Michael II Apafi
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Michael Apafi (13 October 1676–1 February 1713) (Hungarian: Apafi Mihály) was the son of Michael I Apafi and Anna Bornemissza. Following his father, he was Prince of Transylvania from 10 June 1690 to 1699.
Michael had been associated with his father as ruler since 10 June 1681, but was effectively a figurehead prince as he was only 13 years of age when he came to power. Control of Transylvania was disputed with Imre Thököly, backed by the Ottoman Empire, who was defeated with the assistance of the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I, the effective ruler of Transylvania. Day to day authority was wielded by George Bánffy.
Michael was summoned to Vienna by the Emperor Leopold in 1699, ostensibly concerning a dispute over his recent marriage, and was there forced to cede official control of Transylvania to Leopold. He received a pension from the Emperor and lived in Vienna, dying there aged 36.