Template talk:MosNews
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Retrieved from http://www.mosnews.com/about/copyright.shtml on December 21, 2005
Copyright Policy
Any material, published on the MosNews.Com website, be it graphic, textual or otherwise, is subject to some sort of copyright.
Usually, copyright owners are mentioned at the beginning of every article, and at the caption of every illustration. MosNews.Com is in no position to grant reprint permissions for third-party materials republished on our website by permission from respective copyright owners. So if you feel like reprinting, say, Reuters illustrations to our stories, you should contact Reuters Pictures first.
As for any materials, originating from the MosNews.Com editorial office, and copyrighted as our own stuff (including both texts and graphics), you may freely reprint and redistribute them, in full or in part, in any form you find suitable, including, but not limited to, websites, printed and broadcast media.
Any news, articles and photos, created by MosNews.Com staff, are public domain freeware since the moment of original publication, so please feel free to help yourself, if you find any item on this website (including this very copyright notice) worth a reprint elsewhere. Of course, you are supposed to make due reference both to MosNews.Com as source, and to the reprinted material’s author, wherever appropriate.