User:Miwasatoshi/ASU plant list
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This is a list of plants found on the main campus of Arizona State University, including the Arboretum at ASU.
Building codes as used in the ASU Building Code guide 1 with the following additions: LDS refers to the LDS Institute (currently under renovation); PS1-3 are in reference to Parking Structures 1-3.
[edit] Conifers
- Cedrus deodara deodar cedar -- entrance to ANTH
- Cupressus arizonica Arizona cypress -- N of PEBW; N of MAIN
- Cupressus x leylandii Leyland cypress -- between COWDN and ANTH
- Cupressus sempervirens Italian cypress, Mediterranean cypress -- SW and SE corners of ADM B; W side of Forest Ave across from SS
- Juniperus chinensis blue juniper, Chinese juniper -- 'Hetzii', NW corner of MU
- Juniperus x pfitzeriana Pfitzer juniper -- between BAC and AG; between ADM A and MU; 'glauca' bluetip Pfitzer juniper, N side of LSB
- Juniperus scopulorum weeping juniper, Rocky Mountain juniper -- in front of MU main entrance; by entrance to ANTH
- Pinus brutia Turkish pine -- var. eldarica, mondel pine, in front of ECA; NE corner of PWH; SE corner of SCOB; E of SCOB; S of STAUF
- Pinus canariensis Canary Island pine -- intersection of Tyler Mall and Palm Walk; N of BA; SW corner of BA; N of ECG; outside FM; in front of entrance to LL
- Pinus halepensis Aleppo pine -- intersection of Tyler Mall and Palm Walk; N of Lemon St between BAC and AG; W of CRI; NW corner of UCLUB
- Pinus pinea stone pine -- L of entrance to MCENT
- Pinus roxburghii chir pine -- front of ADM A; SE corner of BAC
- Platycladus orientalis oriental arborvitae -- NW corner of Forest Ave and Lemon St; in front of SHS; on GGMA lawn
- Podocarpus gracilior fern pine, weeping podocarpus -- in front of NEEB
- Podocarpus macrophyllus Chinese yew pine, Japanese yew, Buddhist pine -- (orphaned plaque) btwn PSC and PSG
- Taxodium distichum bald cypress -- Methodist Church parking lot
- Taxodium mucronatum Montezuma cypress -- SW corner of Forest Ave and Lemon St; in front of PVE; W side of PVW
- Thuja occidentalis American arborvitae, white cedar, Eastern arborvitae -- N of MAIN
[edit] Flowering Plants
- Abutilon palmeri Superstition mallow, Palmer's Indian mallow
- Abutilon theophrasti butterprint
- Acacia constricta white-thorn acacia
- Acacia farnesiana sweet acacia, mimosa bush
- Acacia minuta desert sweet acacia
- Acacia salicina willow acacia
- Acacia saligna blue leaf wattle, golden wreath wattle, weeping wattle
- Acacia schaffneri Schaffner's wattle, twisted acacia, medusa acacia - S of SSV
- Acacia schotti Schott acacia
- Acacia smallii sweet acacia, mimosa bush -- S of PEBW
- Acacia stenophylla shoestring acacia
- Acacia willardiana palo blanco, white-barked acacia -- S and SE of ASUVC; SW of ECA
- Agave americana var. variegata, variegated century plant
- Agave colorata mescal ceniza
- Agave desmettiana smooth agave
- Agave felgeri mescalito -- Arboretum Park
- Agave huachucensis Huachuca agave -- E of STAUF
- Agave lechuguilla lechuguilla -- Arboretum Park
- Agave parryi Parry agave
- Agave parviflora Santa Cruz striped agave
- Agave schotti Schott century plant -- Arboretum Park
- Agave vilmoriniana octopus agave
- Agave weberi Weber agave
- Aloe dawei Dawe aloe -- SW corner of WILSN
- Aloe distans jeweled aloe -- planters between ED and EDB
- Aloe ferox tap aloe -- planters between ED and EDB
- Aloe variegata partridge breast aloe -- planters between ED and EDB
