Mon Mothma (ship)
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The Mon Mothma is a fictional starship in the Star Wars universe
The Mon Mothma was named after the Chandrilan Mon Mothma, the leader of the Rebellion and the first Chief of State of the New Republic. The Mon Mothma was a Star Destroyer (class unspecified) presumably commissioned during the Yuuzhan Vong war, and saw extensive use as the flagship of Wedge Antilles. The Mon Mothma also had gravity generators similar to those of an Interdictor cruiser installed on it. This add-on let the Mon Mothma act as an interdictor. Only one other Star Destroyer had this upgrade during the war, the Elegos A'Kla. After the war ended, and Wedge Antilles retired, the newly promoted Commodore Gavin Darklighter took command of the Mon Mothma, and joined Admiral Bwua'tu's Fifth Fleet. The Mon Mothma was present at the blockade of the Murgo Choke.