gives us a value for the integral around the whole of the contour.
- division of the contour into a contour along the real part and imaginary part
- The whole of the contour can be divided into the contour that follows the part of the complex plane that describes the real-valued integral as chosen before (call it R), and the integral that crosses the complex plane (call it I). The integral over the whole of the contour is the sum of the integral over each of these contours.
- demonstration that the integral that crosses the complex plane plays no part in the sum
- If the integral I can be shown to be zero, or if the real-valued integral that is sought is improper, then if we demonstrate that the integral I as described above tends to 0, the integral along R will tend to the integral around the contour R+I.
- conclusion
- If we can show the above step, then we can directly calculate R, the real-valued integral.
[edit] Example (I)
To evaluate this integral, we look at the complex-valued function
which has singularities at i and −i. However, we will want to choose a contour that will enclose the real-valued integral, so we choose a semicircle as the one to the left, which we will let expand as to contain the whole real axis (a will tend to infinity). Call this contour C.
Now, there are two ways of proceeding, using the Cauchy integral formula or by the method of residues.
[edit] Using the Cauchy integral formula
Observe that
Since the only singularity in the contour is the one at i, then we can write
which puts the function in the form for direct application of the formula.
By the formula, then,
If we call the arc of the semicircle A, we need to show that the integral over A tends to zero as a tends to infinity — using the estimation lemma
where M is an upper bound on |f(z)| and L the length of A. Now,
[edit] Using the method of residues
Consider the Laurent series of f(z) about i, the only singularity we need to consider. We then have
It is clear by inspection that the residue is -i/4, so, by the residue theorem, we have
If we call the arc of the semicircle A, we need to show that the integral over A tends to zero as a tends to infinity — using the estimation lemma
where M is an upper bound on |f(z)| and L the length of A. Now,
Thus we get the same result as before.
[edit] Contour note
As an aside, a question can arise whether we do not take the semicircle to include the other singularity, enclosing −i. To have the integral along the real axis moving in the correct direction, the contour must travel clockwise, ie., in a negative direction, reversing the sign of the integral overall.
This does not affect the use of the method of residues by series.
[edit] Example (II) – Cauchy distribution
The integral
(which arises in probability theory as (a scalar multiple of) the characteristic function of the Cauchy distribution) resists the techniques of elementary calculus. We will evaluate it by expressing it as a limit of contour integrals along the contour C that goes along the real line from −a to a and then counterclockwise along a semicircle centered at 0 from a to −a. Take a to be greater than 1, so that the imaginary unit i is enclosed within the curve. The contour integral is
Since eitz is an entire function (having no singularities at any point in the complex plane), this function has singularities only where the denominator z2 + 1 is zero. Since z2 + 1 = (z + i)(z − i), that happens only where z = i or z = −i. Only one of those points is in the region bounded by this contour. The residue of f(z) at z = i is
According to the residue theorem, then, we have
The contour C may be split into a "straight" part and a curved arc, so that
∫ + ∫ = πe − t, straight arc
and thus
It can be shown that if t > 0 then
Therefore if t > 0 then
A similar argument with an arc that winds around −i rather than i shows that if t < 0 then
and finally we have
(If t = 0 then the integral yields immediately to real-valued calculus methods and its value is π.)
[edit] Example (III) – trigonometric integrals
Certain substitutions can be made to integrals involving trigonometric functions, so the integral is transformed into a rational function of a complex variable and then the above methods can be used in order to evaluate the integral.
As an example, consider
We seek to make a substitution of z = eit.
Now, recall
Taking C to be the unit circle, we substitute to get:
We use the Cauchy integral formula. Factorize the denominator:
The singularities then to be considered are at 3−1/2i, −3−1/2i. We can now reduce the integral:
where C1 is a small circle about 3−1/2i, and C2 is a small circle about −3−1/2i. We can now apply the formula:
[edit] Example (IV) – branch cuts
We can begin by formulating the complex integral
We can use the Cauchy integral formula or residue theorem again to obtain the relevant residues. However, the important thing to note is that z1/2=e1/2 Log(z), so z1/2 has a branch cut. This affects our choice of the contour C. Normally the logarithm branch cut is defined as the negative real axis, however, this makes the calculation of the integral slightly more complex, so we define it to be the positive real axis.
Then, we use the so-called keyhole contour, which consists of a small circle about the origin of radius ε say, extending to a line segment parallel and close to the positive real axis but not touching it, to an almost full circle, returning to a line segment parallel, close, and below the positive real axis in the negative sense, returning to the small circle in the middle.
Let γ be the small circle of radius ε, Γ the larger, with radius r, then
Since z1/2=e1/2 Log(z), along the contour below the branch cut, we have gained 2π in argument along Γ, so
and then
It can be shown that the integrals over Γ and γ both tend to zero as ε tends to zero and R tends to infinity, by an estimation argument above. Thus, then,
By using the residue theorem or the Cauchy integral formula one obtains
[edit] Example (V) – logarithms and the residue at infinity
We seek to evaluate
This requires a close study of
We will construct f(z) so that it has a branch cut on [0,3], shown in red in the diagram. To do this, we choose two branches of the logarithm, setting
The cut of z3 / 4 is therefore and the cut of (3 − z)1 / 4 is
. It is easy to see that the cut of the product of the two, i.e. f(z), is [0,3], because f(z) is actually continuous across
This is because when z = − r < 0 and we approach the cut from above, f(z) has the value
When we approach from below, f(z) has the value
But exp( − 3 / 4πi) = exp(5 / 4πi), so that we have continuity across the cut. This is illustrated in the diagram, where the two black oriented circles are labelled with the corresponding value of the argument of the logarithm used in z3 / 4 and (3 − z)1 / 4.
We will use the contour shown in green in the diagram. To do this we must compute the value of f(z) along the line segments just above and just below the cut. Let z = r (in the limit, i.e. as the two green circles shrink to radius zero), where Along the upper segment, we find that f(z) has the value
and along the lower segment,
It follows that the integral of along the upper segment is
in the limit, and along the lower segment,
If we can show that the integrals along the two green circles vanish in the limit, then we also have the value of , by the Cauchy residue theorem. Let the radius of the green circles be ρ, where ρ < 1 / 1000 and
and apply the ML-inequality. For the circle CL on the left, we find
Similarly, for the circle CR on the right, we have
Now using the Cauchy residue theorem, we have
Using the branch of the logarithm from before, clearly
The pole is shown in blue in the diagram. The value simplifies to
We use the following formula for the residue at infinity:
Substituting, we find
where we have used the fact that − 1 = exp(πi) for the second branch of the logarithm. Next we apply the binomial expansion, obtaining
The conclusion is that
Finally, it follows that the value of is
which yields
The integral was discussed on, where an additional residue computation is shown. The link is here.
[edit] See also
- Cauchy integral formula for an example of the application of this integral theorem
- Residue (complex analysis)
[edit] External links
- Jean Jacquelin, Marko Riedel, Branche univalente,, in French.
- A collection of examples
- Residue Calculus Module by John H. Mathews