- Aloe vera aloe vera -- surrounding SCOB
- Aloysia gratissima bee-brush
- Amaranthus albus pigweed amaranth
- Amaranthus fimbriatus fringed amaranth
- Ambrosia ambrosioides canyon ragweed, giant bursage
- Ambrosia deltoidea triangle bursage, triangleleaf bursage, rabbit bush, burrobush
- Amsinckia tessellata bristly fiddleneck
- Anagallis arvensis scarlet pimpernel -- S of EDB
- Anisacanthus quadrifidus flame honeysuckle, hummingbird bush
- Antirrhinum majus snapdragon -- CHAPL garden
- Archontophoenix cunninghamiana king palm -- SE corner ED atrium; SS courtyard
- Arecastrum romanzoffianum queen palm -- E side of LAW
- Argythamnia neomexicana common silverbush -- N of WFA
- Asclepias subulata desert milkweed, rush milkweed
- Asparagus densiflorus var. 'Sprengeri', Sprenger asparagus -- throughout campus in planters; S of MAIN
- Atriplex canescens fourwing saltbush
- Atriplex elegans wheelscale saltbush -- btwn LOT 51 and FULTN
- Atriplex semibaccata Australian saltbush -- S of SCD, adjacent railroad tracks
- Baileya multiradiata desert marigold -- native plant display, NW corner of LSC
- Bambusa glaucescens hedge bamboo -- E of LL
- Bauhinia blakeana Hong Kong orchid tree -- E of SSV
- Bauhinia lunarioides Texas plume, Anacacho orchid tree -- front of WHALL
- Bauhinia variegata purple orchid tree -- S of EDB; N of UCLUB; S of ART
- Beaucarnea recurvata ponytail palm -- N end of ADM A; ED atrium; E of ENGRC; LL entrance
- Bebbia juncea sweetbush -- NE of SSV, near STAD, native plant display NW of LSC
- Berlandiera lyrata chocolate flower
- Bismarckia nobilis Bismarck palm -- N of MOEUR
- Boerhavia coccinea scarlet spiderling (weed)
- Boerhavia intermedia fivewing spiderling (weed)
- Bougainvillea spectabilis var 'Barbara Karst', bougainvillea -- entrance to LIB; S of LYC; S of WILSN; var 'Raspberry Ice', throughout campus
- Bouteloua aristidoides needle grama -- native grass
- Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama -- native grass
- Bowlesia incana hoary bowlesia -- W of LSC; SW of MU (spring 2005)
- Brachychiton populneus bottletree, kurrajong -- E of BKSTR; in front of GGMA (Apache at Mill); W of LYC
- Brahea armata Mexican blue palm -- N of LAW; E of MAIN
- Brahea brandegeei San Jose hesper palm -- between LL and NUR; N of MOEUR
- Bromus catharticus rescue grass (weed)
- Bromus rubens red brome (weed)
- Buddleia marrubifolia woolly butterfly bush
- Bulbine frutescens yellow bulbine
- Bursera fagaroides elephant tree -- S of SSV
- Bursera microphyllum elephant tree
- Buxus microphylla var. japonica, Japanese boxwood -- common throughout campus
- Caesalpinia cacalaco cascalote
- Caesalpinia gilliesi yellow bird-of-paradise
- Caesalpinia mexicana Mexican bird-of-paradise
- Caesalpinia pulcherrima red bird-of-paradise -- E of ARCH
- Calibrachoa parviflora seaside petunia -- E of LL
- Calliandra californica Baja fairy duster -- SE corner of COOR; W of CPCOM
- Calliandra eriophylla pink fairy duster -- S of ASUVC; S of SSV
- Callistemon viminalis weeping bottlebrush -- N of ECG; E of LL
- Campsis radicans common trumpet creeper, trumpet vine, Virginia creeper
- Canna canna lily
- Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's purse (weed)
- Cardamine hirsuta hairy bittercress (weed)
- Carissa macrocarpa Natal plum -- common throughout campus
- Carnegiea gigantea saguaro -- Arboretum Park; S of LAWLB; N of MU; S of SSV
- Carya illinoinensis pecan -- N of EDB Hall; E of MAIN; E of PEBE
- Caryota ochlandra Canton fishtail palm -- SE corner of ED atrium
