User:Molobo/Notes related to articles I am interested in editing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Notes :
[edit] Create articles
Create article on Cooperation between NKVD and Gestapo(some articles found here[[1]]
Create article on German_atrocities_during_September_Campaign
Create article on Anti-Comintern_Pact_and_Poland/title may change/[2]
Create article German minority in Poland and Third Reich/title may change/ using(but not only) this source [3]
Create article on Polish-American Relations
Enter some of the information found on this page[4] [5]
Translate this article and add this as an interesting topic[6]
Add this as an interesting topic [7]
Add information on nationalist ideology of Stauffenberg and his racist views on Poles and Jews in article on Stauffenberg
Interesting information in this article[8] [9]
Polska i Polacy w literaturze rosyjskiej [12]
German army continues to have neonazis: [13]
[edit] For immediate addition !
In 1939 90 % of those who went to concentration camps in Poland were sent there on demand of German minority [15] --Molobo 10:32, 30 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Priority article accomplished !
[edit] German Concentration Camp in Potulice
Create article about German concentration camp for Polish children in Potulice[
became the district managing director of the Free People's Party (FVP) in Munster, later switchng to the German Party (DP). From 1949 to 1956, he was state chairman of the Association of Former Germans from Berlin and Brandenburg, (Landsmannschaft Berlin-Mark Brandenburg), where he served as spokesman, a high-powered appointment that was his undoing. In 1954, Kruger was a candidate for the NRW state assembly, campaigning on behalf of the League of Eastern Expellees and Victims of Justice (Bund der Heimatvertrieben und Entrechteten), but again was unsuccessful.
Interesting-German wiki has article on that Nazi-he was the president of BdV.
Interesting fact two-he was sacked as minister of the "expelled" [16]
--Molobo 15:26, 8 March 2006 (UTC)
- It seems to me you are confusing two people. The Hans Kruger that your first source mentions was born in 1909, but Hans Krüger was born in 1902. Definitely, there should be an article in enwiki on Hans Krüger: he is an excellent example of a Nazi that worked in high government positions in Germany until the early 1960s, not only chairman of the (non-government) BdV, but even Minister for Expellee Affairs for a while until he was forced to step down because of his Nazi past. Should I file a translation request of the German article for you? Kusma (討論) 01:11, 9 March 2006 (UTC)
Thank you for correcting that but you don't have to ask for translation I will be able to translate it myself. However I do have a source mentioning his activity in Poland. The book I gave link to also mentions he was accused of taking part in atrocities. I shall of course write article on both of those representants of the "Vertriebene". Kontinuitäten von Krüger ... Unmittelbar nach dem faschistischen Überfall auf Polen wurde Krüger NSDAP-Ortsgruppenleiter und Richter im okkupierten Konitz (Chojnice) und im November 1940 zum Oberamtsrichter beim dortigen Amtsgericht ernannt sowie 1942 als "Stellvertreter in erster Linie" an das neugebildete Sondergericht berufen. In den offiziellen ernehmungen nach 1945 sagte der polnische Bürger Pabich aus, daß bereits in den ersten Wochen von Krügers Amtstätigkeit "rund 2000 Polen aus Chojnice umgebracht wurden, die bis zu ihrer Ermordung in Krügers Amtsgerichtsgefängnis eingekerkert waren." (6) Und weiter heißt es in den Zeugenaussagen: "Nach jeder Visite durch Krüger im Gefängnis wurden die Inhaftierten sortiert und ein Teil von ihnen zur Hinrichtungsstätte in das 'Tal des Todes' gefahren, wo sie ermordet wurden." (7) Die Überlebenden bezeugten, daß Krüger "der Schreck des Gefängnisses" (8) war. Um es noch einmal zu verdeutlichen: Dr. Hans Krüger war Faschist und Nationalsozialist aus vollster Überzeugung. Frühzeitig bekannte er sich zu Hitler und nahm natürlich auch - wie er selber angab - am 9. November 1923 am Hitlerputsch gegen die Weimarer Republik teil. Ab 1933 war er aktives Mitglied der NSDAP und verschiedener anderer nationalsozialistischer Organisationen. Besonders aktiv war Krüger in dem nach 1933 von den Nazis gegründeten und dominierten "Bund Deutscher Oste
n" (BDO), der ganz speziell in den osteuropäischen Ländern die subversive Wühlarbeit koordinierte und somit maßgeblich an der Vorbereitung des faschistischen Angriffskrieges von Nazideutschland beteiligt war. Der "Bund der Vertriebenen" kann durchaus als die Nachfolgeorganisation des faschistischen "Bund Deutscher Osten" bezeichnet werden, und zwar gerade auch aufgrund vielfältiger personeller Kontinuitäten aus der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus. Am 16. Oktober 1963 wurde der erste BdV-Präsident Dr. Hans Krüger von dem damaligen Bundeskanzler Ludwig Erhard als "Vertriebenenminister" ins Bonner Kabinett berufen. Allerdings mußte Krüger schon nach drei Monaten seinen Hut nehmen. Enthüllungen der DDR und Polens über seine Nazivergangenheit lösten weltweite Proteste aus und zwangen den Bonner Kanzler zur Entlassung Krügers. Trotz allem behielt Krüger weiter sein Mandat und saß weiterhin als Abgeordneter für die CDU-Fraktion im Bundestag. --Molobo 10:59, 9 March 2006 (UTC) Inny osobnik niechlubnie związany z Chojnicami podczas II wojny światowej, to Hans Kruger bo to o nim mowa, - “zasłużył” się jako kierownik okupacyjnego Sądu Powiatowego w Chojnicach w latach 1939 45. Po wojnie minister przesiedleńców w rządzie bońskim. Na początku lat sześćdziesiątych prasa krajowa i światowa rozpisywała się o jego zbrodniach w Chojnicach. Uniknął sprawiedliwości, bowiem niemiecki sąd umorzył postępowanie przeciwko niemu z powodów braku winy. Do dzisiaj żyją świadkowie jego chojnickiego panowania. Zmarł w 1971 r,. w wieku 69 lat. Czy z poczuciem winy? Zapewne nie skoro z takim sentymentem darzył nasze miasto. Wspominał o tym w 1961 r. w wywiadzie opublikowanym w niemieckim czasopiśmie “Stern”. --Molobo 10:59, 9 March 2006 (UTC)
- I have announced your page at Portal:Germany/New article announcements. Happy editing, Kusma (討論) 14:47, 29 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Priority article nr 1
Expand information on Nazi atrocities and operations in Free City of Danzig --Molobo 12:49, 16 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Priority article nr 2
Write an article on Soviet treatment of Polish underground resistance, use a quote from underground newspaper to demonstrate: [17] It has been established that the NKVD and RB [sic UB] torture their prisoners terribly at the Chopin Street [police headquarters] in Lublin, at the Strzelecka Street [facility] in Warsaw, and in Włochy The most popular methods of extracting confessions include ripping off fingernails slowly, applying “temple screws” [i.e., clamps that crush the victim’s skull], and putting on “American handcuffs.” The last named method causes the skin on one’s hands to burst and the blood to flow from underneath one’s fingernails. The torture is applied passionlessly in a premeditated manner. Those who faint are revived with a morphine shot. Before the torture session some receive booster shots [zastrzyki wzmacniające ]. The torturers strictly observe the opinion of the chief interrogating officer whether it is acceptable to allow the interrogated to die…. At the infamous Lublin Castle [prison], because of the injuries inflicted during interrogation, mortality among the political prisoners reaches 20 persons per week.
An important part of Polish history. Other facts should be mentioned like the deaths of prisoners in the years 1944-1948 in Soviet prisons on Polish territory(estimated at 25.000 victims). --Molobo 00:21, 8 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To remember
Write article about treatment of Poles in Germany and German slogan demonstrating that attitude towards Poles: 'Wenn das Polenblut vom Messer spritzt, dann geht’s noch mal so gut[18]. --Molobo 13:35, 21 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To remember
Translate article "German atrocities against Silesian resistance"[19] to the article of the same name. --Molobo 13:58, 21 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To remember
Create article about expulsions of Poles from Gdynia by Germans[20] --Molobo 13:58, 21 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To remember
Create article about "German repressions in Białystok Voivodship" [21] --Molobo 13:58, 21 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To remember
Bierut decrees don't exist:
- A conference organized by the Poland in Europe Foundation was held July 4 at the Melchior Wańkowicz Academy of Journalism, with the participation of many leading politicians and intellectuals, dealing with the issue of Polish-German relations. Artur Heinicz, former director of the International Studies Center at the Polish Senate, stressed that "in fact, there were no Bierut decrees." Bolesław Bierut was the first postwar president of Poland from the communist party. According to Heinicz, an expert on Polish/German issues, the idea of the "Bierut decrees" was to enable a comparison of the situation of Germans in Poland with the situation of the Sudeten Germans in Czechoslovakia. But Benes's decrees are a historical fact, while their Polish equivalents were not even issued by Bierut. In reality, they were merely part of Art. 13 of the Potsdam conference agreement.
