Mohammedan scale
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In Music theory Mohammedan scale is exactly the same as the harmonic minor scale. The Mohammedan scale is the same as natural minor but with a chromatically raised seventh.
The scale can be found in many traditional middle-eastern songs, and has been in use for a while.
Mohammedan Scale in corresponding keys:
Key of C
C D Eb F G Ab B
Key of D
D E F G A Bb C#
Key of F
F G Ab Bb C Db E
...and so on
You can see as shown in Mohammedan Scale in key of "C", it is the same as the natural minor scale, ( C D Eb F G Ab B) but with the seventh being raised a semi-tone to B. The raised seventh can considerably "darken" the mood of the more "happy sounding" natural minor scale.
Image:C Minor Scale.mid C Minor Scale
Image:C Mohammedan Scale.mid C Mohammedan Scale (which has an accidental seventh raised by a semi-tone)
You can see how the accidental seventh considerably makes the mood more gloomy and bleaker.