Mining colonies
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The mining colonies are part of the fictional Star Wars Expanded Universe. The Mining colonies was created around 90 years before the battle of Yavin. They formed the mining sector. The colonies were involved in many wars like the clone wars and the galactic civil war. The mining colonies were a group of systems that based their economy on mining and trading. The Mining colonies are made up of several planets;Bespin, Dubrillion, Levierea, Dubtrillon, Mustafar, Rumberea, Destrillion and many uncharted systems. The mining colonies are mentioned in the novel Fall of the galaxy; a novel which is still under construction and is set to be release sometime in 2008 (this is subjective to be changed). During the novel the rebel alliance finally takes action against the empire; when the mining colonies began to rebel and move against the empire. The mining colonies is located on the outer rim Territories. After the events of revenge of the sith; the newly appointed darth vader was sent in to imperialize the mining colonies and bring under the flag of the Empire. the mining colonies were the first to rebel against the empire. The mining colonies are inhabited by Bothans,Jawas,humans,alien spices,and droids. Some of the planets in the mining system were destroyed by the empire. Many of the planets that make up the mining colonies were involved in many battles during the Galactic Civil War, e.g. the battle of Dubrillion and the battle of Mustafar. The mining colonies was liberated by the rebel alliance or the New Republic years after the battle of Endor.