--Molobo 13:43, 2 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To remember
[22] --Molobo 21:29, 2 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To remember
Write an article on Wola Massacre by German forces, give quote to demonstrate the issue of German soldiers attitude toward Polish civilians: [23]
- I stayed in the cellar of No. 18 until August 5, when, between 11 and 12 noon, the Germans ordered all of us to get out, and marched us to Wolska Street. This march was carried out in dreadful haste and panic. My husband was absent, taking an active part in the Rising, and I was alone with my three children, aged 4, 6 and 12, and in the last month of pregnancy. I delayed my departure, hoping they would allow me to remain, and left the cellar at the very last moment. All the inhabitants of our house had already been escorted to the "Ursus" works in Wolska Street at the corner of Skierniewicka Street, and I too was ordered to go there. I went alone, accompanied only by my three children. It was difficult to pass, the road being full of wire, cable, remains of barricades, corpses, and rubble. Houses were burning on both sides of the street; I reached the "Ursus" work's with great difficulty. Shots, cries, supplications and groans could be heard from the factory yard. We had no doubt that this was a place for mass executions. The people who stood at the entrance were led, no, pushed in, not all at once but in groups of 20. A boy of twelve, seeing the bodies of his parents and of his little brother through the half-open entrance door, fell in a fit and began to shriek. The Germans and Vlassov's men beat him and pushed him back, while he was endeavouring to get inside. He called for his father and his mother. We all knew what awaited us here; there was no possibility of escape or of buying one's life; there was a crowd of Germans, Ukrainians* (Vlassov's men), and cars. I came last and kept in the background, continuing to let the others pass, in the hope that they would not kill a pregnant woman, but I was driven in with the last lot. In the yard I saw heaps of corpses 3 feet high, in several places. The whole right and left side of the big yard (the first yard) was strewn with bodies. (A sketch of the yard was made by the deponent.) We were led through the second. There were about 20 people in our group, mostly children of 10 to 12. There were children without parents, and also a paralysed old woman whose son-in-law had been carrying her all the time on his back. At her side was her daughter with two children of 4 and 7. They were all killed. The old woman was literally killed on her son-in-law's back, and he along with her. We were called out in groups of four and led to the end of the second yard to a pile of bodies. When the four reached this point, the Germans shot them through the backs of their heads with revolvers. The victims fell on the heap, and others came. Seeing what was to be their fate, some attempted to escape; they cried, begged, and prayed for mercy. I was in the last group of four. I begged the Vlassov's men around me to save me and the children, and they asked if I had anything with which to buy my life. I had a large amount of gold with me and gave it them. They took it all and wanted to lead me away, but the German supervising the execution would not allow them to do so, and when I begged him to let me go he pushed me off, shouting "Quicker!" I fell when he pushed me. He also hit and pushed my elder boy, shouting "hurry up, you Polish bandit". Thus I came to the place of execution, in the last group of four, with my three children. I held my two younger children by one hand, and my elder boy by the other. The children were crying and praying. The elder boy, seeing the mass of bodies, cried out: "they are going to kill us" and called for his father. The first shot hit him, the second me; the next two killed the two younger children.
--Molobo 00:13, 8 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To remember
Create new category Polish-German Relations. Reason ? They are many topics which are shared between the two countries-for example Operation Tannenberg. --Molobo 00:25, 8 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To remember
Create article on Arnulf Baring --Molobo 13:04, 8 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To remember
[24] --Molobo 18:02, 16 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To remember
Independence movement not anti-communist movement. [25] --Molobo 14:25, 17 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To remember
[26] The German view of the swashbuckling, adventurous, disorganised Polish past was picturesque but not designed to appeal to middle-class cultures based on thrift and hard work. German historians demonstrated eloquently that Poland had been a chaotic backwater which needed stabilising and civilising. Their obsession with racial theories ensured that the achievements of any Pole were denigrated, and that any Pole whose achievements were beyond dispute was saddled with German origins --Molobo 02:14, 17 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Miasta w sredniowiecznej Polsce
Czesc Molobo - moge sprawdzic w posiadanych przeze mnie ksiazkach na ten temat. O ile jednak wiem, Polskie miasta w podanych przez Ciebie latach byly raczej niewielkie. Wyjatkiem moga byc pozne XIII wiek, Slask, moze Gdansk i Krakow. Pozostale watpie czy mialy wiecej niz co najwyzej 2-3 tysiace mieszkancow. Rozumiem, ze chodzi o dyskusje kto kogo cywilizowal (my Rus czy Rus nas) :) IMO dyskusja jest bez sensu. Nikt nie moze zaprzeczyc, ze w wczesnym sredniowieczu Rus Kijowska byla bardzo do przodu. Ale potem przyszedl mongolski walec i wszystko wyrownal. W latach renesansu Polska, czy tego Rosjanie chca czy nie, byla nosnikiem zachodnich idei (ale nie jedynym!) do Rosji. Zachodnie (i Polskie) dziela byly tlumaczone z polskiego na rosyjski, a polski przez jakis okres nawet pelnil role funkcje taka, jak u nas francuski. Szopen 09:48, 16 March 2006 (UTC)
- A pierwsze druki w cyrlicy powstaly tez w PLC. Dodam do tego referencje wkrotce.--Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus Talk 21:22, 16 March 2006 (UTC)
Dzieje Gospodarcze Polski (Maczak, Zientara,Ihnatowicz, Landau) podaja nastepujace dane dla okresu druga polowa XIII wieku/Pierwsza polowa XIV wieku. Najwieksze miasta: Wroclaw (19.000) Krakow (12.000) Gdansk (10.000), Torun, Chelmno (oba powyzej 10.000), Poza tym Sandomierz (3.000), Poznan (5-6000). Wroclaw przezyl w XIII wieku okres b. szybkiego wzrostu, to samo tyczy sie Gdanska, a zwlaszcza Torunia i Chelmna. Nie wydaje mi sie, by wczesniej miasta w Polsce zblizaly sie do granicy 10.000 mieszkanców. Szopen 09:29, 17 March 2006 (UTC)
Dzięki. Czyli nie 1.000 ludzi w glinianych chatkach jak pewni użytkownicy twierdzili. Ale cóż propaganda ciągle działa. --Molobo 12:07, 17 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Thanks
Thanks for your help on the WW2-related pages. DMorpheus 15:24, 21 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Poster
I can't see much there except for the main slogan, which reads Poland: the last dog of the Entente. As to the link - thanks, indeed that was refreshing. Just imagine the dreams I head after reading rubbish like that ;) //Halibutt 05:46, 22 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] It didn't took long
For certain users to grab opportunity[27] Let's see:
- deletion of information that Prussia annexed Polish territory
- changing of accepted name of Grand Duchy of Poznań to Posen(the user appereantly is unawere it was the official name)
- erasing sources about anti-polish aspects
- claiming that Kulturkampf was involved with persecution of Poles is revisionism
7 days to go... --Molobo 19:12, 29 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To remember
Polish government to call to UNESCO to rename Auschwitz concentration camp to Former Nazi-German Concentration Camp Auschwitz Birkenau in order to stop attempts to call these camps Polish death camps due to recent press cover (for example Spiegel). Other places of extermination also to be renamed in the future. [28] --Molobo 09:04, 30 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To remember
German poltician Gerhard Schroeder accused of corruption. Creates a lobby group to advance Russian influence in Europe and becomes the chief of North European Gas Pipeline Company that builds the controversial pipeline under Baltic sea. [29] [30] --Molobo 09:10, 30 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] A funny example
Of certain attitude [31] --Molobo 12:00, 30 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Example of how Polish wiki users and topics are treated
[32] --Molobo 16:15, 30 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Leni Riefenstahl
I read once in an article in "Wysokie Obcasy" after Leni Riefenstahl's death about her "visit" as a frontline journalist to Poland in september 1939 and how she witnessed a massacre of polish civilians and almost got shot in the process. If you find some time could you write something about those events in the Leni Riefenstahl article. In exchange I can only present my gratitiude and these two very interesting links [33] and [34]. Regards Mieciu K 21:22, 30 March 2006 (UTC) I shall try to find the information. --Molobo 12:21, 3 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To remember
Polish history of Królewiec: [35] --Molobo 11:31, 4 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To remember
Usefull photos of polish children imprisoned by Soviets-will add to History of Poland article, [36] in Soviet occupation section. --Molobo 11:59, 4 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] August
[37] --Molobo 17:56, 5 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] MG
Hi Molobo. Thx for the info. It seems that MG is not user worth of discussion with, as I thought before. is a site full with revisionism, racism, and hateful propaganda. I have already read Else Loeser other work, and it was simply crap - random collection of true fragments taken out of context. This seems another example of it: of propaganda of hate. Just picking at random few paragraphs and translating them at babelfish is enough to make your mind on it. Nation which economy is proverbial.. From this moment I won't discuss with MG, I will simply revert her (him?) Szopen 07:29, 6 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Hakata
[38] --Molobo 07:22, 6 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Kulturkampf