- Casimiroa edulis white sapote -- "Secret Garden" between WHALL and GHALL
- Casuarina cunninghamiana Australian pine
- Catharanthus roseus Madagascar periwinkle -- planters
- Ceiba speciosa silk floss tree -- front of ARCH; SS courtyard
- Celtis spinosa desert hackberry
- Centaurea melitensis Malta starthistle -- S of LDS (now gone)
- Cerastium glomeratium sticky chickweed -- NW of PS1
- Ceratonia siliqua carob -- W of PSY; between ADM and MU
- Cercidium aculeatum Mexican palo verde, Jerusalem-thorn -- Arboretum Park; E of LAWLB
- Cercidium floridum blue palo verde - Arboretum Park; N of LAWLB
- Cercidium microphyllum foothill palo verde -- Arboretum Park
- Cercidium praecox palo brea -- Arboretum Park; along Orange St from SVCS to SCOB and PEBW to PEBE; S of ASUVC
- Cereus repandus var. 'Monstrosus', Peruvian apple cactus, night blooming cereus -- S of SSV
- Chamaedora elegans parlor palm -- SW, NE corners of ED atrium
- Chamaerops humilis Mediterranean fan palm, European fan palm -- NE corner of Forest Ave and Gammage Pkwy; walkway to GGMA; W of NOBLE; W of SSV
- Chenopodium album common lambsquarters (weed)
- Chenopodium berlandieri netseed lambsquarters (weed)
- Chenopodium leptophyllum narrowleaf goosefoot (weed)
- Chenopodium murale nettleleaf goosefoot (weed)
- Chenopodium pratericola desert goosefoot (weed)
- Chilopsis linearis desert-willow, desert catalpa -- S of LIB
- Chitalpa x tashkentensis chitalpa -- S of PSYN
- Chrysalidocarpus lutescens butterfly palm
- Ciclospermum leptophyllum marsh parsley -- N of SRC; S of ENGRC
- Citrus aurantium sour orange -- common throughout campus, especially E side of Hayden Lawn; N of PSY; btwn WILSN and MOEUR
- Citrus limon lemon -- S of MCENT; in front of ARCH
- Citrus x paradisi grapefruit -- N of PWH
- Cocculus laurifolius Hindu laurel -- Cady Fountain; SS courtyard
- Combretum erythrophyllum bush willow, river bushwillow -- W of CRI
- Convolvulus cneorum bush morning glory -- S of SSV
- Convolvulus equitans gray bindweed -- Arboretum Park
- Conyza bonariensis asthmaweed (weed)
- Conyza canadensis Canadian horseweed (weed)
- Cordia boissieri Texas olive, anacahuita -- E of PABLO
- Cordia parvifolia littleleaf cordia
- Coreopsis bigelovii Bigelow's coreopsis
- Coronopus didymus lesser swinecress -- N of SSV
- Corymbia citriodora lemon-scented gum -- by LSA
- Corymbia papuana ghost gum -- between LSA and LSC
- Cotula australis Australian waterbuttons -- "Secret Garden" btwn WHALL and GHALL; N of LSA; W of MCL
- Crassula connata sand pygmyweed -- N of UCLUB
- Cryptantha angustifolia bristlelobe cryptantha -- btwn LSC and LSE; W of CCR; HSC parking lot
- Cryptantha maritima Guadalupe catseye -- Arboretum Park
- Cryptantha pterocarya winged pick-me-not -- Arboretum Park
- Cycas revoluta sago palm -- in front of ANTH; SW corner of BA; in front of ECG; SS courtyard
- Cynodon dactylon Bermuda grass -- all lawns
- Cyperus rotundus purple nutsedge -- S of WFA; N of SS
- Dactyloctenium aegyptium crowfoot grass
- Dalbergia sissoo sissoo -- courtyard btwn MOEUR and SSV; S side of NURS; btwn ANTH and LL
- Dalea frutescens black dalea, black indigo bush -- common throughout campus
- Dasylirion wheeleri desert spoon, common sotol -- S of SSV
- Dianthus deltiodes maiden pink
- Dichanthium annulatum Kleberg bluestem
- Dichondra micrantha dichondra -- lawns throughout campus; "Secret Garden" btwn WHALL and GHALL
- Dioon spinulosum giant dioon
- Diospyros kaki Japanese persimmon -- N of PWH
