Mind burst
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In the Babylon 5 fictional universe, a Mind Burst refers to the sudden switching on of a person's telepathic abilities. A person taking a mind burst experiences an overload of incoming telepathic information, which will cause the person's mind to shut down, and for the person to pass out.
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In most cases, a telepath will usually be born with telepathic abilities or will develop them gradually in childhood. But in the case of those people with latent telepathic abilities, the ability can be suddenly switched on, causing the person to take a mind burst. Stress or body changes can cause telepathic abilities to be switched on. The onset of puberty can often turn these abilities on, resulting in a mind burst.
People experiencing a mind burst are usually taken in for medical care. When a person who has taken a mind burst wakes up, a trained telepath is usually on hand to help the new telepath learn how to keep their new abilities from overwhelming them. Prior to the Telepath War, new telepaths were either made to join the Psi Corps or take drugs to block their abilities. Many telepaths ran away to keep from being forced into the Corps. After the war, telepaths had more freedom in choosing their futures. However new telepaths need training to learn how to properly manage their abilities.