[39] His Kulturkampf policies of the 1870s were largely an attempt to forcefully assimiliate the Polish minority in order to preempt their resistance. Germany's Colonial Pasts Editor(s) Eric Ames, Marcia Klotz, Lora Wildenthal Publisher U of Nebraska Press --Molobo 07:39, 6 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Concept of establishing a state in Central Europe
[40] --Molobo 10:42, 6 April 2006 (UTC)
[41] --Molobo 10:54, 6 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Thanks
Thanks for your offer of help. I usually stay busy editing articles on WW2 but especially the eastern front. As you know there is a lot of pro-German POV in these pages, some of it unconscious perhaps, but some of it rather scary, especially on pages devoted to the SS. I try to keep things balanced. I've enjoyed your contributions. DMorpheus 03:07, 7 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] They say
German law works eternal [42] --Molobo 11:56, 7 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Grammar
subject to deletion (not "deletions") Mind if I fix this error on your user page? Drogo Underburrow 12:20, 7 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Polish death camps
I believe a simple redirect might do. After all there's nothing encyclopaedic in the article on PCC and my PDC seems better to me. Or am I wrong? //Halibutt 12:32, 7 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Wehrmacht
Thank you for catching that gross oversight of the deleted section about the war crimes of the Wehrmacht. I will keep a closer eye on the article myself now that I know that has happened. - CobaltBlueTony 16:32, 7 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Hakata
[43] --Molobo 16:05, 9 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] WWII
I am going to be moving information off of this page, as it is not the place for detailed information on atrocities and war crimes. This page is being re-designed, for space reasons, so that it is just a chronology of WWII, and a section of short paragraphs leading to main topics. If you would like to assist me in deleting material on atrocities, and moving it to other pages, I would appreciate the help. Drogo Underburrow 03:51, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Translated to Polish wiki
Selbstschutz article about massacres made by German minority in Poland constantely vandalised on english Wiki. --Molobo 10:08, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To translate to Polish wiki
German 17th Infantry Division article about infamous German division that mass murdered Poles.Constentely vandalised on english Wiki. --Molobo 10:08, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To translate to Polish wiki
Warmia. Nazi atrocities constentely removed by German users from the article. --Molobo 10:08, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] To translate to Polish wiki
Soviet Partisans. Information about massacres of Polish citizens deleted on regular basis by Russian users. --Molobo 10:08, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Translated to Polish wiki
Legnica Information about Soviet atrocities on Poles. --Molobo 10:23, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Translated to Polish wiki
Lubin Information on mass murder comitted by Red Army soldiers. --Molobo 10:23, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Translated to Polish wiki
Heinz Guderian-information on robberies of Polish estates. --Molobo 14:30, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Translated to Polish wiki
German 17th Infantry Division I translated information about this infamous German division to Polish wiki as information about its atrocities was vandalised on regular basis. --Molobo 15:45, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] A sad example
Of lying used to attack other contributors : [44]
In fact I have yet to be "reverted quite often". --Molobo 17:58, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
- I have copied the above comment to Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents, hope this is OK with you. Let me know if not, in which case I will remove it again. My rebuttal is there, too. -- Chris 73 | Talk 10:35, 12 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Interesting
[45] --Molobo 19:37, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Showing true intentions
Information on Wehrmacht war crimes deleted as usuall [46] --Molobo 10:15, 12 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Łódż,53600,3282055.html Ekonomiści wyliczyli, że Łódź straciła przez II wojnę światową 40 mld zł. To równowartość 20 rocznych budżetów miasta. --Molobo 21:21, 13 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Ziomki
[47] --Molobo 11:31, 14 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Poles in Caucasian War
Write an article about Polish soldiers escaping from Tsarist army where they were forced and their fight alongside Imam Shamil against Russian invasion. [48] --Molobo 22:42, 14 April 2006 (UTC)
[49] --Molobo 22:43, 14 April 2006 (UTC)
[50] --Molobo 22:49, 14 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] National Hero
[51] --Molobo 22:54, 14 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Interesting idea for article
Polish-Turkish relations. Poland from an enemy became a somewhat friend and many Poles escaped to Turkey after partitions(which weren't reckognised by Ottoman Empire). [52] --Molobo 22:58, 14 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Wehrmacht
[53] --Molobo 10:06, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
[54] --Molobo 10:16, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Speidel
[55] --Molobo 10:15, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Polish attempts to inform the world about German camp in Auschwitz
[56] --Molobo 10:24, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Map
[57] --Molobo 15:32, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Studnicki sent to mental institution
[58] --Molobo 16:10, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Kajetanowice Obecnie Kajetanowice leżą na ziemi łódzkiej i gminne sprawy trzeba załatwiać w Gidlach. Natomiast swoją parafię mają Kajetanowice niezmiennie w Garnku, a tym samym i pogrzeby odbywają się na tamtejszym cmentarzu - jednak za wyjątkiem jednego i to największego w historii tej miejscowości. W pierwszych dniach wojny do wioski tej - położonej z daleka od ówczesnych bitych traktów - przybyła duża grupa uciekinierów z Częstochowy licząc, że tutaj właśnie będzie można bezpiecznie przeczekać przejście linii frontu. Tymczasem wieczorem, w dniu 6 września 1939 r. właśnie ta miejscowość została otoczona przez niemieckich żołnierzy, którzy wypędzając z domów całe rodziny rozstrzeliwali na miejscu mężczyzn. Natomiast kobiety i dzieci zapędzali do jednej ze stodół - grożąc jej podpaleniem. Zginęło wtedy kilkanaście rodzin, wraz z 10-ma kobietami, które nie pozwolili odłączyć się od swych mężów, czy synów. Po wycofaniu się Niemców, przez cały dzień składano ciała przy kapliczce na rozstajach dróg w Kajetanowicach. Tutaj też wykopano długą mogiłę, grzebiąc w niej pod prześcieradłami, aż 76 osób - w tym 59 rozpoznanych. W ten sposób powstała jedyna w Regionie przydrożna mogiła, dająca swymi rozmiarami i pomnikiem (na zdjęciu) świadectwo niemieckiego okrucieństwa. --Molobo 20:00, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Teutonic Knights and Nazis
[59] --Molobo 21:38, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Katyn
On August 24, 1993 in front of the Katyn cross at Powazki Cemetery President Yeltsin made a similar statement: “Poles, forgive us if you can.” [60] --Molobo 21:51, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] "Historical" Germany
Add population data(ethnic "myth" of German presence). --Molobo 23:51, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Kingdom of Poland
[61] --Molobo 00:33, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
[62] --Molobo 00:44, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
Border demands [63] --Molobo 00:45, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
[64] --Molobo 00:46, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Add
Information on population(ethnic) to this article [65]. --Molobo 11:42, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Correct
The blatant Soviet propaganda in Red Army and History of Poland. --Molobo 11:45, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Add
Pictures of murdered AK soldiers in History of Poland during Soviet occupation. --Molobo 14:15, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] German mass murder of Polish workers
[66] --Molobo 14:50, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] An example of Polish-American friendship
American airmen helping to drive off Bolshevik invasion of Poland: [67] [68]
--Molobo 14:55, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Poles in Vorkuta
[69] --Molobo 14:57, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] German attitude to Poles in XIX century
[70] --Molobo 14:59, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Add views of Johann Gottlieb Fichte
On Poles.[71] --Molobo 15:05, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Weimar Republic
Propaganda poster of Weimar Republic portaying Polish territory as German. [72] --Molobo 15:10, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Antipolish Bolshevik/Soviet propaganda posters
[73] --Molobo 15:12, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] At least one anti-polish article
[74] --Molobo 15:40, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Soviet-Nazi Cooperation
[75] --Molobo 17:33, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Russian nationalism
[76] --Molobo 12:48, 17 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Add history
Of Świecie from the city webpage. [77] --Molobo 14:48, 17 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Russian-Polish relations
[78] Many Russian elites, on the other hand unfortunately still tend to see the New Europe as a region to be dominated and exploited. --Molobo 15:09, 17 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Rzeż Pragi
Polish painter shows Russian not Cosssack troops: [79] --Molobo 15:25, 17 April 2006 (UTC) [80] --Molobo 15:35, 17 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] O rzezi i Steinbach
[81] --Molobo 15:40, 17 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Warsaw Pact had plans to attack West with nuclear weapons
[82] IPN dostał od MON wojskowe dokumenty z czasów stanu wojennego i nie tylko
Przekazanie Instytutowi dokumentów Układu Warszawskiego i stanu wojennego to zakończenie niechlubnej historii Ludowego Wojska Polskiego - mówi wiceszef MON Aleksander Szczygło.
