Talk:Mission to Mars
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[edit] Technical error
- Spoiler alert!
In the scene where the signal from the 'dome' (actually the 'face' on Mars after millenia of dust is removed) is discovered to represent DNA, they conclude that the key is to come up with the last two chromosomes, which would have a huge number of possibilities.
What's shown is they need to figure out the final two BASE PAIRS in the sequence of DNA. There are only two possible pairs of molecules and two orientations for each base pair, plus four possible orders of the two pair combinations. Adenine only pairs with Thymine, Guanine only pairs with Cytosine.
The complexity of the task is drastically less than the dialog says, but the absurdity of the situation is still nearly infinite.
There are many other techincal problems in the film, but this one should stand out quite badly to anyone who has had the most basic instruction in molecular biology.
What brian de palma saw in the script to mission to mars is beyond me. This is basically a rescue mission and in the last ten minutes we get an embarassingly simplistic answer to how life originated on earth from mars. Once again de palma makes an elegantly beautiful movie with no substantial story behind it's empty narrative. I've always wanted de palma to do a sci-fi movie. This wasn't it. It took steven spielberg to make the sci-fi movie that de palma never made in minority report. A film like mission to mars belongs to a sci-fi audience of a bygone era, namely the 50's. Todays sophisticated audience crave for mindbending and mind altering sci-fi that takes them to a new level of experience. If brian de palma is going to tackle sci-fi again I just hope it will be based on the novel "the demolished man". The sci-fi movie he was expected to direct straight after "the fury". That definitly would be a movie event to watch out for! HARRY GEORGATOS.
Additionally, the disaster which kills the first crew in this movie is patently ridiculous. As anyone who has studied mars (or even played Doom 3) can tell you, the martian atmosphere is very thin: atmospheric pressure is about 0.0056 atm, or 0.5% that of Earth. Now I'm no scientist, but with air that thin, does it seem likely that the sandstorm which killed 3 people would even have been able to toss rocks around, much less tear some poor guy into a jumbo order of Astronaut McNuggets? PAUL JENNINGS
[edit] Worst film in Cannes that year
True that, back then Mission to Mars had as much success in Cannes as The DaVinci Code this year.
[edit] Trivia Section
Interesting bit of trivia - Real life astronaut Story Musgrave not only was a technical consultant for the movie, but also had a small cameo in the scene where they celebrated the Gary Sinese character's birthday. Would that be appropriate for an encyclopedia article? JimZDP 17:42, 6 January 2007 (UTC)
yeah that would be perfect! wow, u left this two days ago, what're the odds i'd stumble upon it 07:49, 9 January 2007 (UTC)