- Dodonaea tenuiloba hopseed bush, hopbush
- Dyssodia tenuiloba Dahlberg daisy, golden fleece
- Ebanopsis ebano Texas ebony -- Arboretum Park; N of MU
- Echinocactus grusonii golden barrel cactus -- S of SSV
- Echinocereus engelmannii Engelmann's hedgehog cactus -- NE corner of NEEB
- Echinochloa colonum jungle rice -- N of LSC
- Encelia farinosa brittlebush -- Arboretum Park; native plant display, NW corner of LSC
- Epipremnum aureum pothos -- SS courtyard
- Eremophila maculata spotted emubush -- E side of Hayden Lawn
- Eriogonum deflexum flatcrown buckwheat -- near MANZH; near STAD; Arboretum Park
- Eschscholzia californica subsp. mexicana, Mexican gold poppy -- native plant display, NW corner of LSC
- Eucalyptus camaldulensis red gum, river red gum -- SE corner of MAIN
- Eucalyptus erythrocorys red cap gum, illyarrie
- Eucalyptus microtheca coolibah -- NE of BAC; SE of BAC; S of PSYN
- Eucalyptus polyanthemos silver dollar gum, red box -- between MHALL and MCL
- Eucalyptus spathulata narrow-leaved gimlet -- in front of COWDN
- Eucalyptus torquata coral gum, coolgardie gum -- in front of COWDN
- Euphorbia albomarginata rattlesnake weed (weed)
- Euphorbia capitellata head sandmat (weed)
- Euphorbia hyssopifolia hyssop spurge (weed)
- Euphorbia maculata large spurge (weed)
- Euphorbia peplus petty spurge (weed)
- Euphorbia prostrata prostrate sandmat (weed)
- Euphorbia rigida blue euphorbia
- Fallugia paradoxa Apache-plume -- SE corner of COOR; SW corner of COOR
- Feijoa sellowiana pineapple guava -- S of NUR
- Ferocactus acanthodes desert barrel cactus -- S of ASUVC
- Ferocactus chrysacanthus Cedros barrel cactus
- Ferocactus covillei Coville barrel cactus
- Ferocactus wislizenii Arizona barrel cactus -- Arboretum Park
- Ficus benjamina weeping fig -- N of NOBLE; SS courtyard
- Ficus elastica rubber plant -- in front of COWDN; SE corner of SCOB; SS courtyard
- Ficus lyrata fiddleleaf fig -- N of LAW
- Ficus microcarpa var. nitida Indian laurel fig -- SE corner of ADM B; ED atrium; S of GWC; E side of MCENT; S side of NUR; between LSC and LSA
- Ficus pumila creeping fig
- Fortunella margarita oval kumquat, nagami kumquat -- N of ECG; in front of LL; N of MU; W of SSV
- Fortunella japonica round kumquat, marumi kumquat -- GGMA planters
- Fouquieria columnaris boojum, cirio -- NE corner of NEEB
- Fouquieria splendens ocotillo -- Arboretum Park; S of SSV
- Fraxinus angustifolia narrow-leaved ash -- var 'Raywood', raywood ash, across from PS1 at BA; on Cady Mall near University Dr
- Fraxinus uhdei shamel ash -- N of MAIN; N side of MCENT; NE corner of SRC
- Fraxinus velutina velvet ash, Arizona ash -- in front of MAIN; E of MAIN; near PWH; var 'Rio Grande', fantex ash, E of SRC between tennis courts and intramural fields
- Gaillardia blanket flower
- Gaura mollis velvetweed -- near CPS
- Geijera parviflora Australian willow
- Glandularia gooddingi Goodding's verbena -- native plant display, NW corner of LSC
- Gleditsia triacanthos honey locust -- var. inermis, in front of ANTH; in front of LL; NW corner of LSC; W side of LYC; N of WFA; var. inermis 'Sunburst', between ARCH and ART; in front of LL
- Grevillea robusta silk oak -- NE corner of AG; GGMA lawn; E of SCOB
- Guaiacum coulteri guayacan -- S of PS
- Hatiora salicornioides spice cactus -- ASU greenhouse
- Hedera canariensis Algerian ivy -- SS courtyard
- Hedera helix English ivy -- SS courtyard
- Helianthus annuus annual sunflower -- LSD