Do 26 kwietnia trafią do IPN wszystkie akta stanu wojennego i Układu Warszawskiego odtajnione przez ministra obrony Radosława Sikorskiego. Sala, gdzie odbywała się wczorajsza konferencja prasowa, została przystrojona planem operacji zaczepnej frontu nadmorskiego z 1970 i mapą przeciwdziałania demonstracjom z 1981 r. Obie jeszcze do niedawna były ściśle tajne. Wśród odtajnionych dokumentów jest "Myśl przewodnia wprowadzenia stanu wojennego", którą wspólnie zaaprobowali już w marcu 1981 r. Stanisław Kania i Wojciech Jaruzelski. Ten dokument stał się przesłanką do postawienia Jaruzelskiemu i Kani zarzutu popełnienia zbrodni komunistycznej przez katowicki IPN. Prezes IPN Janusz Kurtyka mówi, że dokumenty te są już dobrze znane prokuratorom IPN.
Wśród tych, które wczoraj zaprezentowano dziennikarzom, są dowody na to, że wojsko wbrew zaprzeczeniom kierownictwa PRL odgrywało rolę w inwigilacji społeczeństwa. Np. żołnierze rozpoznania radiotelegraficznego podsłuchiwali strajkujących w sierpniu i wrześniu '80 w Trójmieście. Pracownicy IPN zamierzają jeszcze sprawdzić, czy wojskowe plany stanu wojennego nie zakładały zwrócenia się o pomoc do sojuszniczych armii (tj. czy gen. Jaruzelski chciał prosić o pomoc armię radziecką).
Dziennikarzy interesowała mapa tzw. frontu polskiego - planu ataku na północną Europę, w którym miało wziąć udział 450 tys. polskich żołnierzy. Plan podpisał w 1970 r. gen. Jaruzelski. LWP miało dojść do Belgii. Na zajęcie Danii polscy planiści dali sobie trzy dni. Atak miał być prowadzony z użyciem ok. 200 ładunków jądrowych. - Gdyby doszło do takiej operacji, zginęłoby 30-40 proc. atakujących - powiedział Paweł Piotrowski z wrocławskiego IPN. Charakterystyczne, że w aktach układu warszawskiego znajdują się głównie plany ataku, a dopiero od lat 80. - plany obrony. --Molobo 18:35, 17 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Proposed countries
Polish-Czechoslovak confederation. --Molobo 19:14, 17 April 2006 (UTC)
[83] --Molobo 19:15, 17 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Restore information
On Herero Genocide in German Empire, deleted as usual. --Molobo 09:49, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Yad Vashem
Supports Polish decision to give precise names to German camps in order to avoid confusion. [84]
[edit] Add
Janusz Żurakowski to Polish Canadians. --Molobo 20:21, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Add history
To Wabrzezno [85] --Molobo 21:03, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Piast Poland
[86] --Molobo 00:41, 19 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Restore information
On relations between People's Army and Poles in Polish Contribution in WW2, based on sources from IPN, deleted by Irpen as usual. --Molobo 18:00, 19 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Ro Remember
Q: Why didn’t Churchill or Roosevelt feel honor-bound to acknowledge the Poles’ enormous wartime contribution? A: Lynne: Roosevelt had very little interest in Poland during the war except as it affected his relationship with Stalin and his chances in the 1944 presidential election. Unlike Churchill, Roosevelt had no treaty obligations to Poland. Nor was he as beholden to Polish pilots, soldiers and sailors as Churchill was. Churchill understood very well the debt he and Britain owed Poland: Polish airmen had helped save his country during the Battle of Britain; Polish codebreakers had made Ultra possible; and Polish troops under British command had played vital roles in Italy and Normandy. During the war, Churchill often praised the gallantry of Polish forces. But in his postwar writing, when he tried to gloss over his own policy failures where Poland was concerned, he tended to emphasize the Poles’ shortcomings and those of its wartime government-in-exile. Even so, Churchill seemed haunted and guilt-ridden by the betrayal of Poland and by his culpability in that betrayal. --Molobo 22:41, 24 April 2006 (UTC)
Q: The five Polish fliers you profile come across as very dashing, loyal, charming, and sexy. That doesn’t exactly fit with the stereotyped image that many people have of Poles. A: Stan: There are, to put it mildly, a lot of false stereotypes about the Poles, not only in the United States but throughout Europe. Why? Well, for one thing, although Poland in the 15th and 16th centuries was a great and progressive European power, for most of the last two hundred and thirty years, it was occupied by other countries — primarily by Russia and Germany. Throughout that time, the occupiers promoted, as occupiers tend to do, a highly unflattering view of the people they were subjugating. They deliberately distorted the Poles’ character and history — insisting, for example, that they were incapable of governing themselves. Those distortions have shaped Poland’s image ever since. It’s really a cartoon image, depicting the Poles as ignorant, naïve, impractical and hopelessly romantic. These stereotypes continued to dog Poles who emigrated to the United States. Polish jokes are a vestige of that. --Molobo 22:43, 24 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Languages
"Slavic" is not a language but a family of languages. --Molobo 00:55, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Panslavism Soviet sponsored Pan- Slavism was especially instrumental in allaying the fears of revolutionary communism and Russian imperialism. The theory fitted well into the Western image of a post- war Europe, in which the Slavic East was envisaged as a counterbalance to Germany. Also, Pan- Slavism was interpreted as an expression of wholesome nationalism, a departure from Communist internationalism. Western experts on Russia believed the rebirth of Russian nationalism, under the impact of war, to be a salutary deviation from Communist orthodoxy. They saw the Soviet Union dropping the internationalist revolutionary elements of Marxism. A Pan- Slav Committee, under the chairmanship of General A. S. Gundorov, was founded in Moscow shortly after Hitler's attack on Russia. The first Slav Congress, called by the committee, was held in August 1941. A manifesto, issued by the congress, exhorted the Slavs to fight against the common Fascist enemy; it disavowed the Pan- Slav imperialism of Tsarist Russia, and proclaimed the equality of the liberated Slav nations. "No interference in the inner affairs of other nations!" proclaimed Stalin on November 6, 1941, when he reiterated the guiding principles of the new Slav movement, emphasizing that the sole aim of the Soviet Union was to liberate the enslaved nations from Hitler's tyranny, and then leave them absolutely free to decide under what kind of regime they wished to live.[14] The Pan- Slav movement during the war gained enormous popularity among the Slavs, both in enslaved Europe and throughout the free world. Hitler's insane hatred of the Slavs had accomplished what no Slav enthusiast had ever achieved during the long history of Pan- Slavism: he had made the Slav movement a reality. Two more Slav congresses were held in Moscow during the war. The publication of a monthly, Slavjane (The Slavs), began in January 1943. Slav congresses were organized in the United States, Canada, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina, Palestine, Australia and New Zealand.[15] Under the chairmanship of an old English friend of the Slavs, R. W. Seton- Watson, a congress of Slav nations met in London in 1944. Even King Peter of Yugoslavia, whose government in exile, like that of the Poles, was branded reactionary by the Moscow Slav Committee, tried to get on the bandwagon of Pan- Slavism. In January 1945, he declared that "fraternal union with Russia is one of the most deeply rooted sentiments of the Slav peoples." Of course there were Slavic dissenters who disapproved of the Slav movement. Unfortunately, however, most of these Slavic dissenters, like most of the non- Slavic critics of the West's pro- Russian policy, also were people with a "reactionary record," such for instance were the Catholic Slovaks in the United States who supported Tiso's Fascist Slovakia and their opinions therefore were dismissed by a line of reasoning, incidentally correct, that it was bias rather than political wisdom that prompted them to oppose the pro- Soviet Pan- Slav currents. Least attracted by the new Pan- Slavism were the Poles, who were the closest Slavic neighbors of the Russians. Not even this heyday of Slavic fraternization improved Polish- Russian relations. On the other hand the most enthusiastic propagators of Pan- Slavism were the Czechs; they, the westernmost among the Slavs, with their homeland farthest away from Russia, had never in their history as a nation come into direct contact with the Russians. The Czech exiles, with their great democratic reputation in the West, were the most effective salesmen of the idea that the new Pan- Slavism was a happy combination of progressive democracy and Slav brotherhood, which would erect an impregnable wall against German imperialism in post- war Europe.
