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![]() Philadelphus lewisii
Scientific classification | ||||||||||||
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If you are looking for the band Mock Orange, see Mock Orange (band))
Mock-orange (Philadelphus; also Mockorange, Mock Orange) is a genus of about 60 species of shrubs from 1 to 6 m tall, native to North America, Central America, Asia and (locally) in southeast Europe. Most are deciduous but a few species from the south of the genus' range are evergreen. The leaves are opposite, simple, with serrated margins, from 1 to 14 cm long.
The flowers are white, with four petals and sepals, 1-4 cm diameter, and commonly (but not in all species) sweetly scented. The fruit is a small capsule, containing numerous small seeds. The bark is thin and flaky, finely shredding in longitudinal strips.
Mock-oranges are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including The Engrailed.
Lewis' Mock-orange is the state flower of Idaho.
Mock-oranges are popular shrubs in parks and gardens, grown for their reliable display of late spring flowers; the scented species are particularly valued. In addition to the species, there are numerous garden origin hybrids and cultivars available.
[edit] Species
- Philadelphus argenteus - Silver Mock-orange (California, Baja California)
- Philadelphus argyrocalyx - Silver-Cup Mock-orange (New Mexico)
- Philadelphus brachybotrys - Mock-orange (southeast China)
- Philadelphus californicus - California Mock-orange (California)
- Philadelphus caucasicus - Caucasus Mock-orange (Caucasus)
- Philadelphus confusus - Piper's Mock-orange (California, Washington)
- Philadelphus cordifolius - Heartleaf Mock-orange (California)
- Philadelphus coronarius - Sweet Mock-orange (southeast Europe)
- Philadelphus coulteri - Coulter's Mock-orange (northwest Mexico)
- Philadelphus crinitus - Hairy or Trans-pecos Mock-orange (west Texas)
- Philadelphus delavayi - Delavay's Mock-orange (southwest China)
- Philadelphus ernestii - Canyon Mock-orange (southwest U.S.)
- Philadelphus floridus - Florida Mock-orange (Florida, Georgia)
- Philadelphus gattingeri - Gattinger's Mock-orange (Tennessee)
- Philadelphus hirsutus - Streambank Mock-orange (southeast US)
- Philadelphus hitchcockianus - Hitchcock Mock-orange (Texas, New Mexico)
- Philadelphus incanus - Mock-orange (Hubei, Shaanxi)
- Philadelphus inodorus - Scentless Mock-orange (US)
- Philadelphus insignis - Summer Mock-orange (California, Oregon)
- Philadelphus intectus - Mock-orange (southeast US)
- Philadelphus kansuensis - Evergreen Mock-orange (northwest China)
- Philadelphus karwinskyanus - Evergreen Mock-orange (Mexico)
- Philadelphus laxiflorus - Mock-orange (Gansu, Hubei, Shaanxi)
- Philadelphus lewisii - Lewis's Mock-orange (western North America)
- Philadelphus maculatus - Spotted Mock-orange (Arizona)
- Philadelphus madrensis - Desert Mountain Mock-orange (southwest US)
- Philadelphus mearnsii - Mearns' Mock-orange (Texas, New Mexico)
- Philadelphus mexicanus - Mexican Mock-orange (Mexico, Guatemala)
- Philadelphus microphyllus - Littleleaf Mock-orange (southwest US)
- Philadelphus occidentalis - Western Mock-orange (western North America)
- Philadelphus oreganus - Oregon Mock-orange (Oregon)
- Philadelphus palmeri - Palmer's Mock-orange (southwest US)
- Philadelphus pekinensis - Beijing Mock-orange (northern China)
- Philadelphus pubescens - Hoary Mock-orange (southeast US)
- Philadelphus pumilus - Dwarf Mock-orange (California)
- Philadelphus purpurascens - Mock-orange (southwest China)
- Philadelphus satsumanus - Downy Japanese Mock-orange (Japan)
- Philadelphus satsumi - Japanese Mock-orange (Japan)
- Philadelphus schrenkii - Schrenk's Mock-orange (northeast China, Korea, southeast Russia)
- Philadelphus sericanthus - Mock-orange (Sichuan, Hubei)
- Philadelphus serpyllifolius - Littleleaf or Thymeleaf Mock-orange (southern US, Mexico)
- Philadelphus sharpianus - Sharp's Mock-orange (Tennessee, Missouri)
- Philadelphus subcanus - Mock-orange (southwest China)
- Philadelphus tenuifolius - Slender-leaf Mock-orange (Korea, southeast Russia)
- Philadelphus texensis - Texas Mock-orange (Texas)
- Philadelphus tomentosus - Fuzzy Mock-orange (Himalaya)
- Philadelphus trichothecus - Columbian Mock-orange (British Columbia, northwest US)
- Philadelphus triflorus - Himalayan Mock-orange (Himalaya)
- Philadelphus wootonii - Wooton's Mock-orange (New Mexico)
- Philadelphus zelleri - Zeller's Mock-orange (Washington)