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Molosser is a name for a group comprising several breeds of large, solidly-built dogs, probably all descended from the same root stock. The name derives from Molossia, a country once located in Western Greece.
Molossers are sometimes called "mastiffs". The proper noun "Mastiff", however, is used to refer to the English Mastiff, a breed that originated in England over two thousand years ago. Other terms include "Mastín" (Spanish), "dogge" (Germanic), and "dogue" or "dogo" (Romance languages).
![An Entlebucher Sennenhund, showing the typical molosser build.](../../../upload/thumb/e/e7/Entlebucher2_wb.jpg/180px-Entlebucher2_wb.jpg)
Breeds such as the Bullmastiff, Dogue de Bordeaux, Fila Brasileiro, Mastin Del Pirineo, Mastin Espanol, Neapolitan Mastiff, Tibetan Mastiff, and many others fall into the larger category of "Molossers", but are not "Mastiffs". Each is a separate and distinct breed.[1] The Boxer breed is also included, as it is a creation from other Molossers including the Original English Bulldog.
Molossers typically have heavy bones, pendant ears, a relatively short and well-muscled neck, and a short muzzle. Although some Molossers are used for search and rescue, such as the Saint Bernard and the Newfoundland, most are used as guard dogs, due to their deep voices and natural guarding instincts, or herding dogs, not for actual herding but for protection against large predators as well as poachers. Some breeds like the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog have also been used as cart dogs.
The origin of Molossers is disputed, but Assyrian bas-relief carvings found in Nineveh date back as far as approximately 640 BC. Many believe that the Tibetan Mastiff is the ancestor of modern Molossers, although there is little evidence to support this theory. It is a fact, though, that large watchdogs have existed in Asia and the Middle East for several thousand years.
Some of today's Molosser breeds come from the British Isles and points farther north, which accounts for their thick coats and solid build.
The Bulldog breeds split from the Molossers in England and spread to the New World with colonization as well as Western Europe and, though smaller, are considered by some to still be Molosser breeds.
[edit] List of molosser breeds
- Akbash Dog
- Alano Español (Spanish Alano)
- Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog
- Alp Mastiff (Cane Garouf)
- American Bulldog, including:
- JDJ American Bulldog
- Scott's American Bulldog
- Southern White American Bulldog
- American Mastiff (Panja)
- American Pit Bull Terrier
- American Staffordshire Terrier
- Anatolian Shepherd Dog
- Appenzeller Sennenhund
- Argentine Dogo
- Bandog(gge)
- Bergamasco
- Bernese Mountain Dog (Berner Sennen)
- Boerboel (South-African Mastiff)
- Boston Terrier (also a Terrier but more Moloss)
- Boxer
- Branchiero Sicliano
- Broholmer
- Bucciriscu Calabrese
- Bulldog
- Buldogue Campeiro
- Bullmastiff
- Bully Kutta (Pakistani Mastiff)
- Ca de Bou (Perro de Presa Mallorquin, Mallorquin Bulldog, etc.)
- Cane Corso (Sicilian Brancheiro)
- Cão da Serra da Estrela - see Estrela Mountain Dog
- Cão de Castro Laboreiro
- Cão de Fila de São Miguel
- Cão de Fila da Terceira
- Cão de Gado Transmontano
- Catahoula Bulldog
- Caucasian Ovcharka
- Central Asia Shepherd Dog
- Dosa Inu (Korean heavier form of Tosa)
- Dogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff)
- Dogo Cubano
- Dogo Guatemalteco
- Dogo Sardesco
- English Mastiff (Mastiff)
- Entlebucher Sennenhund (Entlebucher Mountain Dog)
- Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian Mastiff)
- Gran Mastin de Borínquen
- Great Dane (German Mastiff)
- Grosser Schweizer Sennenhund (Greater Swiss Mountain Dog)
- Gull Terr
- Hovawart
- Himalayan Sheepdog
- Indian Mastiff (Sindh Mastiff)
- Kangal Dog
- Kuvasz
- Landseer (sometimes considered a colour variety of the Newfoundland)
- Leonberger
- Moscovskaya Storozhevaya Sobaka (Moscow Watchdog)
- Neapolitan Mastiff
- Nebolish Mastiff
- Newfoundland
- Olde English Bulldogge
- Perro Cimarron
- Perro de Presa Canario
- Perro de Toro
- Polish Tatra Sheepdog (Tatra Mountain Sheepdog, Tatra Shepherd Dog, Polski Owczarek Podhalanski, Owczarek Podhalanski)
- Pyrenean Mastiff
- Pyrenean Mountain Dog (Great Pyrenees)
- Rottweiler
- Sage Koochee (Afghan Sheepdog)
- Šarplaninac
- Shar Pei
- Spanish Mastiff
- Saint Bernard
- Tibetan Kyi Apso (Bearded Tibetan Mastiff)
- Tibetan Mastiff
- Tosa (Japanese Mastiff)
- Valley Bulldog
- Vucciriscu
- Xochaso