[edit] Panrussianism On the other hand, it is undeniable that in its foreign policy, Russia not once and for always was purposefully making use of the sympathies of the Slavs from Central Europe and the Balkans, following exclusively its own power interests. Legitimity of the realized, that is reflected as legitimate, claims of the Russian ruling élite, however, never achieved the limits so as to be able to satisfy the missionary expectations of the part of élites of Slavonic nations in the 2nd half of the 19th century. The biggest mistake of the Central European Panslavists was in that they had never understood cardinal difference between Panslavism and Panrussianism in the logic of the historical power awareness of the Great-Russian élite. 269 Whereas Panrussianism (denial of selfdetermination of Belarussians and Ukrainians) was its inevitable inner attribute, Panslavism is merely an outer form and always an only purposefully employed vehicle, nothing else. --Molobo 11:40, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Panslavism and Russian imperialism ANALYSIS Slavs and the myth of Russian friendship by Taras Hunczak For the past several weeks various politicians, the mass media and various commentators emphasized the alleged special position that Russia enjoys among the Slavs, particularly those living on the Balkan Peninsula. CNN showed a multitude of Muscovites near the U.S. Embassy demonstrating on behalf of their "Slav brothers," reminding us of past images of the Russian preoccupation with the "suffering Slav brothers" who were far away, while oppressing those who were in their immediate neighborhood. All one has to do is to look through the pages of history of Poland, and especially Ukraine, to be reminded of the oppression. That is not to say that the Russian thinkers of the 19th and 20th centuries did not display a real interest in the Slavic question. On the contrary, the question always occupied an important position because Russian thinkers and statesmen felt that Russia could exploit the Slavs for the greater glory of Russia. Thus, for example, the 19th century pro-Slav movement was a self-serving attempt to expand the interests of the Russian Empire with the help of the Slavs, or to use the Slavic population as a source of justification for the Russian policy of expansionism. The true intention of the Russian interest in the "Slav question" was perhaps best summarized by Count Nikolai Ignatiev, director of the Foreign Ministry's Asiatic department (which included the Balkans) and later Russia's envoy to Constantinople, when he made it clear to those who championed the ideals of Slavic solidarity that Russian support of other Slavs was justified only if it would further Russian political objectives. "All my activities from 1861 to 1877 in Turkey and among the Slavs," wrote Ignatiev, "were inspired by the thoughts ... that Russia alone should rule the Balkan peninsula and the Black Sea." These are but a few examples of the Russian self-serving idealism, or "concern," for the Slavs. One might well ask why the historical fate of the Poles was never an issue for the Russians. Was it because the Poles had a well-developed sense of national identity that excluded Russian domination? Perhaps Jovan Ristic, the foreign minister of Serbia, characterized the problem best when he stated that Russian Slavophiles were in reality "true Russophiles who regarded small Slav peoples as nice morsels to satiate Russian insatiability.". Dr. Taras Hunczak
--Molobo 11:40, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] =Russification as Panslavism During the Congress which had started at the end of May, Vladimir Ivanovich Lamansky pointed out that the invitation of the non-Russian Slays — which he called a great historic event —fitted nicely into the framework of the ethnographic exhibition, there by proving thatRussia did not intend to deprive the various Slavic peoples of their different ethnographic characters, but magnanimously recognized the historical rights of the weaker Slavic brethren, thereby acquiring a strong position of moral leadership. In the same speech he demanded that Russian be the official language of all Slavs, and this proposal was greeted with thunderous applause by his Russian audience. The non-Russian guests gradually came to the conclusion that by Pan- Slavism their Russian hosts meant “Pan-Russianism,” which would include the general acceptance of the Russian language and the Orthodox faith by all other Slays; in other words, a Russification of the Austro-Hungarian and Balkan Slays, similar to that of the Poles and Ukrainians within the Russian borders. The Ukrainian and the Polish questions were also discussed by the Congress. Some delegates suggested the establishment of a Pan-Slavic university in Warsaw. Others proposed the division of the Slavic world into three territories: one exclusively Russian part; that would include all territories east of the Vistula, a Western Slavic empire, with Prague as the capita1; and a Southern Slav empire, with Belgrade as its center. The possible establishment of publishing houses, literary periodicals, and economic institutions was also discussed --Molobo 11:41, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Ostroda
[88] [89] --Molobo 21:17, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Oława
500 years of the rule of Polish Piasts: [90] --Molobo 21:19, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
Germanisation attempts as only 10% of inhabitants speak German rather then their native Polish:
Lata późniejsze charakteryzują się intensywną akcją germanizacyjną, co nie dziwi, skoro jeszcze w 1824 roku w okolicach Oławy tylko 10% ludności posługiwało się językiem niemieckim. --Molobo 21:21, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] A forged document
[91] --Molobo 21:41, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Incorrect information In 1919, as a result of the Treaty of Versailles, a large portion of the formerly Polish areas were given to the newly reconstructed Polish state, including some areas with a majority German population.The sentence is incorrect as neither Poznań, Śląsk or Pomorze that were returned to Poland had German majority as cen be seen here [92] This false information needs correcting. --Molobo 23:07, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] NKVD and Gestapo
[93](Pages 26) Held contacts since 1937 and cooperated in persecution of Poles. --Molobo 00:38, 26 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] German Neonazis attack Polish tourists im Germany, German police refuses to help
[94] --Molobo 17:01, 26 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Enslaved and how Kraków was saved
[95] --Molobo 18:00, 26 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Polish-Russian relations
[96] --Molobo 22:47, 26 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Pushkin hateful attitude towards Poles in his poems
[97] --Molobo 00:33, 27 April 2006 (UTC) [98] --Molobo 00:36, 27 April 2006 (UTC) [99] --Molobo 00:45, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
In various works (examples are quoted above) Puskhin praised destruction of Poland and hatred towards Poles. Add this information to section on Russian Polonophobia. Create a subsection on Puskhin view on Poles, or seperate article --Molobo 00:36, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
Puskhin after Polish uprising turned hostile to Poles see for example here [100] Where it clearly writes that the poet engaged in "lurid nationalism", and "cold mocking tones" towards Poland.
I have downloaded a copy of short list of works in Russia devoted to Poland and it lists on three ocassions Pushkin's poems as "praising the victory of Tsarists forces over Poland" [101] --Molobo 01:15, 27 April 2006 (UTC) Jurij Drużnikow (he is a Russian author, not a Pole, so hardly a Polish Russophobe :)) "Wystąpił jednak w „Oszczercach..." jako apologeta rusyfikacji i imperialnej pychy, piewca Trzeciego Rzymu. "
In "Oszczercach" he showed himself as supported of russification and imperial arrogance, the supporter of Third Rome.
Later: Chyba nikt jeszcze oprócz Puszkina nie szczycił się tym, że oddziały rosyjskie to sami maruderzy i gwałciciele. Almost nobody probably besides Puszkin ever boasted of that that russian units were maruders and rapists.
I tutaj pojawia się nowy Puszkin, raz po raz usiłujący w podaniach i listach do Benkendorfa dowodzić swej lojalności:
,,Dziś, gdy gniew sprawiedliwy i zaciekła wrogość narodowa, przez tak długi czas jątrzona przez zazdrość, połączyła nas wszystkich w walce z rebeliantami polskimi".