- Heliotropium curassavicum quail plant -- NE of ED; W of NOBLE
- Hemerocallis daylily
- Herniaria hirsuta hairy rupturewort
- Hesperaloe parviflora red hesperaloe -- S of SSV
- Heterotheca subaxillaris camphorweed
- Hexachlamys edulis yvahai
- Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Chinese hibiscus
- Hordeum murinum smooth barley -- W of CCR
- Howea forsterana kentia palm -- ED atrium
- Hymenoclea salsola burrobrush -- near PVE; near WFA; A Mountain
- Hymenoxys acaulis angelita daisy\ -- E side of Hayden Lawn
- Hyptis emoryi desert-lavender
- Iris iris
- Jacaranda mimosifolia jacaranda, green ebony, blue jacaranda -- ECG courtyard; SW corner of LL; NW corner of SS; "Secret Garden" between WHALL and GHALL; SE corner of WILSN
- Justicia brandegeana shrimp plant, rattlesnake plant, false hop
- Justicia spicigera mohintli, firecracker plant, Mexican honeysuckle -- W side of ECG
- Kalanchoe delagoensis chandelier plant -- SW corner of HSC
- Kallstroemia grandiflora Arizona caltrop -- native plant display, NW corner of LSC
- Lagerstroemia indica crape myrtle
- Lantana camara bush lantana -- common throughout campus
- Lantana montevidensis trailing shrubverbena -- common throughout campus
- Larrea tridentata creosote bush -- Arboretum Park; S of SSV
- Laurus nobilis sweet bay -- in front of MCENT; in front of SHS
- Leucaena retusa goldenball lead tree, golden lead ball
- Leucophyllum frutescens Texas ranger, barometer bush
- Ligustrum japonicum waxleaf privet
- Ligustrum lucidum glossy privet -- N side of SRC; S side of ECA
- Liriope muscari big lilac lily turf
- Livistona chinensis Chinese fountain palm
- Lupinus sparsiflorus desert lupine -- native plant display, NW corner of LSC
- Lysiloma thornberi desert fern, feather bush, fern-of-the-desert -- W side of MU; SE corner of SCOB
- Macfadyena unguis-cati cat's claw, yellow trumpet vine
- Machaeranthera asteroides fall tansyaster -- W of ARWH
- Magnolia grandifolia southern magnolia -- in front of COWDN
- Malva parviflora cheeseweed, little mallow
- Mammillaria brandegeei pincushion cactus
- Mammillaria microcarpa fishhook cactus, pincushion cactus, sunset cactus
- Matthiola stock
- Medicago polymorpha bur clover (weed)
- Melampodium leucanthum blackfoot daisy
- Melilotus officinalis yellow sweet clover (weed)
- Mentzelia multiflora blazing star -- native plant display, NW corner of LSC
- Morus alba white mulberry -- in front of LL; in front of MCENT; between MU and ADM A; E of SRC Fields
- Myrtus communis common myrtle -- N side of MOEUR; NW corner of LL; NW corner of BA; var. "Compacta", dwarf myrtle -- E side of LOT 3 (GGMA)
- Nandina domestica heavenly bamboo -- E side of LL
- Nerium oleander oleander -- common throughout campus; var 'Petit', dwarf oleander, common throughout campus
- Nolina bigelovii Bigelow nolina
- Ocimum basilicum basil
- Oenothera caespitosa white evening primrose
- Olea europaea olive -- throughout campus; N of LAW; W and N of MOEUR; in front of PEBE; S of PSY
- Olneya tesota desert ironwood, palo-de-hierro -- Arboretum Park; ANTH entrance; N of LAWLB; N of MU; N entrance of STAD
- Opuntia acanthocarpa buckhorn cholla -- Arboretum Park
- Opuntia arbuscula pencil cholla
- Opuntia bigelovii teddy bear cholla, jumping cholla -- Arboretum Park
- Opuntia echinocarpa silver cholla, golden cholla
- Opuntia engelmanni Engelmann's prickly pear, nopal, purple fruit prickly pear
- Opuntia fulgida jumping cholla, chainfruit cholla
- Opuntia lepticaulis desert Christmas cactus -- Arboretum Park
