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My name is Michael Anthony Abril. I'm an aspiring Roman Catholic theologian with knowledge of Latin and Hebrew. I currently possess a Bachelor of Arts in Theology and am working toward a Masters of Arts, with plans to continue on to doctoral studies. In the process I intend to learn Greek, German, and Spanish.
I enjoy all branches of theology, so I am perhaps best termed a systematic theologian. I do, however, have a special preference for Christology and Theological Anthropology. I am well-versed on a general overview of theology, especially in the Patristic period. I have an affinity for the works of Fr. Karl Rahner, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Augustine. I am also spiritually influenced by St. Francis of Assisi.
My hobbies include cartooning, web design, math, and reading great fiction and poetry. I have good knowledge of XHTML, CSS2, JavaScript, PHP, and Perl, and moderate knowledge of C++. My favorite books are The Catcher in the Rye, Catch-22, and The Pearl. Among my favorite poets are Alfred Lord Tennyson, Edgar Allan Poe, and Lewis Caroll. I'm also somewhat well-read on the classics.
I have my web website dedicated to theology: azcoyote: theology blog
My contributions to Wikipedia.
Michael Anthony Abril 18:56, 12 March 2007 (UTC)