And here a new Puszkin shows himself, trying again and again to convince Benkendorf of his loyalty: "Now that just anger and our national hate so long stirred by envy, joined us against Polish rebels"
So as you see his views on Poles changed after Polish people tried to win freedom from Russia. Mind however that most of this is already on Polish wiki, without my involvment at all. --Molobo 01:37, 27 April 2006 (UTC) He has been recognized as a patriot and supporter of Russian imperialism by pointing to "The Slanderers of Russia" (1831) --Molobo 02:01, 27 April 2006 (UTC) Pushkin was particularly criticised for his poem To the slanderers of Russia on the surrender of Warsaw to Russia in August 1831 and for his imperialist chauvinism that many viewed as an attempt to ingratiate himself with Nicholas I. --Molobo 02:01, 27 April 2006 (UTC) Pushkin also strongly supported the Russian cause in the war against its Polish provinces that broke out in 1830, and was worried that Europe might interfere. What Binyon rightly calls his "chauvinist, imperialist" side appears in such a poem as "To the Slanderers of Russia," an answer to the chorus of Europeans reviling his homeland. It is worth noting that his friend Vyazemsky, and a group of younger writers, were highly critical of this poetic defense of a bloody suppression. --Molobo 02:01, 27 April 2006 (UTC) Not even Binyon knows exactly what happened. Somewhere in the south, a Byronic sympathy for Greek independence somehow metastasized into imperial bloodlust. He no longer identified with the Circassians, Chechens and Ingush, the free mountain peoples, but celebrated instead their pacification even unto genocide. Like Isaac Babel a century later, he wanted to ride with the Cossacks. At Erzerum in 1829, he wanted to stick Turks. It isn't possible to imagine a Byron writing praise songs for what the Russian army did to Warsaw after the Polish rebellion of 1830. Upon reading Pushkin's jingoistic To the Slanderers of Russia, his old friend Vyazemsky almost snarled, Go and hymn the government for taking such measures if your knees itch and you feel an irresistible urge to crawl with the lyre in your hands. Moreover, this unlikely apologist and cheerleader for autocratic empire, between chats with Nicholas, not only returned to the Orthodox faith of his boyhood but also decided to get married. --Molobo 02:01, 27 April 2006 (UTC) Reacting to Western outrage over the brutal suppression of Poland by the armies of Czar Nicholas, liberal-minded Rus- sian poet Alexander Pushkin wrote in 1830 his famous poem "To the Slanderers of Russia," which supported the Russian action without reservation. --Molobo 02:01, 27 April 2006 (UTC) “The Scythians” continued the tradition of Pushkin’s invectives entitled “To the Slanderers of Russia” and “The Anniversary of Borodino,” which are equally disdainful, angry, and aggressive. The empire spoke the words of Russia’s leading poet in 1830. Pushkin applauded the Russian army’s success in quashing the Polish uprising, and defied Europe, which sympathized with the Poles and condemned Russia’s military action as an act of imperialism. Pushkin recalled the snows of Borodino, Suvorov’s conquest of Warsaw, and the fact that there was enough free space in Russian fields beside the graves of Napoleon’s army. --Molobo 02:01, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
[102] --Molobo 02:04, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] NKVD
[103] [104] --Molobo 10:24, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
''Evidence of torture is especially abundant from smaller towns, whose relatively small and manageable prison populations could be killed leisurely. In Bobrka, many inmates were scalded in boiling water; in Berezwecz, people’s noses, ears and fingers were cut off, and there were also children’s corpses in the prison compound; in Czortkow, female prisoners’ breasts were cut off; In Drohobycz, prisoners were fastened together with barbed wire; in Luck, a drum lined with barbed wire stood next to one of three mass graves unearthed in the prison yard; in Przemyslany, victims’ noses, ears and fingers cut off and their eyes put out; similarly in Sambor, Stanislawow, Stryj, and Zloczow.
We cannot escape the conclusion: Soviet state security organs tortured their prisoners not only to extract confessions (which we have come to accept as a commonplace and “understandable” procedure in a police state) but also to put them to death. Not that the NKVD had sadists in its ranks who had run amok; rather, this was widespread and systematic procedure." pp. 181-182
[edit] Taras Shevchenk
[105] --Molobo 11:01, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Translate Mazowsze
To english wiki. --Molobo 11:39, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Negative stereotypes of Poles
[106] --Molobo 11:43, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Write article
On Franciszek Jarecki and link to the unlinked article First_MiG_behind_the_Iron_Curtain [107] --Molobo 12:39, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
[108] --Molobo 12:40, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Non-Poles in Warsaw Uprising
[109] Jak w każdym innym większym przedwojennym mieście, w Warszawie mieszkały bardzo różne wspólnoty obcokrajowców. W rezultacie w szeregach powstańców znaleźli się przedstawiciele różnych narodowości. Byli wśród nich Turcy, Serbowie, Gruzini, Słoweńcy, Rosjanie, Brytyjczycy, Irlandczycy, a nawet Niemcy. W jednym z batalionów AK znalazł się osobny pluton Słowaków, którzy zbiegli z ojczyzny przed faszystowskim reżimem48. --Molobo 22:33, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Link
Give link to Romauld Spasowski --Molobo 22:33, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Where do you get this stuff?
Man, this is prime material, a must-read for any Wikipedian upon stumbling on the pertaining subjects. Keep up the excellent detective work, hope to see you back im Einsatz soon (albeit a little tempered, maybe ;)) with a whole load of new info and even more sources to back it up (smthg you never fail to do). Cheers! -A cat named Ricky Why, thank you very much. A lot of information is just confirmation of earlier sources that I have read. --Molobo 20:59, 1 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Inaccuracy in Soviet Partisans
On the pre-war Polish territory annexed by Soviets (Western Ukraine, Western Belarus and Lithuania) A look of map showing the zone of occupation of Poland by Soviets in 1939 clearly shows that Soviet occupation was reached territories beyond those states and in fact a significant portion remains in Poland to this day. Thus this statement is inaccurate as it avoids the fact that territories annexed by SU in 1945 are not the same as the ones occupied in 1939.
Further facts the lacking in the article:
- -lack of information that historians believe Soviet partisans attacked Germans in a way to provoke
them into wiping out Polish villages in reprisal actions.
- -lack of information that Soviet partisans had orders from Moscow to attack Poles
- -lack of information that Soviet partisans received little support from local Polish population due to past Soviet atrocities against ethnic Poles
- -lack of information that as result many Soviet partisans resorted to banditry and robberies
- -lack of information that Soviet partisans terrorised whole villages in order to pillage material goods (not only those for survival but even toys, furniture etc)
- -lack of information that Polish justice system is currentely researching atrocities made by Soviet partisans against Polish citizens
- -lack of information that Soviet partisans sent pillaged materials to Soviet Union
- -lack of information that Soviet partisans are accused by some historians in taking part of ethnic cleansing against local Polish population in order to drive out Polish inhabitants from those areas
--Molobo 01:48, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Add simple information
Add lacking summary to History of Poland 1939-1941 regarding Soviet occupation from 1939-1941(right now only Nazi occupation summary is present, and the main article lacks ANY info on Soviet occupation_ Add simple number of estimated number of murdered Poles by Nazi and Soviet authorities during WW2. To avoid confusion add info on how much each regime murdered. --Molobo 01:54, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Inaccuracy in Red Army article
The Soviet Union did not consider such prisoners as POWs, but as interned persons. This action saved many Polish Jews from the Nazis, though German authorities killed many of them later after the German invasion of the USSR began in June 1941.
NKVD and Gestapo worked on exchange of prisoners and many Jews were sent exchange. Many of those captured were murdered in Soviet Union by Soviets, so the current statement misleads. --Molobo 01:59, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
M. Krivoshein approached Brest-Litovsk, the commanders negotiated that the German troops would withdraw and the Soviet troops enter the city saluting each other He also congratuled Guderian and wished best of luck against Britain, inviting him to Moscow after that victory. --Molobo 02:01, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Slavs
The article currentely gives false impression that "Slavs" exist today, instead of explaining that various diverse nations formed since 1500 years. Clean of slavophile ideology and restore neutrality. --Molobo 02:53, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Absurd sentence Tensions between Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodoxy, the dominant religion of the vast majority of Slavic population, propagated the Slavic barbarianism stereotype.