- Opuntia macrocentra black-spined prickly pear, purple prickly pear -- Arboretum Park
- Opuntia microdasys bunny ears, rabbit ears -- N of MU
- Opuntia phaeacantha var discata, Engelmann prickly pear
- Opuntia rufida blind pear, blind prickly pear -- Arboretum Park
- Opuntia santa-rita Santa Rita prickly pear, purple prickly pear
- Opuntia spinosior cane cholla
- Opuntia stanlyi devil cholla
- Papaver nudicaule Iceland poppy
- Pedilanthus macrocarpus slipper plant, gallito
- Pelargonium geranium -- Cady Fountain; GGMA planters
- Pennisetum setaceum fountain grass -- SW corner of FULTN, W side of LYC
- Penstemon eatoni firecracker penstemon
- Penstemon parryi Parry penstemon -- native plant display, NW corner of LSC
- Penstemon pseudospectabilis canyon penstemon -- native plant display, NW corner of LSC
- Petrea volubilis queen's wreath -- W wall of SS
- Phacelia campanularia desert bells -- Arboretum Park; S of SSV
- Phacelia crenulata scorpion flower -- native plant display, NW corner of LSC
- Phalaris minor littleseed canarygrass (weed)
- Phoenix canariensis Canary Island date palm -- W of LAW; N side of LL; N of MOEUR; S of WILSN; btwn WILSN and MOEUR
- Phoenix dactylifera date palm -- intersection of Forest and Orange (Cantina), S of WEXLER; vars. 'Khadrawy', 'Medjool', 'Zahidi', Tyler Mall at McAllister Ave
- Phoenix reclinata Senegal date palm -- ECA courtyard; N of LAW; N side of LL
- Phoenix roebelenii pygmy date palm -- in front of ECG; SE corner, ED atrium
- Photinia x fraseri Fraser photinia, redtip photinia
- Pistacia chinensis Chinese pistache -- on McAllister E of SRC tennis courts; N of AG; in front of CHAPL; by sunlight sculpture on Hayden Lawn; N of LAWLB; N of PSY; in front of SRC
- Pistacia lentiscus mastic tree
- Pithecellobium mexicanum Mexican ebony
- Pithecellobium pallens tenaza -- Arboretum Park
- Pittosporum phillyraeoides willow pittosporum
- Pittosporum tobira mock orange, Australian laurel, Japanese mock orange
- Platanus racemosa California sycamore -- S of WILSN
- Platanus wrightii Arizona sycamore -- W of WILSN
- Platanus x hispanica London plane -- in front of MU lower entrance; E of EDB Hall; in front of NUR
- Plumbago auriculata Cape plumbago, leadwort, sky flower -- common throughout campus
- Poa annua annual bluegrass -- lawns
- Populus fremontii Fremont cottonwood -- SW corner of WILSN
- Portulaca oleracea purslane -- SW of LL
- Portulacaria afra elephant plant, small leaf jade plant
- Prosopis chilensis Chilean mesquite -- Arboretum Park; SW corner of MU; SW corner of LIB; N of BKSTR
- Prosopis glandulosa Texas honey mesquite -- Arboretum Park
- Prosopis velutina velvet mesquite -- Tempe Butte
- Prunus cerasifera cherry plum -- var 'Krauter Vesuvius', N of SRC; s of LL
- Prunus persica peach -- W of PWH; N of PWH
- Punica granatum pomegranate -- W side of MHALL; N of LL
- Pyrus kawakamii evergreen pear -- between ADM B, ADM A, and SSV; NW corner of PS1
- Quercus buckleyi Buckley oak -- N of PSY
- Quercus rubra red oak -- N of PS3 on Myrtle Ave
- Quercus suber cork oak -- in front of MAIN; in front of MOEUR
- Quercus virginiana var 'Heritage', Heritage southern live oak -- N of ECG; SE corner of PWH; SE corner of SCOB
- Raphiolepis indica Indian hawthorn
- Rhus lancea African sumac -- Gammage Pkwy median; SW corner of Forest and Lemon; Cady Mall btwn ED and MOEUR; in front of MU; E of PEBW; S of PSF
- Rhus ovata sugarbush -- native plant display, NW corner of LSC
