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Monday Night Live is a 15-30 minute sketch-comedy/variety show created by kids in suberban Los Angeles, California. The show is not aired on television, but can hopefuly be watched Monday nights on youtube as soon as late 2007. The show consists of a variety of short comedy sketches.
[edit] Name
The name of the show, an obvious parody of the popular sketch-comedy show Saturday Night Live, will be changed to "Monday Night Prime-Time". The new name will be introduced in season two.
[edit] FORMAT
The format, similar to nickelodeon's All That, is a variety of short comedy sketches performed by teens. The show starts out with some kind of rediculous sketch. (Monaday Night Live crew members like to call this their "opening sketch") then, when the audience least expects it, the actor(s) look at the camera and yell "Live from So-Cal,It's Monday Night!" After the "opening sketch" the opening credits role. The opening credits show random clips of each cast member, labeling their name with the clips. The theme song for the first season is "I Love LA" written and performed by Randy Newman. After the credits role, the show goes on with its normal sketch-comedy routine, and ends later on with a closing normaly done by creater/director Philip Maingot & co-executive producer Robert Kasper.
[edit] CAST
Season 1 Cast:
Philip Maingot- Regular performer
Robert Kasper- Regular performer
Jorge Guevarra- Regular performer
Kyle Asis- Regular performer
Trevor Spencer- Regular Performer
Travis Asis- Regular performer
Ashely Ross- Performer (not in credits)
Ryan Hollan- Occasional Performer
Raymond Y.- Occasional Performer
Mack Porter- Occasional Performer
[edit] About the Cast
Jorge Guevara- Jorge's role in the show is basically the same in all sketches. He is portrayng the steriotypical gangster character who is always jacking (stealin) merchandise anywhere from local supermarkets to elementary schools. His most famous, and popular trademark catch phrase is "Ahh Hell No",in which he uses when hitting his target with his "big red bat". The big red bat was introduced in his most popular skit/sketch "Got any Grapes".
Trevor Spencer- Spencer's characters are some of the most unique characers that you will ever see on Monday Night Live. He portrays the phsyco guy and/or nerdy guy. He is a very good actor when it comes to being angry, and even more terriffic when portraying a nerd. He shows off his nerdy talent in his debut skit "The Magic Watch".
Kyle Asis- Brother to co-cast member Travis Asis, Kyle separates himself from his brother, creating his own unique style of acting. He is also not to bad himself when it comes to nerdy acting. He shows off this talent in the opening sketch of season1/episode 4, portraing a nerd who is bein threatned to be beat'n up.
[edit] Seasons/Epidodes
Monday Night Live is currently in production (currently filming) and the show has ordered 6 required episodes for the first season, with the possibility of 2 bonus episodes that will be decided on the pace of the shows production.
[edit] Estimate Number Of Episodes Per Season:
Season 1: 6-8
Season 2: 8-12
Season 3: 10-12 (episodes will increase as the seasons go on)