How could Roman Catholic Church propagate this if the second largest ethnic group of Slavic peoples(Poles) is Roman Catholic itself. Seems POV. --Molobo 03:00, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Note to myself
Count percentage of believers in various countries-see if the claim that Orthodox religion is in the vast majority of religious holds truth. --Molobo 03:03, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Slaughter of Praga
Create an article on that. I am now in excellent position as I have three witness statements about the Slaughter, a book by Bartoszewicz Kazimierz and a list of notable people that were murdered by Russian soldiers. --Molobo 04:24, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Strange sentence
The resistance movement of the Latvians, Lithuanians, and Estonians was separate, and generally hostile to the Soviet political sytem Comparision: The resistance movement of the Poles, Jews, and French people was separate, and generally hostile to the Nazi political sytem (?). A very POVish wording since Soviet engaged in massive atrocities since 1939, one can hardly accuse people being mass murdered as hostile to system that tries to kill them. Note to myself to correct this information or give explanation to hostility. --Molobo 05:51, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Soviet Partisans
[110] --Molobo 06:57, 2 May 2006 (UTC) Soviet partisans terrorized the Poles in the eastern occupied territories, provoking reports to London of horrifying instances of looting, rape, and murder. --Molobo 06:57, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Liberation
It's reaching point of Monthy Python. Upon liberation of parts of the Soviet territory Let's see. Soviets took Polish territory in 1939, liberated it in 1945 and Poland again ? Strange wording. Not to mention liberating such "soviet territory" as Baltics. Oh well... --Molobo 07:05, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Territorial demands of Imperial Russia in WWI
[111] --Molobo 15:40, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Poles are "brothers" of Russia-language justifying Russian occupation of Poland
[112] --Molobo 15:45, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Interesting quote,53600,3320981.html "Spełniły się słowa marszałka, który w 1934 roku na zlocie harcerskim powiedział: >>Zapamiętajcie, jeśli zwrócicie się na Wschód, to minimum na jeden wiek cofniecie się z kulturą i ekonomią. Jeśli zwrócicie się na zachód, minimum o jeden wiek szybciej Polska będzie się rozwijała<<" - cytował ambasador. --Molobo 16:32, 3 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Translate
Antoni Heda from Polish wiki. --Molobo 16:39, 3 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Arrests after Wilno Uprising
[113] --Molobo 20:52, 3 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Antipolish book
[114] --Molobo 02:51, 4 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] German policy towards Poland in WWI
[115] --Molobo 02:51, 4 May 2006 (UTC) Polish territories annexed and Germans settled in place of expelled Poles, German plan(created in 1914) of ethnic cleansing in Congress Poland: [116] --Molobo 02:51, 4 May 2006 (UTC)
[117] --Molobo 02:59, 4 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Add
Culture clash section to Congress Poland. Russian authorities faced conflicts coming out of confrontation with culture that possessed different values and ideals then the Russian one. Historians often point out the frustration of Russian leaders coming from facing a culture they didn't understand, and shock of Polish citizens when faced with brutality and authocracy of Russian despotism. --Molobo 16:20, 4 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Reform
Contribution according to underground formations.AK, BCH, Battle of Britain(as in ww2.) --Molobo 23:20, 4 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Interesting article
[118] --Molobo 00:14, 5 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Expand
[edit] German plunder data
Amount of materials pillaged from Poles in WWI in the region of Warsaw during German occupation. [119] --Molobo 06:38, 5 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Poland and the Second World War
[120] --Molobo 21:32, 7 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Soviets hinted to murder Sikorski
[121] --Molobo 22:43, 7 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Expand Żymierski
On his role in establishing communist regime and terror in Poland. --Molobo 13:14, 8 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Add to Rokossowski
W 1918 wstąpił do Armii Czerwonej (odmówił wstąpienia do wojska polskiego). [122] --Molobo 13:17, 8 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Add to Legnica
[123] --Molobo 13:22, 8 May 2006 (UTC) Poles attacked Soviet military installations in Legnica in 1956, Polish milita had to use gas. --Molobo 13:22, 8 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Expand Effects_of_World_War_II
Right now the article is biased and seems to indicate that Germany was victim of the war, it doesn't speak about German devestation of Poland, USSR, milions mass murdered, lack of reperations for Poland etc. --Molobo 15:13, 8 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Interesting
At the beginning of the war, some German planners thought that cultivating the good will of the region’s Jews should be an important strategic goal. To this end, largely at the suggestion of German Zionist leader Max Bodenheimer, the German Foreign Ministry enlisted the aid of German Jewish leaders in spreading anti-Russian propaganda in the areas of heaviest Jewish settlement. Immediately following the German-Austrian proclamation of 17 August 1914, Bodenheimer and other German Zionists organized a Committee for Liberating the Russian Jews, whose goal was to promote the establishment of a multinational buffer state under German protection in the borderlands between Germany and Russia, in which the Jews, as one of the state’s constituent nationalities, would take advantage of the linguistic affinity between German and Yiddish to foster German influence in the region [124] --Molobo 15:22, 8 May 2006 (UTC) Hamburger Plan: The Getapo plan to establish a Jewish state in Poland. It was seen as a "solution to the Jewish Qestion" in that the Jews would not be persecuted there, and would have self rule. Göttsche, the head of the department "Jews" within the Gestapo, suggested that Dr. Plaut be made state president, Robert Solmitz be made minister of finance, and Arthur Spier minister of education. --Molobo 15:55, 8 May 2006 (UTC) What follows is Robert Solmitz's account of the so-called Hamburger Plan, i.e. the establishment of a state with discretionary powers (Reservatstaat) for Jews in the East: "One day Göttsche summonded Dr. Plaut and I, and informed us of a plan that was to remain top secret. The Gestapo had drawn up a plan under the name of "the Hamburger Plan", which intended that a state with discretionary powers be established for Jews in Poland. All Jews from Germany, and eventually other countries in Europe, were to be brought here and have self rule. Göttsche attempted to make the plan attractive to us by presenting the prospect of Dr. Plaut becoming President and I the minister of finance. He considered Arthur Spier, the head of the Talmud Torah School (Talmud Tora Schule) as being suitable for the position of minister of education. This plan would be a solution to the Jewish Problem in that the Jews would no longer be persecuted, and would have self rule. Naturally the Jews were to finance the implementation of the plan. The Warburgs were considered the most suitable candidates. If they so wished, the Warburgs could raise the money in America. When I asked Göttsche if he wished me to travel to America in this connection he aswered that this was unnecessary, as I only needed to travel to Dr. Fritz Warburg in Stockholm, and that he should pass on the idea of the founding of a Jewish state in Poland to be financed by the Jews in America to his brother Max in America. I was again issued a passport and travelled to Stockholm. (...) Dr. Fritz Warburg dictated a letter, that I took back with me to Hamburg for Göttsche. The letter read approximately as follows: I find the plan of founding a Jewish state in Poland very interesting and will treat it confidentially. However, the time is inappropriate." (...) (Jews in America were very disturbed that a representative of a major American relief organization had disappeared while on the return journey from Riga to Stockholm. On the basis of this letter Göttsche did what he could to secure the release of the said representative). --Molobo 15:55, 8 May 2006 (UTC)
The full text of Robert Solmitz's report on his activities for the Hamburg Jewish Community prior to his emigration in June 1941 can be obtained from the Hertha & Robert Solmitz Archive.
[edit] Interesting
[125] --Molobo 21:37, 8 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Eh(to fill the fact tags added to all sentences in Polish minority article)
[126] W tym czasie, gdy procesy moskiewskie nie były dla nikogo tajemnicą, a partia komunistyczna w Polsce na polecenie Stalina została rozwiązana, --Molobo 21:38, 8 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Add
Racism against Poles in Racism in Russia --Molobo 21:43, 8 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Interesting
[127] --Molobo 21:48, 8 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] German views
[128] The Prussian and Baden projects had been pioneered by gifted technocrats such as Franz von Brenckenhoff and Johann Tulla. By contrast, the idea of draining the Pripet Marshes on the border between Poland and the Soviet Union was inspired by a new geopolitics. For German geographers of the 1930s like Martin Bürgener, there was a correlation between draining the swampy landscape and displacing its undesirable inhabitants. Blackbourn's most striking chapter, "Race and Reclamation", shows how national characteristics were "read off from the landscape": the settlements of "healthy" Germans were contrasted with wastelands inhabited by "indolent" Slavs and "parasitic" Jews. These ideas helped to inspire the ruthless policies of the Nazi regime during the early 1940s. Regarded merely as members of inferior races, hundreds of thousands of Poles and Jews could be deported and eliminated, while a third of a million ethnic Germans were resettled on their land. The concept of "cleansing" the landscape became a euphemism for genocide, and the woodlands and marshes, instead of being cleared and drained, became the locus of mass executions. After 1945 an estimated 12 million Germans were expelled from their homes in eastern Europe, and the Lebensraum claimed and in part colonised by the Greater German Reich was lost. The resettlement of the expellees during the 1950s is one of the success stories of the early Federal Republic. But memories of the lost territories linger on, celebrated in innumerable poems and commemorated at reunions of the refugees. The diehards of right-wing pressure groups refuse to accept that the dream of a German-dominated Europe is over. --Molobo 17:37, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] A Jewish survivor of German genocide speaks on new German nationalism