- Rosa rose -- throughout campus
- Rosmarinus officinalis rosemary -- common throughout campus
- Ruellia macrantha ruellia, pink wilk petunia
- Ruellia peninsularis Baja ruellia, desert ruellia, desert petunia -- E side of VISIT
- Sabal mexicana Mexican palmetto -- walkway to GGMA; ECA courtyard
- Sabal palmetto cabbage palmetto -- N of MAIN
- Salix matsudana Chinese willow -- var 'Navajo', E of LAW on McAllister Ave; e of NOBLE on McAllister Ave
- Salvia clevelandii chaparral sage
- Schinus molle California pepper tree -- n of Lemon St by GGMA
- Schinus terebinthifolius Brazilian pepper tree, Christmas berry tree, Florida holly
- Schismus arabicus Arabian grass (weed)
- Senna artemisioides threadleaf senna, desert cassia -- common throughout campus
- Senna sturtii Sturt senna -- common throughout campus
- Simmondsia chinensis jojoba -- Arboretum Park; between MU and PEBE
- Sisymbrium irio London rocket (weed)
- Sophora secundiflora Texas mountain laurel, mescal bean -- N of LAW; E of LAW
- Sphaeralcea ambigua globe mallow -- native plant display, NW corner of LSC; S of SSV
- Stenocereus marginatus Mexican organ pipe cactus -- S of SSV
- Stenocereus thurberi organ pipe cactus -- S of SSV
- Strelitzia nicolai bird of paradise, white bird of paradise, giant banana -- ED atrium; SS courtyard; N side of WILSN
- Strelitzia reginae bird of paradise -- LL entrance; SS courtyard
- Tamarix tamarisk -- btwn PSH and PSF
- Taraxacum officinale common dandelion
- Tecoma stans yellow trumpet flower, yellow bells, trumpet bush
- Tecomaria capensis Cape honeysuckle -- E of ARCH
- Thevetia peruviana yellow oleander, lucky nut tree -- NW corner of PEBE; N of PEBE; E of PEBE
- Trachycarpus fortunei windmill palm -- N of MOEUR
- Tradescantia pallida wandering Jew, purple heart
- Tribulus terrestris puncture vine -- SW of LL
- Tupidanthus calyptratus tupidanthus, mallet flower -- SS courtyard
- Ulmus americana American elm -- E of IRISH A
- Ulmus parvifolia Chinese evergreen elm -- E of ADM A; N of ENGRC
- Vauquelinia californica Arizona rosewood -- native plant display, NW corner of LSC
- Verbena rigida verbena, purple verbena, sandpaper verbena
- Viburnum suspensum sandankwa viburnum -- (orphaned plaque) E of ADM A
- Vinca major large periwinkle -- N of PWH
- Vitex agnus-castus chaste tree -- between CHAPL and WILSN; N of PSY; N of PWH along Palm Walk
- Washingtonia filifera California fan palm -- SW corner of BA; N of MAIN; courtyard btwn MOEUR and SSV; surrounding ASU campus
- Washingtonia robusta Mexican fan palm -- Gammage Pkwy; Palm Walk; E of ARCH; W side of BA; SE corner of BA; btwn BAC and MU; ECG courtyard; S of ED; N of LAW; S of MU; N of NOBLE; E of PEBE; S of PSF; S of SCOB; S of WILSN
- Washingtonia x filabusta hybrid fan palm -- SW corner of ADM B; S of CRI; N of ECG; E of ENGRC
- Wedelia trilobata golden water zinnia, yellow dots, creeping daisy
- Xylosma congestum xylosma -- W of PSE; E of NURS
- Yucca aloifolia Spanish bayonet, aloe yucca -- E of AG
- Yucca brevifolia Joshua tree -- S of SSV
- Yucca elata soaptree yucca -- Arboretum Park; S of SSV
- Yucca guatemalensis spineless yucca -- N of PSY
- Yucca pendula blue stem yucca -- LL entrance
- Yucca rigida blue yucca -- Arboretum Park; S of SSV
- Yucca recurvifolia pendulous yucca -- SW corner of ECA
- Yucca schotti Schott yucca, spanish dagger, mountain yucca, Spanish bayonet, hoary yucca
- Zauschneria fuchsia
- Zamia furfuracea cardboard palm
- Ziziphus jujuba jujube -- between COWDN and ANTH