[129] Nobody, though, intends to erect monuments for those people. What, then, makes German expellees different? The answer is politics, pure and simple. The push to build a center dedicated to German expellees is nothing more than a nationalistic, chauvinistic move. It seems that the conviction that Germans do not have enough Lebensraum keeps smoldering in Germans' subconscious. How else to explain an effort to reclaim German heritage in Eastern Europe other than as a Drang nach Osten? --Molobo 17:49, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Atrocities made by German minority in 1939 were to be stoped from happening again by transfering German population to Germany after 1945 Wśród racjonalnych należy wymienić przede wszystkim doświadczenia Polaków wyniesione z okresu międzywojennego i pierwszych miesięcy okupacji z północnych i zachodnich ziem Polski, zaanektowanych następnie przez III Rzeszę. Przypomnijmy, że niemieccy działacze polityczni, przede wszystkim z Deutscher Volksverband i z Jungdeutscher Partei, przeszkadzali w asymilacji Niemców z ludnością polską. Piętnowano mówienie po polsku oraz łączność z kulturą polską. Bojkotowano obchody polskich świąt narodowych, a ludność niemiecką, która nie przestrzegała narzuconych zasad, uważano za zdrajców i renegatów niemczyzny. Wysyłano skargi do Ligi Narodów o rzekomo trudnym położeniu mniejszości niemieckiej, a od października 1938r różne Stutzpunkty NSDAP prowadziły wręcz działalność irredentystyczną. Do stałego repertuaru tej organizacji należało rozpowszechnianie propagandowych filmów i broszur o antypolskiej wymowie. Utworzona następnie, na polecenie Reichsfuhrera SS H. Himmlera z mniejszości niemieckiej, terrorystyczna organizacja Selbstschutz, współdziałała w masowych egzekucjach przeprowadzanych w ramach „Intelligenzaktion” przez operacyjne grupy policji bezpieczeństwa, donosząc, wskazując i internując miejscowych Polaków. Ci, którym udało się przeżyć internowanie i obozy, tak opisują aktywność Selbstschutzu: „Złożył na mnie doniesienie niejaki „X”, Niemiec, któremu zwróciłem uwagę jeszcze przed wojną, że używa słów niemieckich”. „Zostałem na ulicy zaaresztowany przez „X”, siodlarza z Działdowa, z którym znaliśmy się przed wojną. Nosił karabin i miał na rękawie opaskę. Zarzucał mi rozbijanie związków niemieckich przed wojną. Internowania objęły setki osób. Łapano ludzi na ulicach, wyciągano z domów. Rodziny internowanych wysiedlono. Oblicza się, że w ramach „Akcji inteligencja” zamordowano na terenach polskich przyłączonych do Rzeszy ponad 40 tys. Polaków, a ponad 20 tys. zesłano do obozów koncentracyjnych. Przeżyło zaledwie kilka procent z nich. Osoby te zostały przeważnie wskazane przez miejscowych Niemców, jako wrogo nastawione do Rzeszy. Wysiedlenie Niemców po wojnie wykluczało powtórzenie się podobnej sytuacji w przyszłości. Do względów emocjonalnych należał fakt, że nie było w Polsce rodziny, która nie poniosłaby w wyniku okupacji niemieckiej, strat biologicznych i materialnych. Rozdzielenie zwaśnionych narodowości po takich doświadczeniach wydawało się sensownym rozwiązaniem. --Molobo 17:52, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Sales of Polish children during German occupation Opinią publiczną Pomorza wstrząsnęła w marcu wiadomość o licznych transportach dzieci z »Generalnego] Gubernatorstwa«. Na dworcach kolejowych Pomorza Niemcy oficjalnie sprze- dawali dzieci zgłaszającej się ludności polskiej, pobierając 40 marek za dziecko --Molobo 17:57, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] German ideas before WWI Heinrich Class, "If I Were Kaiser" (1912) Resolutely militant policy against the Poles through application of expropriation and introduction of a prohibition against parcellization of land....Extension of military law to all regions endangered by Polish assault. Especially for Upper Silesia we must demand that those elected by the Polish people can sit in parliament only as advisors; they therefore should have no vote and are to be heard only on those matters of interest to their fellow nationals or homeland. Should it turn out that these determinations are avoided by mergers with other parties, we should not shrink from the further step of finally withdrawing the active and passive franchise from Poles. The definition of a Pole should be established on the same basis as suggested for Jews, naturally with language as the determining factor. Under all conditions Polish newspapers and periodicals must include a German translation next to the Polish text. German will be the only tolerated language for any assembly.... However, there must be created a Central Office in which everything concerning the Polish question is deliberated upon. Only after an Ostmark[3] ministry [has been created] in which the practical struggles of the Polish question are worked out by experts, guaranteeing uniformity of direction, will, and execution of policy, can we expect a lasting success. Should it come to the stage of Polish resistance with recourse to means thus far avoided, the state should not shrink from the ultimate. However, we need not speak of this today and, hopefully, never will have to.
Ultimate ? Check if it is a synonim for Final ? --Molobo 18:32, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Apologies,34513,3336752.html W rzeczywistości zbrodnie na Polakach potępił w 2003 roku prezydent Ukrainy Leonid Kuczma, twierdząc, że ich sprawców nie usprawiedliwia fakt, że walczyli o niepodległość. --Molobo 22:15, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] GG huge concentration camp
[130] --Molobo 14:30, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] German minority
[131] --Molobo 14:32, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Interesting book
[132] --Molobo 20:11, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] The Day of Soviet Victory
[133] --Molobo 13:28, 13 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Cadres of Polish formations in WW1
[134] --Molobo 12:16, 16 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] New German slander against Poland
[135] --Molobo 11:25, 26 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Maria Skłodowska
[136] --Molobo 16:36, 31 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Voltair's animosity towards Poland and Catholicism
[edit] Polish workers discriminated in Germany by German workers
Polish worker was insulted and discriminated in Germany. German co-workers have engaged in insults like "Under Hitler you wouldn't be allowed to work here", "you aren't a nation, you are to be expelled or ruled over" etc. [138] --Molobo 13:49, 4 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Selbstschutz in Romania
The Escalation of German-Rumanian Anti-Jewish Policy after the Attack on the Soviet Union, June 22, 1941 [139] --Molobo 16:45, 4 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Attacks on foreigners intesify in Germany
[140] --Molobo 13:38, 26 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Putin returns to traditions of Imperial Russia
--Molobo 11:32, 23 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Neonazism in Germany on the rise
[142] --Molobo 10:21, 21 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Discrimination of Poles in Prussia
[143] --Molobo 18:17, 21 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Warning that German towns could become death traps for foreign tourists in "Brown East" of Germany
[144] Uwe-Karsten Heye warns Africans that they could lost their lives if they visit certain places in Germany. --Molobo 12:16, 19 May 2006 (UTC)
[145] "There are small and mid-sized towns in Brandenburg and elsewhere where I would advise anyone with a different skin colour not to go," said Heye, who now runs an anti-racist action group called Gesicht zeigen (Show Your Face). --Molobo 12:22, 19 May 2006 (UTC)
[146] "Es gibt kleine und mittlere Städte in Brandenburg und anderswo, wo ich keinem, der eine andere Hautfarbe hat, raten würde hinzugehen. Er würde sie möglicherweise lebend nicht mehr verlassen." Später relativierte Heye seine Äußerungen. DW --Molobo 12:22, 19 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Kopernik
[147] --Molobo 00:04, 18 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Brest Litovsk
[148] --Molobo 11:34, 18 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] German ideology of Ethnic Cleansing 1920-1945
[149] --Molobo 11:44, 18 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Ludendorff, Wilhelm, plans of ethnic cleansing and annexations towards Poland in WWI
[150] [151] [152] [153] [154] [155] --Molobo 15:55, 18 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Poznan
[156] --Molobo 00:48, 24 May 2006 (UTC) [157] --Molobo 00:55, 24 May 2006 (UTC)
[158] --Molobo 00:56, 24 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Interesting WW1
[159] --Molobo 00:59, 24 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Fierce hostility of Bismarck
[160] --Molobo 14:48, 5 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] 1914-strip of Prussia
[161] German plans of ethnic cleansing in 1914. --Molobo 14:52, 5 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Zielona Góra
[162] -- 21:36, 7 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] NPD
In one year the extremist right wing party NPD in Germany had grown from 700 to 6.000 members [163]
[edit] Poles presented as thieves and criminals on German channel ZDF
One of the most popular comic shows in Germany uses negative stereotypes of Poles [164] --Molobo 00:03, 10 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Crimea
[165] --Molobo 00:05, 10 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Hubris
[edit] Zaborcy
[167] --Molobo 16:21, 13 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Gdansk
[168] --Molobo 00:20, 14 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Finish collaboration with Russian Empire against Poles
[169] --Molobo 20:18, 16 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Pan Russian
[170] --Molobo 11:42, 20 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Austro-Hungary and Poles
[171] --Molobo 11:50, 20 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] "Liberation"
[172] --Molobo 23:41, 21 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Austria and Poles
[173] --Molobo 10:46, 22 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Poles 1848 Parlament in Germany
[174] --Molobo 10:48, 22 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Ukraine=
[175] The relevant facts are as follows: (1) In the fourteenth century vast open and very sparsely populated territories in the Ukraine were conquered by the Lithuanians.(17) (2) In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Ukraine was repopulated by immigrants from the more central areas of the state. The migration depopulated the central areas to such an extent as to constitute, according to Grekov, a threat to the Polish state.(18) (3) By the end of the sixteenth century, the peasants were enserfed.(19) --Molobo 23:28, 22 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Kastus
[176] --Molobo 23:28, 22 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Galicia
[177] --Molobo 14:11, 23 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Prussia and Davies
[178] Norman Davies: Trzeba jednak pamiętać, że dzisiaj sytuacja jest w pewnym sensie lepsza. Prusy nie istnieją! Ten wróg Polski przez najmniej 200 lat, od połowy XVIII wieku, od czasu Fryderyka Wielkiego, zniknął. --Molobo 16:45, 23 June 2006 (UTC)